My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 330 You Defiled the Glory

At this moment, Yuan Ye had a feeling.

A very terrifying feeling.

He suddenly felt that the decisions and decisions made by the people in power and their superiors were all right.

In the early days, the implementation of various policies created some gaps between spiritual warriors and ordinary people. At that time, many ordinary people had also scolded why the government gave spiritual warriors so many privileges for no reason?

It also caused some ordinary people to hate spiritual warriors.

But these only existed in the early days. As time went by, these contradictions gradually faded, and now they have completely disappeared.

Because they really saw the gap between spiritual warriors and ordinary people.

As a member of the spiritual warriors, Yuan Ye had also crossed over from an ordinary person, and he joined the official, so he knew very well that, in fact, the official was very smart.

These privileges given are equivalent to a shackle for spiritual warriors.

You become a spiritual warrior, I can give you everything you want.

But the most fundamental thing is that you must act according to the guidelines I plan, and you must be under my jurisdiction.

You can't do some things. Once you do it, you are my enemy and you are a traitor.

However, due to some privileges given, a benign and upward overall trend has been formed.

Although human desires cannot be curbed, this is human nature and human instinct. People are born with desires, which is also the ladder for human progress. Without desires, humans would have perished long ago and could not become the masters of the planet in this era.

But at the very least, human desires can still be controlled. The official approach is to satisfy your desires to a certain extent and then put a yoke on you.

After all, when the power of both parties is unequal, if you don't give it, then I will take it myself.

If you give it to me, there is a quota and an upper limit, then it is a favor anyway.

But once you don't give it to me and let me take it myself, I have to take it until I am satisfied. If I am not satisfied, then it is not enough.

And when the power is unequal, it will only make the desire grow.

Not to mention the abolition of the title of extraordinary.

It seems that it is just a ban on the title, but in fact, it is the most fundamental way to pull the extraordinary people down from the altar and forcibly drag them to the level of "human beings".

Fundamentally tell you that you are not a god, you are a human being.

There are also arrangements to strengthen education and control power, which makes the extraordinary people no longer mysterious.

This is the current situation of human beings. The development of extraordinary power is benign and balanced.

Look at the goblins now.

Without power, you are even worse than animals in the eyes of those who have power. You need to get the consent of others to even breathe a breath of air, otherwise you are a traitor. If you breathe this breath of air, you are equivalent to accepting my kindness.

Yuan Ye suddenly realized that if it were not for the official series of arrangements and plans, if the spiritual energy was allowed to revive, the power of the spiritual warriors would explode without being controlled, then would it mean that human beings would become like this sooner or later?

Or would someone think that the ugliness of human nature is not even as bad as the short goblins who can only live for a few dozen years?

And now, since it has not been exposed, there is no need to leave.

Yuan Ye stood and looked down at the kneeling goblin below, waiting quietly.

The goblin below felt a lot of pressure. He didn't know, he couldn't figure out what the lord in front of him wanted to do, what he wanted.

Why did he suddenly appear again?

But no matter what, this is their compatriot.

Real compatriots, compatriots with the same blood.

But they have been wandering outside all this time, staying with these dirty and lowly slaves.

How painful it is!

Yuan Ye didn't know what the other party was thinking, so he kept deadlocking.

Until the goblin spoke: "Sir, have you been wandering outside all these years?"

"Yeah." Yuan Ye nodded, intending to take one step at a time and use the strategy against him.

It would be best if he could hide in the upper level and enter the so-called people of God.

After all, the situation at the grassroots level has been investigated almost, and there is no point in staying here. Time outside is not waiting for anyone.

The sea of ​​thunder outside will not last too long, and it will disappear in six days.

If the sea of ​​thunder disappears, we can continue to replenish it, but will Yuan Xinyan be wasted here? Although she is a titled level, sooner or later, she will be exhausted and have other things to do. In other words, she will die. If this problem is not solved, it will always be here and will always be a lesion. We can only solve the problem. Six days is not the deadline for them humans, but Yuan Ye's deadline. He still has things to do, and he still needs to take the martial arts exam. They only have so much time. "Two noble adults, which lineage of God Lord do you belong to?" God Lord? Which lineage? Yuan Ye and Yuan Xinyan were stunned. What does this mean? What is a God Lord? Logically speaking, shouldn't the other party ask how they practice? Yes, speaking of this, there should be a doubt that the goblin's practice is very strange.

He had never seen the lower-level goblins awaken or develop abilities.

It was unclear how the goblins should practice with their pitiful lifespan.

Yuan Ye frowned, and instead of answering rashly, he shook his head.

At this moment, the other party's eyes changed.

Yuan Ye was also extremely alert, and he was ready to cut through space and run away at any time.

But the next moment, the goblin burst into tears: "You... You..."

What's going on?

Yuan Ye didn't understand the situation.

"You are actually a lost tribesman." The goblin cried, hugging his thighs tightly: "You have worked hard for so many years! We will take you two back immediately!"

After that, he looked at the old guide who was also kneeling on the ground, but the direction of his kneeling was his old guide.

His eyes instantly changed into the look of looking at a beast: "You have tarnished the glory of the God's people. It is not the honor you should bear to be able to get along with the noble God's people for so long."

As he said this, he slapped the old goblin on the head while the spiritual energy was surging.

Instantly, the look in the old goblin's eyes disappeared and he fell down.

This old goblin who brought Yuan Ye and the others to this underground city and was the first breakthrough did not die of hunger or at the hands of the enemy, but died at the hands of his own people.

The key is that he still did not treat them as his own people. (End of this chapter)

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