My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 353 Is this old man a titled one?

The host's words spread throughout the venue through the microphone, and the atmosphere in the venue was instantly quiet.

Everyone's face was shocked, whether it was the audience or the candidates, no one reacted for a while.

The audience was actually okay, although they knew that the title level was the most powerful spiritual warrior at present, and it was also the highest level and the strongest among all spiritual warriors.

But ordinary people themselves could hardly come into contact with spiritual warriors on weekdays. After all, spiritual warriors are still a minority group now, and the official also deliberately made the two styles, and they would not live in the same area.

So, although they knew that spiritual warriors were very powerful, they did not have a specific concept. After all, they had never seen the Sun Shining level, let alone imagine what the concept of the title level was.

This gave them the same feeling as seeing the big figures who usually only appeared on TV in reality on weekdays.

For example, big leaders, and those household names, it was the same feeling.

I know you are awesome, but I don't understand how awesome you are. I just watch the fun. I don't know the details.

But the candidates who took the martial arts exam were different.

These candidates are all spiritual warriors, and they are all elite spiritual warriors who have successfully entered the second stage. They are basically the ones who stand at the forefront of this generation.

Many candidates are even stuck at the stage from Silver Moon to Sun Glory, and they all have no concept or clue about the so-called solarization.

This part of candidates is destined to be stuck at least 80% of them forever at this threshold in the future and will never be able to cross it in their lifetime.

Therefore, they naturally know very clearly what the title level represents.

After all, the Sun Glory level alone is not something they can think of. You know, the Sun Glory level is called the natural disaster of human nature. Each one has developed his ability to the extreme and can transform himself into a spiritual seed. Each one is powerful and difficult to kill. A single person is a city-destroying combat force.

Title level, what does this represent, they all know very well.

This is the highest combat power of spiritual warriors at present. Even a country relies on the number and strength of the title level to determine its status.

Didn't you hear the host's announcement? One of the Marshals of the Heavenly Guard from the Zhentian Division Headquarters!

Marshal! What is this? This is already the highest military rank, and Hanxia has not had a marshal for many years. Hanxia abolished the marshal system during the last large-scale military reform in the 1980s. Since then, Hanxia has never had a marshal position.

But since the revival of spiritual energy, this position has been restarted. What does this mean? It is basically self-evident.

At the same time, the candidates were also shocked.

"The titled marshal from the Zhentian Division headquarters? Why is he here?"

"What the hell? A titled marshal actually came to Xinhai? What happened? Shouldn't the titled marshal be stationed in Shangjing? And even if we only talk about the quality of the examination room, our strength here is definitely not comparable to Shangjing! Even if we want to go, it should be in Shanghai, right? After all, the number of geniuses on the Tianjiao list is the largest in Shanghai, except for Shangjing."

"In fact, I think there seems to be another possibility, that is. Is it possible that there are some super geniuses in the Xinhai examination room, or which Zhentian Division headquarters are optimistic about, and Zhentian Division is tempted, so the titled strongmen came all the way here?"

"Don't say it, it seems that this possibility is really possible!"

"Mom, help me, I can actually see a living titled marshal one day!!"

"A title-level expert! How majestic and powerful is this? This will be my goal in this life. I must become a title-level expert in this life and be admired by thousands of people!"

"Tsk, you? Are you worthy? If I remember correctly, you are only in the middle stage of the Silver Moon level now? It's hard to even break through to the latter stage. What are you daydreaming about here!"

"If they really come for talents, who do you think it will be? I think it is very likely to be one of Fan Jian or Yang Wei, or even both of them."

"I don't know, but it is very likely. After all, among so many Hanxia candidates in the Xinhai examination hall, they are the strongest and can best represent Hanxia."

The contestants around began to talk about it. Everyone was shocked by the news of the title-level arrival, and they were also guessing the purpose of the title-level expert.

Fan Jian and Yang Wei, among the candidates, naturally paid attention to this situation. There was a light in their eyes and a sharp edge of confidence.

If that's the case, it's really possible.

With their strength, they think they are worthy of being treated like this by Zhentiansi.

Even the two of them have laughed.

Fan Jian chuckled and said, "Zhentian Division Headquarters? Although it's not my best choice, it's actually pretty good. If they are willing to recruit me, they can consider it."

Yang Wei smiled confidently: "Are you here for me?"

The team members around the two of them also praised them.

"Captain is awesome! It's only the second round, and Zhentian Division Headquarters can't sit still. They must be here for the captain!"

"Isn't that right? Who is the captain? This is the person who stands at the top of this generation of spiritual warriors!"

"Low-key, low-key." Yang Wei pressed his hand.

At the same time, everyone looked forward to the examiner's position in the middle of the leadership seat.

Originally, there should be no one there.

But soon, a figure appeared on the stairs leading to the leadership seat.

This is an old man with a hunched back, wearing a simple linen shirt and old Beijing cloth shoes, with gray hair and wrinkles on his face. He looks very kind even when he smiles.

He looks very kind, like the old man next door who appears in the park for a walk at five or six in the morning. He is very kind and may hand out a small biscuit to a child when he sees him.

Compared with the other leaders who are very impressive, the old man walks up slowly from the first step of the stairs.

This looks more like a walk, as if this is not a serious martial arts exam site, but a park with a play in the morning.

Everyone looked at the old man and was stunned.

Isn't he a title-level strongman?

Who is this old Deng who looks like a walker?

However, until the old man walked step by step to the highest position in the center, he slowly sat down.

The host respectfully picked up the microphone and announced: "Let's welcome Marshal Di Xing!"

At this moment, all the leaders in the leadership seats, regardless of their departments and positions, stood up solemnly, bowed respectfully to the old man, and saluted deeply.

The air was quiet for a while, and then it exploded in an instant.

Everyone was surprised.

Could it be that this old man who looked unremarkable was the Marshal Zhi Tian from the Zhen Tian Division headquarters? The legendary title-level strongman? ? (End of this chapter)

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