My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 28 I won’t sleep until the moon sleeps

Sometimes after overexertion, the waist and legs are sore, the energy is low, and the body feels hollowed out.

When I was a child, I didn't understand this slogan. When I grew up, I inadvertently became the person behind it.

How sad this is.

This is the most intuitive feeling for Yuan Ye, who is lying in the dark basement at this moment. He really feels dizzy in his eyes.

He could clearly feel that his Dantian, which was originally full of strength, was now empty, and a feeling of weakness came from within.

This is a kind of lack that comes from a deep level and is even more uncomfortable than a simple feeling of physical weakness.

Originally, he had not practiced for long, and he had not absorbed much spiritual energy. He was just at the stage of cultivation.

Especially since we went through a arduous battle today, and after the battle, we used our abilities to clean up the aftermath without stopping.

This spiritual energy will naturally bottom out if you are not careful.

"What a sin, this spiritual energy is really useless." Yuan Ye said dissatisfied.

Fortunately, I have the passive buff of 'Aura Affinity'.

This thing is actually quite useful. With this buff, seeing Yuan Ye with spiritual energy is like a son meeting his father.

For example, now Yuan Ye feels that the spiritual energy around him is like a pet he has raised, gathering towards him intimately and slowly gathering into his Dantian to make up for his excessive consumption.

He is like a walking humanoid self-propelled solar energy, slowly recovering its own consumption and recharging.

"Now it seems that my spatial ability is easy to use, but the consumption seems to be a bit high."

During the charging process, Yuan Ye couldn't go anywhere. He was still lying in the shape of "Tai", lying on the ground in the basement and mumbling to himself.

In fact, as early as when he stuffed the supplies he purchased into the alien space, and halfway through stuffing them, he already felt vaguely that it was a bit difficult.

Not to mention that he had to run away in the end, which was a waste of money.

But he still didn't stop and chose to continue running.

Between excessive consumption and facing endless troubles in the future, and then being exposed in this dangerous world full of unknowns and variables, and putting himself on the bright side for everyone to see, he decisively chose the former.

Fortunately, I reluctantly moved myself back to the basement of my home at the last moment. It was relatively safe here and I could rest assured to recover.

In fact, consuming high-energy understanding is, after all, entering a brand new space that is completely free from the void, and then manipulating it, using it to achieve a certain purpose, even twisting it, moving it, and using it to achieve the point between point A and point B. shuttle.

Just like what Yuan Ye did just now, he directly stuffed himself into an alien space. He did not waste the last bit of free space and forcefully got himself back to the basement of his home.

How could this consumption be so small?

At this moment, he could finally understand Kakashi, the Kaden who had been complained about so badly in "Naruto".

Questioned Kakashi.

Understand Kakashi.

Until I became Kakashi.

It's not that the mana bar is short, but the mana consumption is high.

But understanding is understanding, it is absolutely impossible for Yuan Ye to be Kakashi.

After all, the world in the future will definitely become more and more transcendent. The intensification of spiritual energy recovery will inevitably lead to the emergence of more unknown things, accompanied by more crises. To cope with these crises, strength is the first element to bear the brunt.

Just imagine, in a battle between an extraordinary person who can still use his abilities and an extraordinary person who can no longer use his abilities, which one has a greater chance of winning? The result is beyond doubt.

It's like a gunfight between two people. One side's gun still has a bullet in it, and the other side's gun is empty of bullets. In the end, who can take the other's head better?

Therefore, in addition to cultivation, ability development is equally important. In the future, part of the focus must also be allocated to one's own abilities.

At the same time, you must also find a reasonable plan that is suitable for the reasonable use of your abilities at each stage.

For example, at his current stage, it is simply unrealistic for him to develop something like 'space fragmentation', 'collapse', or simply something like 'all things attract the sky' or 'divine power'.

Even if it can be developed, it is not something he can afford at this stage.

As we all know, a level 10 character cannot release a level 50 awakening.

His most important thing now is to find a development solution that is suitable for his current stage and more practical.

Just do it, Yuan Ye immediately climbed up tremblingly, first groped in the dark and propped up the table, and finally touched the switch, and clicked.

He turned on the basement light.

His eyes were shaken for a moment. Yuan Ye slowly squinted his eyes to adapt to the light and then opened them completely. Then he looked at the basement, which he had rarely been to.

In fact, the basement is quite empty. Apart from two bookshelves with various old books from Yuan Ye's childhood and a few cardboard boxes of sundries, there is only a table filled with tools.

This is all the things in the basement. Compared to the 60-square-meter space, there are not many things stored at present, and it still looks very empty.

This is where Yuan Ye plans to transform it into his own safe house.

"It's quite dramatic." Yuan Ye sighed.

When he was a child, he liked to play here because this basement was like his secret base in childhood.

When boys were young, they were always keen on finding all kinds of secret bases. Once someone discovered it, the secret base would be unsafe and would be destroyed. From then on, it would no longer be worthy of being used as a secret base.

So they are always happy to start looking for the next base that can take on big responsibilities, and start over and over again until they grow up.

I just didn't expect that after growing up, a lot of things happened, and this place could actually become my secret base.

By the way, I haven’t taken a closer look at the reward drawings I got.

Closing his eyes, Yuan Ye thought, and the achievement column was brought up.

Unlocked achievements: [Survival maniac (city-level achievement), you are prepared for danger in times of peace, purchase a large amount of supplies for possible crises in the future, and leave yourself a way out, simple underground fortress component drawings +1, which can be extracted at any time]

There is an icon like a blueprint under the achievement bar, which flashes a signal light, indicating that it can be collected.

"Get it!" Yuan Ye thought.

next moment.


A drawing suddenly appeared from above without any warning, fell down, and landed on the table in front of Yuan Ye with a thud.

"Finally here!" Yuan Ye immediately opened the drawing.

This thing works better than any reward given to him!

After unfolding the drawings and looking at them, Yuan Ye nodded.

Very good, it is what I need.

But it certainly can’t be built at the moment.

Although the underground fortress blueprints are very ordinary underground fortress blueprints, there are many domestic and foreign survival enthusiasts actually building this thing.

But what Yuan Ye wants is definitely not that ordinary underground fortress.

Times have changed. The swords of the previous dynasty can't kill the officials of this dynasty. You have a big copper buckle shield from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Do you want to block the armor-piercing bullets of the 21st century?

In the same way, after seeing the outrageousness of extraordinary beings, especially after experiencing it himself, Yuan Ye did not believe that ordinary underground fortresses could still block these perverts, even those monsters that he still didn't know what they were.

So he is not in a hurry, but plans to put it on hold for the time being. If he wants to build it, he will build something like a steel and iron barrel, something that can really be used as his retreat in this era of spiritual recovery.

Judging from the current situation, there is currently no better way to build it. After all, materials are a difficult problem to solve.

How does he know where to go to get suitable materials now?

So put it on hold for now.

The most important thing now is to continue the idea just now and continue to study how to better develop your own abilities.

Tonight, he won't sleep if the moon doesn't sleep! He is the bald little baby!

Having recovered a little, Yuan Ye started to take action immediately.

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