My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 27 There really isn’t a drop left.

"Big brother?" The girl was confused.

"Yeah! Big brother is the most handsome person I have ever seen." The boy nodded: "I will definitely become a person like big brother in the future!"

Although the boy's face is still pale, and there are tears in the corners of his eyes, and the traces of shadows can be clearly seen, there is still some light in this shadow, which comes from that touch of pride and longing, giving There was a light in the boy's eyes.

"Mr. Police, this is what happened"

The woman spoke and slowly told everything she had seen.

As he listened, the officer froze.

"That is to say, there was another spiritual warrior who was at the scene and then came out to save you and kill you, right?"

"The eldest brother killed someone. You don't want to take him away, right?" The boy's eyes were filled with hostility. He stood up and shouted, "You can't take the eldest brother away! He saved us! He is a good man." !”

After saying that, the boy secretly complained in an extremely low voice: "You guys came so slowly. If it hadn't been for big brother, we would have died long ago by the time you came."

The little boy's comments made the police officer and other police officers look embarrassed.

There is a reason why they are slow to come. It is because they need to hire people. This process does not mean that people can be hired as soon as an idea comes up.

After all, the prisoner they had to deal with this time was obviously beyond their control, and they were no longer someone they could confidently deal with.

As a state violence agency, and also the first line of defense, the most basic line of defense, they urgently received various documents from above during this period and learned some extremely shocking things.

It can only be said that the outside world is not clear yet, but they know very well what kind of people the so-called "Spiritual Warriors" are.

This is an existence that has been called an 'extraordinary being' for a long time.

What is extraordinary? Beyond ordinary people, it cannot be measured from the perspective of ordinary people.

Even now it is forced to change its name to ‘Spirit Warrior’, and a series of decisions have been made to erase and downplay the concept of ‘extraordinary’.

But it is still undeniable that the terrifying power possessed by this group of people.

firearms, thermal weapons

These things are very deterrent and very lethal to ordinary people, but according to reliable information, for that group of people, they are somewhat effective, but not very effective.

So it's not that they came slowly, it's that the world has begun to change.

Even the police officer himself was very confused.

It's okay for now, but where should they go in the future?

Is there any need for them to continue to exist?

Everything is unknown.

It can only be said that under the wheel of history and the torrent of the times, they are just weak ants.

Without too much justification.

The police officer took a deep breath: "Don't worry, not only will he be fine, but he will also receive a reward. This is an act of bravery, a legitimate emergency defense, legal and compliant, and does not require any legal responsibility."

However, the problem still arises.

Next, no matter how they asked, the mother and son could not give any general information about who the spirit warrior who stood up to do justice was.

It's just a matter of asking questions and not knowing.

You have to ask how old he is.

I don’t know, anyway, I just remember what he looks like

How high.

I don’t know, anyway, I just remember what he looks like

Physical appearance, characteristics.

I don’t know, anyway, I just remember what he looks like.

The officer gave up.

After asking for a long time, there was only one answer.

Look handsome.

The bottom is gone.

I couldn't ask anything, and all the information I got was too general and general. I couldn't even tell why the other party left!

The surrounding surveillance systems had all been damaged. It was obvious that the suspect had made complete preparations before committing the crime.

In fact, this was indeed the case, and the identity information of the criminal suspect was quickly discovered.

He is indeed a native of Xinhai, now in his thirties, and has a very inspiring resume.

After obtaining a primary school degree, he entered junior high school for further studies. In the second year of junior high school, he chose to leave school to work alone and start a business. Soon after, due to the slump in his robbery career, he chose to study at Lai Chuang Lei University for five years. From then on, it was as if he had opened up the eight extraordinary meridians. Enlightenment, in and out of life, repeatedly entered the University of Tears Behind Bars to learn new skills.

In my thirty years of life, I have been in the ‘university’ for eleven years.

Not long ago, he was released for the third time.

Therefore, the method of committing the crime was also extremely proficient. The surrounding surveillance probes were completely destroyed, and no probe could capture any information.

At the moment, his first decision was to call up the monitoring of all the roads that must be passed when leaving this area.

However, it was of no use.

They didn't see anyone leave the area after the riot evacuation.

"It's weird, can he disappear from the world?" The police officer had been a policeman for so many years, and he was confused for the first time.

And this person is also a weird person. After doing such a heroic thing, he actually walked away.

Don’t you know there are bonuses you can get?

The most important thing is that if he ran away, it would be difficult for the police to do their job!

You did nothing wrong, so why are you running?

However, a subsequent extensive search failed to find the person, ruling out the possibility that the person was still at the crime scene.

"How dare you tear open a rift in space and travel through it? That's outrageous!" the police officer complained.

However, this outrageous possibility can be ruled out.

But then, the woman said something: "But before the benefactor left, he told us his name."

"Name?" The police officer immediately became excited: "Say it quickly!"

This kind of person must be found.

First of all, we need to see who it is, and more importantly, from the perspective of the police, we must eliminate all factors that cause social instability.

It is a general fact that the world will become increasingly chaotic. Today's incident must be just a small microcosm of it, and it will not be the end. This is absolute.

Well, before everything is so outrageous, this kind of extraordinary power that is out of sight. No, spiritual warriors are actually a very dangerous and unstable force, so the police don't want to see this kind of power out of sight.

No one knows who he is, and no one knows what he will do next.

The police officer looked at the girl.

The girl said: "Now, we are the ones who lack this kind of power the most. According to the description, this brave man is not a bad person, and his actions are also in line with the actions of a kind person, so it means that there is a possibility that he can be absorbed , if it can be collected and used within the system, this is the best direction. Our C.H.D is about to be established, and we urgently need to absorb blood."

This is the thinking decided by her camp.

Therefore, no matter what the reason is, people must find it!

Your name is a very important piece of information!

"The benefactor said his name was Li Qihe and left after saying that," the woman said.

"Quickly, send the news back to the bureau immediately, conduct a comprehensive search in the system for all names named Li Qihe in Xinhai City, and find everyone with this name."

"Li Qihe?"

However, the girl's expression changed.

There was a flicker of suspicion in her eyes.

On the other side, the quiet space suddenly became violently distorted, as if the surrounding space had been boiled.

The next second, a big hole opened, and a figure fell out of it in embarrassment.

Yuan Ye directly faced the ground and came into close contact with the floor, making a dull sound.


Yuan Ye turned around tremblingly on the ground, lying on the ground in the shape of a 'tai', and let out a rotten inhalation sound.

The eye sockets are sunken, the face is sallow, the eye sockets are black, and the lips are colorless and chapped.

Like a reward war god.

Yuan Ye stretched out his trembling hand.

"I really don't have a drop left."

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