My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 184 You are promoted!

For Yuan Ye, these three days passed very quickly and without any disturbance.

Because everything seems to have returned to its original rhythm.

The entire Xinhai is undergoing reconstruction work in full swing, and the action is very fast. The entire preliminary framework has been set up, and people throughout the city are busy.

The preliminary search and rescue work has come to an end, and the number of casualties has been calculated and posted online.

It has to be said that the number of casualties is indeed very small in comparison, which is a miracle.

Or it can be said to be a miracle of the times. Under the protection of spiritual warriors, the number of casualties in the entire Xinhai during this disaster was only a few thousand!

Most of them are injured. It has to be said that this is a number that everyone is happy with.

The officials are also taking this opportunity to publicize the role of spirit warriors on a large scale, and there are far fewer voices questioning whether spirit warriors should enjoy such high treatment.

For the S-168, their mission is very simple.

Patrol within your own jurisdiction and manage your own jurisdiction well.

Regarding the martial law in the past few days, the official did not give any explanation to the public, and there was no report on the news. It was treated with silence. So it is logical that in this new world where the Internet is paralyzed, this matter was quickly forgotten by people. .

Only Yuan Ye knew exactly what happened that day.

Although he actually didn't know much, he could clearly feel that Qian Hui's identity seemed unusual.

He also did not experience any accountability. No one came to ask him what happened that day, which was contrary to his own expectations.

According to his own thinking, if Qian Hui's status is really high, then except for such a big matter, he was the only party present at the time, so why would someone come to him to question him.

But now it seems not.

In the past few days, he has been chatting and communicating with Qianhui.

But it was the same as before, their communication had not changed at all, and it was even more harmonious.

As for the conflict that broke out three days ago, Yuan Ye finally chose to report it after careful consideration.

Because judging from the current situation, the involvement is somewhat serious, and it seems that concealing the truth is not the best option.

Xinhai Town Tiansi Branch quickly accepted the matter, but no news came out later, just as the nature of the matter had changed.

The only feedback Yuan Ye received was the preliminary investigation report on this matter.

After getting it, he finally knew some of the details of this Lingwu turmoil.

At first glance, the reason is actually very simple.

The person involved was from Shantian Village, but there was a big discrepancy between the whole incident and some of the few words he said at the time.

The suspect was born in Shantian Village, and his family is a marine fish farm contractor. It cannot be said that his family is rich and powerful. It can only be said that he is not a poor commoner. He has had nothing to worry about since he was a child.

The reason for the incident, and the reason why he took revenge against the Shantian Village party secretary Liu Pinxin's family, was simply because the contract period for the sea area where their family's breeding farm was located had expired, and their family failed to win the new round of contract bidding.

This aroused the dissatisfaction of their family, thinking that Liu Pinxin did it on purpose. However, they did not know that all bidding processes were in accordance with rules and regulations.

At this point, their family's income plummeted, and the suspect could no longer maintain his original luxurious life, so he became dissatisfied with the village party secretary Liu Pinxin and immediately launched revenge.

It happened that at this time, he encountered the revival of spiritual power, and he unexpectedly discovered that he had a spiritual seed! He even awakened his abilities, and he was actually an innate self-awakening!

However, he did not immediately retaliate. Instead, he reported to the Spiritual Warrior Association. After registering as a spiritual warrior, he obtained some public training information and began to practice in hiding.

The revenge was only recently launched.

how to say? Regarding the evaluation of this matter, Yuan Ye could only say that he once again saw the diversity of species.

"Fortunately, I didn't listen to him too much." Yuan Ye shook his head.

You know, in the mouth of the suspect at that time, he put himself in the perspective of a poor person, and planned to forcefully instill a setting into him and tell him how miserable his experience was.

Looking back now, it was all just a joke.

Regarding the follow-up treatment of this matter, military achievements and so on, there is currently no result.

But the matter is handled by them, and they can no longer hide it. There is no way to hide it, and the military achievements will definitely come down.

You know, Yuan Ye has always been shunned when it comes to military exploits, and has always avoided obtaining military exploits.

This time it happened.

"But it's okay. It's just a small thing. I guess it can provide very little military merit." Yuan Ye murmured.


"No! We still have to hold a meeting!" Yuan Ye thought for a moment and felt it was inappropriate.

Immediately, he walked out of the office and summoned people.

He's going to call a team meeting!

President Yu was going to have a meeting, and this matter was naturally a major event for S-168, so after the order was passed on, all the members gathered together.

Yuan Ye stood on the podium, looked at all the team members, and spoke slowly: "I have rarely held meetings with you to explain anything, but I have a few words that I feel it is necessary to explain."

Everyone, concentrate.

Yuan Ye cleared his throat and said: "That is, about the future management plan of the jurisdiction and how to deal with counter-terrorism operations."

While chatting, no one knew what impact Yuan Ye said would have on S-168 in the future.

He only knows that after this time, life will probably get back on track.

As long as he is not transferred away from S-168, as long as he is not promoted and has enough time to build S-168, then he can build a turtle shell here that can accommodate him in this dangerous era until Enjoy your retirement!

You can even take Qianhui over in the future and live happily together.

As for military exploits?

Has he made any meritorious deeds?

In just such an attack, what can the captured spiritual warrior criminals decide?

Humph, it was just a mistake. As long as he doesn't arrest people randomly in the future, that's fine.

He has never seen a case where a captain was promoted just because he caught a criminal.

Han Xia is so old, he just arrested someone and got promoted if he didn't believe it? How can it be!


Just when he was holding a meeting, there was a knock on the door of the conference room. The sound of the iron door of the prefabricated room was very loud, and the sound of duang duang duang was very annoying.

"Come in!" Yuan Ye said impatiently.

Who is knocking on the door at this time?

No, aren't people all having meetings? Not one missing?

Where did this person come from?

The next moment, the result was revealed. There was not just one person coming in, but a bunch of people.

The leader was none other than Xie Ying, looking at him with a smile on her face.

"Why are you here?" Yuan Ye was stunned.

Just come, he and Xie Ying are already very familiar with each other, but why did you bring so many people here?

And everyone looked so formal, and some were even holding a tray covered with red velvet.

"Nothing, I'm here to make an important announcement."

Xie Ying just turned around, took a document, and opened it.

At this moment, Yuan Ziyi felt that something was wrong.

Until Xie Ying said: "Ahem! There is a notice about the change of position of Yuan Ye, the captain of the S-168 formation, from the Xinhai Town Tiansi branch of the headquarters. Due to Yuan Ye's outstanding personal abilities and a series of performances, the headquarters After careful consideration, your military rank will be upgraded from warrant officer to captain, and the S-168 sequence will be upgraded from combat formation to 'yellow level independent station'."

Xie Ying closed the document and looked at Yuan Ye with a smile: "Congratulations, Captain Yuan Ye, you have been promoted!"

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