My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 355 The virtual world is gone again? ?

Among them, the captain of the No. 8 Squadron was in the most difficult situation. He had been completely seriously injured, with a huge gash on his entire torso, and blood was constantly seeping out.

Fan Jian's team members were still moving their hands and muscles with endless interest, as if they were not enjoying themselves at all, with ease written on their faces.

Fan Jian walked up to the seriously injured captain of the No. 8 Middle School team, looked at him condescendingly, and smiled disdainfully: "Is this the level of Xinhai No. 8 Middle School? The so-called No. 8 Middle School that can train national teams, is this the only level? It's trash? ”

Faced with such words and attitude from his opponent, the captain of the Eighth Squadron, who had been seriously injured and whose consciousness began to blur, raised his head tremblingly and glared at Fan Jian fiercely, with anger in his heart.

Obviously, Fan Jian's move went too far.

You won with your strength. Although we are not willing to accept it, we will not say anything in the end.

But when you win, you still come up to ridicule and belittle your opponent who has lost the ability to fight. How can you convince them?

"It's too much!" The captain of the Eighth Squadron gritted his teeth and stood up.

But Fan Jian ignored him, turned around, laughed and left. Medical staff quickly came up and lifted the injured person off.

The first game ended briefly. Before stepping down, Fan Jian showed a confident smile towards the leadership platform.

In his opinion, his first game was fast, accurate, and ruthless. He not only quickly eliminated his opponent, but also fully demonstrated his strong personal strength.

Although there were some personal grudges involved, after hearing that the other party was from No. 8 Middle School, and thinking of Yuan Ye, he took his anger out on them.

It's not possible to beat Yuan Ye yet, but it would be a good idea to beat up his classmates. It would also be a good time to evaluate what kind of school can train the national team.

Because this time the four players on the Hanxia national team are all students from No. 8 Middle School.

This has long ago made many students from other schools feel unconvinced, let alone Fan Jianyi's team from other provinces.

But this also seemed normal in Fan Jian's eyes.

Going too far? Did they go too far? Is it really too much?

Obviously, he didn't think what he did was excessive.

A spiritual warrior should focus on strength. With strength speaking, he can quickly deal with his opponents. Doesn't this make him more powerful?

As for what friendship lasts and what friendly competition is, are these things that spiritual warriors need to consider?

So he was very sure that because he performed so well, the titled marshal must have noticed him, right?

With such a genius, he was sure that if he were replaced by the marshal, he would definitely favor him and look at him differently. Maybe he would not wait until the martial arts test was over, and would come to recruit him on behalf of the Zhentian Division.

By then, his future, let alone the Solar Level, even the Earth Level, Sky Level, will not be out of reach, and there is no guarantee that he will even have the chance to touch the Title Level.

After all, he is now standing at the pinnacle of the new generation, and his name is on the list of geniuses, surpassing so many of his contemporaries across the country. If he cannot be banned in the future, who can match him?


I believe that the marshal must have extraordinary vision and will definitely not give up on such a future titled level.

However, what he didn't know was that his performance had indeed all fallen into Di Xing's eyes.

Di Xing did have the idea of ​​bringing him into the Zhentian Division.

Because the main reason why the emperor came this time, in addition to watching Yuan Ye and coming to meet the spiritual master, he naturally also had the responsibility of attracting new blood.

Zhentiansi itself will pay attention to some talents with outstanding performance in the martial arts examination, and then recruit them.

Talents that can be noticed in the martial arts examination are basically cultivated as future mid-level and high-level reserve personnel, which can be regarded as an elite channel.

Even so, there are still some slight deviations from Fan Jian's ideas.

Di Xing looked at the high-spirited Fan Jian below and shook his head: "The talent is generally average. There is a lot of hope for Sun Yao level, but there is not much hope in the future. With his potential, Lao Lan can absorb it."

"Indeed." Di Chunji also nodded: "But."

Di Xing slowly spoke: "This little guy is too violent. It is not wrong to be cruel to the enemy, and it is even worthy of praise. However, this is not a battlefield, and the person he is facing is not an enemy. He has lost the will to resist against those who failed. The enemy is ruthless, this is the work of a coward and cannot be reused, so there is no need to consider it.”

Di Chunji also nodded in agreement with these words.

Although spirit warriors do speak with strength, and strength comes first in everything, they are not unruly. On the contrary, as those who stabilize order and maintain peace in the new era, the burden they carry is obviously heavier.

So a lot of things have to be very strict.

Once such a person is recruited, can he properly protect the people behind him? In times of crisis, will he stand in front of the people and dedicate himself? Even if you die nine times without any regrets?

this is a problem.

Another question is, if such a person treats his own people like this, if he is recruited in the future and some major uncontrollable events happen, will he be able to block a bullet for his teammates, or will he shoot a bullet at his teammates?

This is a very serious problem. A thousand-mile dike breaks in an ant nest. Many times, a small internal problem can trigger a huge reaction, which is the so-called butterfly effect, and ultimately cause an irreversible major disaster.

Fan Jian obviously didn't know that he had indeed entered the realm of the title level.

It was just that the result was different from what he expected.

And at this moment, a strong man from the Zhentian Division suddenly ran up from below.

The uniform of this strong man from the Zhentian Division was slightly different from that of the Xinhai Zhentian Division operator, and he also exuded a suffocating aura.

Obviously, he was a strong man from the headquarters who followed Emperor Xing.

"Report, there is a situation at the entrance to the virtual realm!"

"Oh? What's the situation?" Emperor Xing asked.

"The entrance disappeared!" The headquarters operator replied.

"What?" Emperor Xing was shocked.

The entrance to the virtual realm disappeared? What does this mean?

The virtual realm has always been known for its stability. It has always been the most stable space outside the real world, equivalent to the second world.

If it was unstable, it would not have been used as a base for survival by various races for so many eras.

Generally speaking, it is absolutely impossible for the virtual realm to disappear for no reason or collapse at will.

Why is it only a short time now? Two virtual realms collapsed in succession. How long has it been since the last one? How come it happened again?

And the difference is that the last virtual realm collapsed after people appeared, and the collapsed virtual realm also became part of the new sea.

If the situation is different, the entrance will disappear.

Yuan Ye and the Spirit Master are all inside.

If something happens to these two.

Di Xing suddenly felt dizzy. (End of this chapter)

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