My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 331 Time is running out

Yuan Ye had no emotion about the death of the old goblin.

After all, they were just using each other, and everyone was different in race and position.

The other party helped him only because he was afraid that something would implicate him, and he was also afraid of the strength of Yuan Ye and the others.

Yuan Ye himself would naturally not feel sorry for such cannibalism and the hatred he had for humans.

What's more, these lower-class goblins, their lives themselves have no meaning, and if they die early, they will probably get out of this miserable world early.

Next, Yuan Ye and the others were taken away from the venue, and they mixed with the goblins who were wearing clothes.

The goblin who seemed to have the highest status gave him a set of clothes.

It was still the kind of worn-out linen-like clothes, hard and even able to stand up.

Such things are not only comfortable to wear, but it is also a good thing if they don't rub the skin.

Now Yuan Ye seems to have gradually figured out why these goblins wear such things.

Nonsense, with a body full of pus, it would be a waste to wear any clothes, and it would soon become very disgusting.

But these goblins do not feel ashamed, but proud.

For them, the pus on their bodies is a symbol of beauty. Whoever has more and yellow pus on his body is a handsome man or beautiful woman among the goblins. Goblins choose their partners based on this.

Yuan Ye and the other two escaped from the lower goblins and were taken to a place.

He had always wondered why he had never seen the upper goblins wearing clothes in the city, and the doubts in his mind were also answered.

Because the two do not live in the same area at all!

Although they are also in this underground city, but.

There is also a wall leading to the deepest part of the city. A wall stands in this underground cave like a natural moat, dividing the cave into two worlds, which is completely different from the lower area. Entering the wall, what they see is a completely different world.

The cave here is more magnificent, and the top is higher. There is no dim light in the lower area. It is the cave roof itself that is glowing, and dots of light are coming from the top of the cave.

The roads and buildings here are also very magnificent, and the structure is quite exquisite. There are no hungry refugees here. All the goblins who pass by are laughing and talking, as if there is no hunger and disaster in this world itself. This is also a very kind and friendly race.

But Yuan Ye has seen those lower-level goblins in the outside world.

It can only be said that they are extremely morbid.

He was taken to a place where goblins questioned him.

Of course, the main questions asked were still about why he was wandering outside, and the question that was itself unclear, which god's lineage they belonged to.

Yuan Ye was still very cautious in answering the questions, after all, he had to prevent exposure.

Although the risk of exposure was not great, he had to be prepared for the worst.

His answer to this was always "I don't know".

It was amazing that he did not arouse any suspicion, but instead gained the other party's trust.

At that moment, the other party hugged him with tears in his eyes, saying something similar to "thank you for your hard work".

So, he was naturally assigned his own residence and identity, and he and Yuan Xinyan got in smoothly.

The whole process was smooth without any obstacles.

However, it was after they were able to enter the upper area that some questions that had been entangled in their hearts were finally answered.

The answer was shocking.

The first question they were most concerned about was how many high-end combat forces the goblins had.

The answer they got was very simple: "All were assigned."

In order to seize the survival resources of the outside world and return to the world smoothly, the goblin race invested the power of the entire race.

Except for the ruler, 99% of the upper-level combat forces were all dispatched!

This shocked Yuan Ye.

In other words, the tens of thousands of sky-level troops were the power of the entire goblin race?

They no longer have so many high-end combat forces?

But it is understandable. Deep hatred is the result of years of accumulation. Yuan Ye now understands that these goblins are locked in here, most likely because of humans. They are locked in by humans.

Then it will naturally cause countless years of accumulated hatred, which cannot be resolved, and they will start preparing for a counterattack from a long time ago.

Although it is unknown why this race was locked in this virtual world, it is obvious that this hatred cannot be resolved.

So they made a bold decision.

Only those above the sky level can counterattack the real world.

Because the entrance to the virtual world is in the air.

And the goblins' technology seems to be something they don't have.

Since Yuan Ye and the others entered this virtual realm, what they saw and where they went could not be described as wild and primitive, but they could only be described as eating raw meat and drinking blood.

These goblins are exactly the species described in human legends, living completely in the dark ages of the Middle Ages.

Wherever they go, the lower class is oppressed by the upper class. As long as they don’t have power, they will never get ahead.

The upper class is busy with revenge, inciting ethnic hatred all day long.

All high-end combat forces that reach the sky level will be frozen from the moment they appear.

Among the goblins, there is a god who has the ability to freeze everything, including living beings.

Then, after freezing, they will prepare for a counterattack.

And in the mouths of these upper-level goblins, when the so-called god is mentioned, they are concerned.

"The third Lord has led his troops to recover the lost land. Our 10,000 warriors are fighting bloody battles in their homeland. I wonder what the Lord is doing now."

What is surprising is that the so-called Lord with the ability to freeze actually led his troops to attack the goblins in the real world?

Yuan Ye knew very well that all the goblins who attacked the real world were killed by Yuan Xinyan with his overwhelming power.

There is only one goblin who can be called a strong man.

That is the titled level that led the team.

Is the titled level the so-called Lord?

Is this the classification of the titled level by the goblins? A Lord is equivalent to a titled level?

But if you think about it carefully, isn't it? In a sense, the titled level is also a god? The power they possess is probably no different from the legendary gods.

Of course, the most surprising key information is still to come.

Today happens to be the second to last day before the deadline.

There is not much time left for them.

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