My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 329 How Morbid Is This?

This was Yuan Ye's momentary alertness.

He almost couldn't help but expose his aura, and his fists clenched instantly.

He couldn't help but be nervous. Although the current situation of the lower class of this race looked shocking, they actually hadn't figured out what the upper class was like until now. After all, they had just begun to figure out some of the situation before they thought about exploring each other.

They were still very wary of the upper class of this race, because no one knew how much power the other party had accumulated.

Even Yuan Xinyan was very cautious about this matter.

Although she was a powerful person at the title level, no matter what, the title level was not omnipotent. A lot of ants could kill an elephant, let alone an enemy of the same title level?

No one knew how many title levels the other party had.

There could be tens of thousands of sky-level people. Even if the number of title levels was 90% less, there would still be thousands.

Who could deal with thousands of title levels? They couldn't deal with them at all.

This was the so-called role of strategic deterrence.

You know that others have it, but you can't figure out how much others have, so you can't act rashly.

So, it's not that they can rest easy with Yuan Xinyan here.

You have to understand why Yuan Ye followed in? Isn't it because he wants to ensure Yuan Xinyan's safety?

Yuan Xinyan does have the ability of space, but he has never practiced this ability. He usually uses it as a storage space. Even at the level of Starlight, he can't come and go freely in the virtual world.

So, Yuan Ye was ready to react in an instant.

As early as this period of time, he walked all the way here and left countless marking points everywhere on the road.

He was ready to activate his ability and run away at any time.

At this moment, those goblins in clothes surrounded them layer by layer.

"Where is your supervisor? I don't want to hear lies." The goblin looked down at Yuan Ye and the others, with disgust in his eyes: "A bunch of dirty slaves, dare to come out and hang around openly when my compatriots are missing, you are suspected of murdering the upper class!" "It's over." The old man who led the way was instantly panicked. Yuan Ye still underestimated the weight of the goblin wearing clothes in front of the goblin without clothes. This time, the old man slid down to his knees very quickly. "My lords, it's really none of my business! I was forced to do it! Those two are also gods with divine power. We dare not resist. It was them. They killed several supervisors!" The action was very smooth, and the process was very smooth. Yuan Ye and the others were sold out directly. In fact, it was also normal. Originally, this old goblin who led the way was a coward. From the beginning, he brought Yuan Ye and the others back because of coercion. What good things can they have if they can cut the flesh of their compatriots to fill their stomachs?

Now facing the other side that seems to have more powerful power, they will naturally lean towards the other side.

Yuan Ye and the others would not feel any surprise.


Yuan Ye released his spiritual energy, and the powerful pressure enveloped the entire venue.

In an instant, the goblins in the entire venue knelt down in unison.


All the goblins in clothes also showed horrified expressions.

However, just when Yuan Ye raised his hand and was about to cut open the space and leave, an unexpected scene happened again.

The goblin in front of him who was still questioning them slid to his knees in an instant.

The movement was also unusually smooth and very smooth.

This moment made Yuan Ye stunned.

"This power is so powerful!"

In fact, it is not the fault of this goblin, but because the ability that Yuan Ye burst out is very terrifying. Under Yuan Ye's pressure, he is like a lonely boat on the sea, weak and pitiful.

At this level, it would only take a few minutes to kill him.

He couldn't see Yuan Ye's strength!

In fact, this is one of the characteristics of goblins that Yuan Ye has discovered so far, that is, those goblin ability users are very fragile.

On average, they are ten times weaker than humans of the same level.

Not to mention people like Yuan Ye who have very domineering abilities and a little extra talent, who are on average twenty times weaker.

It is probably equivalent to the strength of Xie Ying's Sun Glory level.

When Xie Ying reaches the Sun Glory level, he will probably have the strength of a big brother and can barely beat a goblin.

Moreover, Yuan Ye is still at the peak of the Sun Glory level, and there are not many Sun Glory levels who can be his opponents.

He is not far from the Earth level now, but the process of leaping from the Sun Glory level to the Earth level is very difficult and cannot be achieved overnight.

Therefore, Yuan Ye in this state really has no pressure facing those Sun Glory level goblins.

It's just that I didn't expect that the other party would kneel so quickly.

However, seeing that the other party didn't think of it as a spy, Yuan Ye was also stunned.

But then I figured it out.

Yes, the premise of suspecting the other party is that you have a spy inside, and similar things have happened before.

But what is the current situation of the goblin tribe?

They have been hiding in this virtual world for who knows how many years, and humans didn't even know what they were before, let alone sending spies into it.

They couldn't have known that there were such magical infiltration methods in the outside world.

After all, this infiltration method itself was seized by humans from other races.

So, they were not exposed, but there were deeper reasons that led to them being found.

As for what this reason was.

The next moment, the answer was given.

"Compatriots! My lord! Our compatriots!"

The next second, the kneeling Sun-level goblin burst into tears and hugged Yuan Ye's legs.

"You are stranded outside and with these slaves. It's really pitiful for you two!"

He looked into the eyes of the goblin, and the other's eyes actually showed very sincere feelings.

But these words made Yuan Ye a little confused.

If I am not your compatriot, then these goblins who have no strength and no ability are not your compatriots, right?

He also found that although they are all goblins, there is actually a huge difference between goblins wearing clothes and goblins without clothes.

Obviously, everyone looks the same, but because of a barrier of ability, the two sides appear so different.

One is in the sky, the other is underground.

Only if you have the ability, you have the right to stand up with dignity. If you don't have it, you don't even have the right to wear clothes to keep warm or even eat enough.

If you can barely guarantee that you will not die, it is already the greatest gift to you.

You should not be indignant, you should kneel down, lick the feet of the superiors, and be grateful for the grace they have shown you. This is a gift to you.

How sick is this? (End of this chapter)

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