My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 281 Strong Enemy

This is what Li Qihe is finding on the field at this moment.

The Easter competition still adopts the mode of simultaneous competition in multiple arenas. Li Qihe is not the only one competing, there are other competitions going on at the same time.

For example, Lin Xuanxuan's competition happened to be in the same time period as Li Qihe.

Lin Xuanxuan was also a contestant who decided to participate in the resurrection competition. This time, Lin Xuanxuan also made up her mind. This time, she must fight for it! She doesn't want to lose it again!

And her opponent is a powerful enemy, at least for her, a powerful enemy, a type of person she has never dared to face before.

Silver Moon level!

"Mo Sheng, No. 4 Middle School, first stage of Silver Moon Level! The ability is for all species, the Book of Original Sin!"

The person on stage was a fat man wearing thick glasses and an anime T-shirt with a big strawberry pattern on it.

Logically speaking, the Silver Moon class is already a rare group of people in the resurrection competition. This Mo Sheng is actually very unlucky. In the first trial, he met a favorite, and then he was reduced to competing in the resurrection competition.

As soon as she entered the ring, Lin Xuanxuan felt some unusual looks from this fat man, which made her a little uncomfortable. When she looked over, she saw that the other man's eyes under the thick lenses exuded a lustful light.

Lin Xuanxuan frowned, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

I'm not like this. I'm wearing ordinary clothes and don't put on makeup or anything, but you can still think about it?

Brother, are you really hungry?

"Lin Xuanxuan, No. 8 Middle School, Junior Grade of Silver Moon Grade, Ability Acid Rain." Lin Xuanxuan introduced with a frown.

She didn't want to say a single extra word. She didn't feel good about this Mo Sheng.

"Lin Xuanxuan, what a good name." Mo Sheng nodded seriously: "Although you have no makeup and are still wearing ordinary clothes, I have a pair of eyes that can read countless women. I can accurately identify all the beauties around me, such as you. , she is definitely a beauty, as long as she dresses up a little, she will be a top-notch sweetheart.”

"If you can't speak, you don't have to speak!" Lin Xuanxuan said gloomily.

Even someone as good-tempered as her can't stand this kind of naked verbal harassment, let alone other things.

"Both players should not elaborate on content that has nothing to do with the competition!" The referee couldn't stand it anymore and intervened: "Hurry up and prepare. When you are ready, start the competition immediately!"

"Already ready." Lin Xuanxuan replied without hesitation.

Her current thought is to end it as soon as possible.

She didn't want to spend any more time with this disgusting thing.

However, the other party didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and waved his hand: "Hey~ don't be anxious~ Well, what's the point of just competing? How about we play something else? For example, how about adding some bonuses?

If you win, I'll reward you with a kiss. If I win, you have to go play with me for a day, how about that? "

"Not really." Lin Xuanxuan replied with a frown.

She didn't think what the other party said or the proposal she made made any sense.

I even began to suspect that there was something wrong with this person's mind.

She knew that there were many such SBs in the world, but she really didn't expect that even though she was like this, she could still run into SBs, and that she would one day run into them.

Needless to say, it's pretty good.

However, this rejection seemed to directly hit the opposite lung tube, and his expression immediately changed: "Another rejection! Another rejection! Why is it like this again! Seriously, where do you have the cruelty from? You stinkers Woman, how can you refuse my lovely Mo Sheng! You are guilty! I judge you guilty!"

He looked at the referee: "It's time to start!"

The referee looked at Lin Xuanxuan, seemingly asking for advice.

"I have no problem." Lin Xuanxuan nodded.

The next moment, a burst of spiritual pressure burst out, and a very simple book appeared in Mo Sheng's hand.

"This is my ability. The Book of Original Sin is definitely one of the strongest abilities in the world. I am also destined to become the king who controls this world, no one else! Because I control the Book of Original Sin! It is controlled by Mo Sheng , I am the saint! The saint is me!”

Holding a simple book, Mo Sheng pointed at Lin Xuanxuan with his finger: "First question, do you like strawberries?"

However, Lin Xuanxuan did not intend to answer, but looked at the other party with caution, planning to wait for an opportunity to act.

The other party was angry: "You don't answer! It's because you disrespect Mo Sheng! Mo Sheng betrayed your arrogance, and the punishment is that your spiritual energy will weaken! Lower your head and be a human being! No one can look down on Mo Sheng!"


The next moment, Lin Xuanxuan actually felt that her spiritual energy suddenly stagnated.

What followed was actually a feeling of weakness.

It was as if his spiritual energy had weakened a lot for no reason.

She had a feeling that even if she used her ability now, it would never be comparable to what she had before.

This surprised her.

How is this going? Is this the other party's ability?

It seems a little weird.

But the spiritual energy in his body has indeed weakened.

Is this answer necessary?

"I ask you again, do you like strawberries?!"

"I don't like it!" Lin Xuanxuan replied through gritted teeth.

Unexpectedly, the other party was actually sulky again, and his anger was obviously more intense than before: "How can you not like eating strawberries? Strawberries are the best food in the world! The best thing! Everyone should like eating strawberries! I order you I love eating strawberries from now on!”

Damn, what kind of weirdo are these! Moody, and you can't predict his thoughts and next move.

Perhaps it was because Lin Xuanxuan had too little experience with enemies, and it was such a strange enemy that she fell into confusion.

She didn't know how to solve it, and the opponent's abilities were also very strange. Now that her spiritual energy had weakened, it was obvious that she would be suppressed and beaten by the opponent.

In the stands, Yuan Ye watched the battle with a calm expression.

"Do you think she can win?" Xie Ying asked.

"This is a strong enemy." Yuan Ye replied: "If she were the original, she would not be able to defeat the opponent even if she were beaten to death. The opponent's ability is also outstanding. If she continues to grow over time, she may not become a strong person. There is still a chance. Yes, but now, it depends on herself. What I gave her is enough to defeat this opponent, but the problem lies in herself."

Yuan Ye looked up and said, "Let's see if she can pass the test in her heart."

Fighting is not just a physical fight.

It also involves psychological things, which is what Yuan Ye has been focusing on teaching.

On the stage, Lin Xuanxuan's situation was already very bad.

Also watching were the school leaders from the No. 3 Middle School area.

Surprisingly, the teaching director that day was also present.

But at this moment, he looked at Lin Xuanxuan who was struggling to walk in the stands with a sneer on his face.

"A loser is a loser." (End of chapter)

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