My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 183 There have been some changes in mentality

The huge empty ship soared into the sky and went straight into the sky.

The atmosphere inside seemed to be condensed into a ball, so gloomy that water could drip from it.

"Now let's talk about our problem, Wenren Xianglin, aren't you going to give me an explanation? I just woke up, and you are going to give me such a big surprise, right?"

Qian Hui clasped her hands behind her back and turned around. At this time, she had already restrained her gentle look from the beginning, and looked at Wen Ren Xianglin in front of her expressionlessly. Although her eyes were very dull, her aura was far stronger than before. I heard the terrifying aura exuded by Ren Xianglin.

But there is still a feeling of superiority and inferiority.

"Explanation? What explanation do you want, sir?" Wen Ren Xianglin, who was exuding a dead air, responded lightly.

"You clearly know that we are all colleagues, why do you still do such a thing?"

Qianhui asked.

"There is only one thing I consider, and that is your safety."

Wenren Xianglin replied expressionlessly: "The order I received is to ensure your safety and prohibit anyone without registration from approaching you. I am just fulfilling my duties."

"He is trustworthy." There was anger brewing in the girl's eyes.

"The information I have does not indicate that he has credible regulations."

Wenren Xianglin's answer has always been very dull: "And your existence is of great importance. Anyone who wants to get close to you needs to be strictly controlled. I can't take any, even the slightest risk."

If you are in this position, you should be very aware of the possible consequences of any action you make. Assuming that he is a first-level Silver Moon level spiritual warrior, he can cut you open in 0.2 seconds without your defense. throat, the possibility is as high as 56%, and you can be held hostage in 1 second. According to the Special Operations Division's action report in the past year, it can be concluded that a total of 51 undercover Lizard people were found within the Zhentian Division, including the Silver Moon-level captain There were about 21 people.”


The girl said angrily: "Isn't it enough that he saved me? Ah? Isn't that enough? If he hadn't been there, my body might have been cold!"

"You can elaborate on this in the report next. I am only responsible for my work scope. The other party does not rule out the possibility of gaining your trust and approaching you."

"Forget it, I'm a little tired and don't want to argue with you. I will submit documents to Mr. Zhijian to transfer you."

"Please do as you please." Wenren Xianglin's expression remained unchanged: "But this is the order of His Excellency Zhijian. I also believe that if he knows that you have escaped from the security of twenty Sun Yao-levels and are in danger alone, triggering a red alert. What he will do will be to slit the other person's throat without hesitation, eliminating all risks, and you know what he will do."

The girl was very angry at this time, but she really couldn't say anything when faced with the helpless Wen Ren Xianglin in front of her.

You might say there is something wrong with him, but what he did was indeed okay. This was indeed his responsibility, and he did act in accordance with the rules and procedures, and everything was in order.

She even knew very well that the Special Operations Department was very special within the Zhentian Division, and it was the only choice to leave her security work to them.

She also knew very well that when she was in her position, many things could not be solved by sheer force.

Even her will cannot decide some things that are closely related to herself.

However, this department is managed by Zhijian.

She didn't know how to evaluate the people under Zhi Jian's hand.

It's hard to judge anyway, she doesn't really like staying with people from Zhijian.

Looking at it this way, Grandpa Haokong is more approachable!

But it is a pity that Grandpa Haokong is not responsible for this aspect.

Moreover, the procedure was correct, and she was very angry at how rigid it was, which meant that it was not Yuan Ye who was injured, otherwise she would have exploded on the spot.

Really, I am tired.

She knew very well that as soon as today's incident came out, it would cause so many things. It would definitely be very complicated, and it would definitely be very tiring to deal with it.

But at any rate, I got to meet someone today.

That is not bad.

Anyway, she will ensure that nothing will involve him.

"That's enough, go down." She took a deep breath and said.

"Yes." Wen Ren Xianglin remained very calm. He just bowed slightly, turned around and left. His expression did not change during the whole process.

As many as twenty Sun Yao-class people with a very scary aura dispersed.

"Wenren Xianglin has such a bad temper, you don't want to be like him."

Liu Rulong on the side finally came up.


I was extremely happy to see my sister who had been unconscious for many days appear in front of me well: "Sister! You finally woke up!"

Liu Rulong was about to cry, and he threw himself at him and started wailing.

"Okay, okay, it's almost done. However, you have really worked hard during this period." She looked at her brother.

Over the past month, my body has lost a lot of weight, and the expression on my face is extremely tired, and I feel a little distressed: "I know it's not easy for you, it's okay, everything is over, am I okay, can I stand in front of you properly?"

"Is this what I'm talking about?" Liu Rulong burst into tears.

He really wanted to cry.

Not only is this not easy, the work during this period of time is simply beyond human ability, it is simply torture.

Of course, what he was referring to was simply a certain person!

It's hard to handle, it makes your teeth hurt, that's what he's talking about.

Facing all kinds of bosses is more painful than facing him.

But when it comes to that ○.

As soon as he said it, he felt aggrieved! !

It took a while before he finally recovered.

"By the way, sister, guess who I saw during this period?" Liu Rulong's eyes lit up and he gave up.

He was planning to take credit!

After all, he worked hard to maintain a seemingly important relationship for his sister, and he also saw her message and was very obedient and did not report it.

You’ve been a companion for so long! !

Shouldn't this take some credit? Let your sister reward yourself?

"Oh? Who did you see?"

It was okay if Liu Rulong didn't remind him. As soon as he reminded him, Qian Hui remembered something and asked with a smile.

"You don't know" Liu Rulong didn't notice this look and said excitedly.

So he started talking non-stop.

However, as he spoke, he felt a chill on his back.

This made him shudder, and then he noticed the smile.

"My sister, you."

"Take it easy"

"Don't worry, it's very light and won't kill you."


Yuan Ye looked at Li Qihe who had recovered, and then at the huge empty ship that disappeared, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Fortunately, Li Qihe was not seriously injured. He was just hit by the strong spiritual energy shock wave, and he recovered quickly.

"Brother Yuan, which department are they from? Isn't this too arrogant?"

"It's normal for someone who goes to Beijing to be so arrogant." Yuan Ye said calmly.

At the same time, seeing that Li Qihe was fine, he secretly lowered the two fingers he was holding in his hand, as if nothing had happened, watching the huge empty ship on the horizon shrink until it disappeared.

"Let's go back."

Yuan Ye signaled, turned and left.

No one noticed that Li Qihe, who was standing there, pumped his temples and made a crunching sound with his fists. After a long while, he turned around and followed the big team.

"Is it okay if you go to Beijing? No one can disrespect Brother Yuan. I have found my Taoist heart."

The last direction he looked was surprisingly the direction of Shangjing.

At this moment, no one knew that his mentality had undergone some changes.

No one noticed that there seemed to be a faint air flow on his body, and it disappeared in an instant.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and a document from Beijing was delivered to Xinhai Town Tiansi.

[Regarding the position change notice and appointment letter of Yuan Ye, captain of the S-168 combat formation of the Xinhai Town Tiansi Branch]

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