My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 356 We will ascend

Because the entrance disappeared, if the virtual realm did not collapse like before and turned into part of the real world, what would happen to the people inside?

Then they would never get out

Then the person in Sahara who was looking at the forbidden land, wouldn't he go crazy?

What consequences would this cause? Even Emperor Xing, who was at the title level, didn't dare to think deeply.

And the situation like the last time, the virtual realm completely collapsed and turned into part of the real world, which had never happened before. Historical materials had never recorded similar situations, and many virtual realm cases in their hands had never appeared. No one could guarantee whether it would happen again.

If this hadn't happened.

However, just when Emperor Xing was high in blood pressure, the headquarters operator continued to speak: "But there appeared a Nantian ship over there. According to the spray information, it belongs to the Nantian ship of Xinhai Town Tiansi S-168! It is currently flying towards the venue!"

Hearing this, Emperor Xing was suddenly stunned.

S-168? Isn't this the base where Yuan Ye belongs? In other words, Yuan Ye and Lingzhu and others got out smoothly?

At this moment, Di Xing suddenly felt relieved, and even felt alive.

He really couldn't believe what kind of consequences would be caused if these two people got into trouble in the virtual world. This was not an exaggeration, but it was really serious.

But it was good that they got out.

However, he was also very confused. What did these two living ancestors do in there? How come the entrance to the virtual world was directly broken?

You know, they outsiders have no idea what happened inside the virtual world. They only know that these two people shouldered all the responsibilities and entered the virtual world alone. They must have taken great risks and dangers, which is the most admirable approach.

What happened inside? What is the situation of the weird race inside now?

Also, has the invasion crisis from the weird race been resolved?

Needless to say, the disappearance of the entrance to the passage was 100% the work of these two people, because for the strange races inside, they tend to invade the world. If the entrance is gone, their idea will definitely not be achieved, and they definitely don't want the entrance to disappear.

But he didn't know how these two people made the entrance disappear, because they didn't have such technology.

This should be a technology unique to the Spiritual Lord family.

Di Xing knew very well that as a Spiritual Lord family, the Yuan family controlled the lifeblood of the entire blood world, and until now it was equivalent to the true leader of all spiritual warriors.

The Spiritual Lord family controlled the most important virtual realm of their human beings, and their inheritance had never been cut off. Obviously, they knew more about the virtual realm than everyone else, and they also knew a lot of things that outsiders didn't know.

They had the ability and means to make the entrance to the virtual realm disappear, which was not surprising at all.

Now we can only wait for them to come out and ask them clearly.

After learning that the people were fine, Di Xing was in a good mood and began to sit in the examination room.

The fight below has also entered a white-hot stage.

In just one hour, it is now the fourteenth fight.

Team fights often end faster than individual fights. Here, although individual strength is important, team cooperation is more important than individual strength for the current strength of these players.

Many subtle differences in details will lead to the result of the entire fight developing in an uncontrollable direction. In addition, there are many people, so there will be more problems in the fight. Losing one will affect the whole body.

Therefore, the speed of team battles is much faster than that of individual battles.

And Fan Jian and Yang Wei's teams have also finished their first round of competitions.

The opponents they ranked were all those teams with relatively low strength, so they won very quickly, which also triggered continuous cheers from the audience.

"Fan Jian! Fan Jian! Fan Jian!"

"Oh my god, Fan Jian is so strong. He eliminated all opponents in three minutes, and it was clean and neat."

"Is this the strength of No. 8 Middle School? I don't think it's that good. All the members of the national team are students of No. 8 Middle School. Can such a school really teach such students? I wonder if there is any inside story?"

"I think it should be like this."

"And he is handsome. I have decided that I will always be his fan!!"

"His number of Weibo fans has exceeded 5 million!"

"Who can stop Fan Jian this time? This is the future hope of Hanxia spiritual warriors!"

"Hehe, I think he is not as good as Yang Wei. Yang Wei's ability is worse than Fan Jian, and he also eliminated his opponents very quickly."

"That's right, Yang Wei is obviously the strongest!"

"Fan Jian!"

"Yang Wei!"

The atmosphere of the audience was extremely enthusiastic. Yang Wei and Fan Jian heard it clearly in the contestant area, and the smiles on their faces were extremely confident.

As for Yuan Ye? He had been thrown to Siberia by the two of them a long time ago.

People of this level are worthy of being compared with them?


The two of them simultaneously cast their eyes to the top of the contestant area, at the highest point.

Compared with the positions of other contestants, these four positions can be seen to be very different at a glance.

Compared to the audience seats, the seats of other players do have some extra things, but generally speaking, they are just ordinary seats, and the row spacing is also limited.

However, these four seats are located at the top of the entire area, and the four seats occupy a space as big as a small room! And there is a partition! It is separated from the area of ​​ordinary players!

There are even exquisite ink paintings on the partition. The seats of the four seats are not only fully functional, but also have massage functions! There is also a small table, a water bar and a dining cabinet on the side, which are full of exquisite dishes.

Many players looked at this row of seats, and their eyes were originally hot.

Because the difference between these four seats and their positions is not to say that it is a world of difference, it is simply the comparison between first class and economy class.

And these four seats have signs hanging on them, which are the seats reserved for the Hanxia Guoding team!

In other words, these four seats belong to Yuan Ye and the other four!

However, every time Yuan Ye arrived, Li Qi and the three of them also tacitly did not board this row of exclusive seats.

Originally, Fan Jian and Yang Wei were also envious of this row of seats, but overall, they were able to hold back.

But now, they have each experienced a beautiful round of victory, and after facing the overwhelming cheers and admiration from the audience, their mentality is a little different.

"Who else but me?"

"Equally divided, we go up!"

Fan Jian and Yang Wei smiled at each other, stepped up very tacitly, and sat down confidently.

And at this moment, there was a sudden uproar in the field.

Because the scene that shocked everyone's eyes came.

A huge ship, above the sky, with a magnificent breath, slowly descended.

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