Compared with the main game, the format of the rematch actually highlights a more humane aspect.

After all, if you lose once in the main game, you will be eliminated directly, and there will be no second chance at all.

But the Easter match is different. It uses a points system. Even if you lose, you still have a chance in the future.

Li Qihe's opponent has already appeared.

This time he was not so unlucky. The second time he faced Yue Canglan, his opponent was an ordinary player.

On the field, Li Qihe's opponents looked at him nervously.

Their resurrection match was watched live by over a million people!

Even the venue was packed!

This further proves Li Qihe’s current status and reputation.

Li Qihe looked at everything around him and felt proud. All of this was hard-won.

He cast a confident smile in a certain direction of the audience.

That was Hong Yanpei's position. At this moment, Hong Yanpei also noticed Li Qihe's gaze, and covered her mouth with a 'poof' and laughed.

Maybe she was thinking of the photo Yuan Ye showed her before, and Li Qihe's past.

If she used to be like this, she would still be very stressed when faced with Li Qihe's smile, but it was different now. When she saw Li Qihe, she wanted to laugh.

A cheerful atmosphere spread among Yuan Ye and the others.

But Li Qihe's opponent was different, and he was under greater pressure.

Li Qihe's opponent was a tall and thin man with dark skin, wearing a blue and gold short-sleeved sportswear. His face was already dark, let alone after seeing that his first opponent was Li Qihe, his face became even darker. blacken.

Unexpectedly, he met a powerful enemy.

However, the referee kept things business-like and directly controlled the game: "Both players should take their positions and introduce themselves."

"Li Qihe, No. 8 Middle School!"

Li Qihe's introduction was very brief, and he looked like a very cold master.

The opponent introduced: "Lao Da! No. 1! My ability is Ten Thousand Species, Airflow! My realm is mid-star level!"

A player who is average in all aspects, very ordinary.

After making the introduction, he looked at the audience who were all chuckling. He knew very well that they were waiting to see him embarrassed and were laughing at him.

But even though he knew that he was hardly a match for Li Qihe, he still sulked in the face of these ridicules: "Kids, this is not funny!"

This also angered the viewers of the live broadcast.

"What the hell? Who do you call a child?"

"It sounds like you are very big, but you are just a child yourself."

"Xiao Hei Wa looks quite dark. You are suitable to team up with Kun Kun. You two are a match made in heaven."

"One thing to say, that's true."

"I want to see how badly you lose."

"Come on, you go first." Li Qihe didn't bully the small ones because the other party was already behind him, so he let the other party make the first move.

"Then I won't be polite." The other party was not polite and directly activated his ability.

I saw that after turning on the ability, his ability was very strange.

He muttered: "It's a pity that I haven't been very lucky all the way. I met a player seeded in the 16th middle school and was eliminated, and then I met you in the first game of the resurrection game. Otherwise, I would have used the playing methods and abilities I developed The method is enough for me to fight across realms.”


As the spiritual energy stirred, a strong air flow suddenly began to rotate in the field.

The intensity of the airflow is so high that it can make people unable to open their eyes.

But that's about it.

What do you mean by the ability of airflow? The function of the air flow itself is to assist, and it is not that easy to have a killing effect on people.

Therefore, this ability is equivalent to a highly difficult ability to develop.

Li Qihe didn't feel that it would have any impact on him.

"Is this the only way?" Li Qihe asked.

That's it? Also learn from others to fight across realms?

"Of course there are more than that!" Lao Da sneered: "Did you pay attention to the physics class carefully?"

"How do you say that?" Li Qihe was stunned.

Because the University of Lao got to the point, about the topic of listening carefully to the lectures.

It seems that there really isn’t

Originally, before his spiritual energy was revived, he was just a brain-brained student. His position in the food chain was lower than that of a poor student, and he had no chance of paying attention to the lectures.

"Damn, another one who doesn't listen to class. If I lose at the hands of someone like you, I won't be able to sleep at night!" Mr. Lao cursed with an ugly look on his face.

At the same time, he was also criticizing this deformed world.

Destiny is such a magical thing, and he is always not favored by the goddess of fate.

"Listen up, do you know how a helicopter takes off?"

Law shouted: "Listen up! A propeller is a rotating airfoil that generates airflow through rotation, thereby generating thrust. The size of the thrust depends on the rotation speed of the propeller and the shape of the propeller blades. The propeller, which can make The airflow generates lift when passing through the blades, creating a strong opposing airflow. With the support of the updraft, the helicopter can take off! "

"So what does this have to do with your ability?" Li Qihe was a little confused and didn't think about it at all.

Yuan Ye in the stands looked at him and raised his forehead.

Really, the dog shook his head when he saw it. It was only Li Qihe who had the ability, and he was the one who knew the truth.

Otherwise, this brain will suffer many losses on the battlefield. It is too upright.

At the same time, he also got the meaning of this player named Lao Da, and thought about it for a moment.

I have to say, this is really special and a talent.

As for what the principle is, just watch the show next.

On the stage, the airflow was extremely strong at this moment. Lao Da said with a slightly fanatical expression: "Look, helicopters can fly through the opposing airflow, so can humans themselves? So if I fly, what will I do?" Heaven, if your sword can’t touch me, I’m not without hope!”


Li Qihe was shocked.

Not only Li Qihe, but also the barrage was shocked.

Because in the past, people's understanding was that flying was something that only sky-level spiritual warriors could do, and it was also exclusive to sky-level people.

Beyond that, there are only some particularly rare abilities that allow you to fly in advance.

But the ability of airflow itself does not have the ability to fly. Now this university actually says that he can fly?

"Hahahahaha, are you surprised? This is the result of my day and night research and development. Children, have you seen Xinhai City at four in the morning? You must have never seen it, but I have! Tremble! This is mine Highlight moment!”

Under the attention of everyone, Lao Da actually opened his arms and flew up.

The strong air flow even made Li Qihe below unable to open his eyes.

"I would like to call this move, flying in the sky!"

He really flew! In full view of the public, we really did it! (End of chapter)

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