My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 352 Title level is coming!

The venue was bustling with people, and the atmosphere was only higher than the first round, because there were basically few people left in the martial arts exam, and it was a group fight. Compared with the first round, the excitement was definitely higher.

In addition, there were many strong players in Xinhai, not to mention that there were several Tianjiaos with good rankings in the Tianjiao list, and the national teams of Hanxia and Ameijian were crowded in Xinhai.

Although the overall strength is definitely not comparable to the old central city competition areas such as Beijing and Shanghai, it is already very strong compared to most competition areas in the country.

Especially the national team of Ameijian, all of them are ranked at the top of the Tianjiao list. Every team member has a very impressive record since the first round. Basically, they can solve the opponent and end the game within a few moves at a very fast speed, and every candidate who competes with them basically ends up with a serious injury and has no power to fight back.

Such strong players can't help but attract other people's attention.

At this time, the contestants had basically signed in, except for a few who had not arrived.

If it were a traditional college entrance examination, these contestants would have been disqualified at least at this stage, but fortunately, the martial arts exam was different from the traditional college entrance examination, and they were not disqualified. Of course, they would not let so many people wait for them. After most of the contestants arrived, the exam was announced as soon as the time came.

A fierce discussion broke out at the scene, and the contestants began to enter.

The contestants in the second game, about 2,000 people, were divided into teams. The contestants of each team gathered around their own team and sat in the preparation area.

These 2,000 contestants had their own demeanor. Facing the moment that determined their fate, they were either nervous and panicked, or stable and calm, or full of fighting spirit.

But when each contestant looked at other teams, their eyes were basically flashing with hostility, because everyone present, except their own team members, was an enemy at this moment.

They would not give up the rare opportunity of the martial arts exam easily.

And some sharp-eyed contestants found some blind spots.

For example, Fan Jian and Yang Wei, as the two strongest teams among the Hanxia players, naturally gathered together. In addition to sharing what they have, it can also be regarded as a manifestation of birds of a feather flock together.

In their opinion, ordinary candidates are not qualified to sit with them, let alone communicate, they feel unworthy.

"There are not many people here that I recognize, and you are one of them." Yang Wei looked at Fan Jian, exuding a hint of kindness.

"You too." Fan Jian also gave an expression of approval: "If I meet you on the field, I will not show mercy to you."

Yang Wei: "No need, let's go and do our own thing. Anyway, I will definitely get the first place qualification."

"Then it depends on your ability!" Fan Jian narrowed his eyes.

In their opinion, the two belong to the same level, belonging to the mutual appreciation between geniuses. They have shown kindness to each other, and of course, they have the confidence they should have.

They both have the invincible heart and the strong invincible strength. In this new generation of Lingwu era, who else can compete with them?

They are destined to be the leaders of this generation!

No doubt! No doubt!

"But did you notice one thing?" Yang Wei frowned.

"What?" Fan Jian asked.

"That Yuan Ye, have you seen him?" Yang Wei looked into the distance: "His teammates are all here, but he's the only one who's not seen."

"Heh, he thought he couldn't win, and he was afraid of losing face for the national players, so he gave up the game." Fan Jian sneered, thinking he had grasped the truth: "Otherwise he has no reason not to come, it's just that the situation is not strong. If he doesn't come, even if there are rumors that his strength is not good, there will basically be no such thing as a hammer. But if he comes, if he happens to meet a strong player, then his weight will be exposed instantly?"

"That makes sense." Fan Wei thought about it, and it seemed to be true. He nodded in agreement, and at the same time said disdainfully: "This is because he is afraid of the American guys, what else can it be?"

And the direction they looked at was Li Qi and a few others in Yuan Ye's team.

Compared with Fan Jian and Yang Wei, and the group of people in the American national team, Li Qi and them seemed to be unpopular.

Basically, there will be no reporters coming to interview like those Tianjiao List Tianjiaos. It can be said that the treatment between the parties is very different.

However, compared with others, Li Qihe, Xie Ying, and Hong Yanpei seem to be unusually calm, as if they don't care at all.

In fact, if you look closely, you can still see that there is more or less anger in their eyes.

But for Li Qihe, it is indeed the case.

Of course, he is not angry because he is ignored, but because of Yuan Ye's experience.

"A bunch of scum, when Brother Yuan was fighting outside, you were still in school learning how to gather spiritual energy. You couldn't even condense the air mass, and your ability control was not stable. Brother Yuan had already led the team into the virtual realm. How can you understand how powerful this is?"

Li Qihe said secretly.

"Okay, these are all external things, why bother with these things." Xie Ying patted Li Qihe's shoulder and comforted him: "With Yuan Ye's personality and his current achievements and status, he certainly won't care about the so-called Tianjiao list, even"

He is no longer a Tianjiao, but, beyond the scope of the so-called Tianjiao!

As for what category Yuan Ye belongs to?

Of course, he belongs to the category of the strong. There is no doubt that Yuan Ye is now a strong man standing at the top of the Lingwu era.

Not the top of this generation! He has entered the peak of the strong in the blood inheritance world!

Of course, Xie Ying did not say this, because everyone in their team knew these things.

However, in the eyes of all the audience at the scene, and in the eyes of all other players, they have lost their former brilliance and become ordinary, and even have disdain in their eyes.

Xie Ying and Hong Yanpei naturally don't care about these things.

But Li Qihe is different! This guy is a fanatical and loyal supporter of Yuan Ye. In his heart, Yuan Ye's dignity is more important than his own life. How could he be willing to see Yuan Ye being looked down upon?

The same experience also happened to Ye Canglan's team sitting with them, but compared to them, Ye Canglan, who has the ability of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, seemed much calmer and relaxed.

Soon, there was a sensation at the scene.

Because the host introduced something.

The host: "This time, the chief examiner is a little special. It is a temporary decision. It will be one of the three titled Marshals of the Heavenly Division from the headquarters of Shangjing Town, Lord Dixing!" (End of this chapter)

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