My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 382: National Team’s Massacre Paradise

If we say that before Li Qihe took action, all the situations were clear for the national team.

So the current situation is completely the other way around.

Everyone woke up and realized something.

It turns out that the reason why the national team is a national team is not that they used the back door, but that they are really strong.

Then there is the so-called genius list, which is actually a complete joke from beginning to end.

Those dazzling geniuses above who have attracted countless fans actually bought themselves up through dirty means and used money to buy them.

The reason why the national team headed by Yuan Ye and others was scolded and forced to leave was because of their constant contempt and the rumors of buying the list.

There are rumors that Yuan Ye offered 10 million to buy all the members' spots on the list.

But now, since the national team members took action, the situation has been reversed.

This made many people whose eyes were red with anger suddenly realize that they were the clowns.

Then, a group of candidates rushed together and played the most important role in expanding the rhythm. Those current candidates who called for real names.

There was even more wailing at this moment.

"It's over, I'm going to play against France's national team."

"Is it too late for me to regret it now? I was wrong. I really shouldn't have questioned the national team!!"

"I still want to get one!! And my strength is completely enough. I am now a high-level Silver Moon level, which is enough to get to the third round and get one!!"

"Who would have thought that the national team would be so strong? It has two dimensions of strength. Now it seems that the genius list is actually just a joke. Others just randomly sent one person out, and it was enough to reach the top of the list. The strength.”

"And there must be more than one solar-level player in the national team, because if you look carefully, you will find that the Li Qihe who came out that day had a very unstable aura and a very restless spiritual energy. The slightest movement of his energy was very scary, and not long ago When he appeared, he was only at the Silver Moon level. It was obvious that he had just broken through not long ago, so it was difficult to control his own strength. It is hard to say how terrible the other team members are, especially Yuan Ye himself. "

"It is certain that Yuan Ye himself has a Solar Level, but no one knows how strong it is, and his abilities don't seem to be accurate. According to his own abilities, he is just very fast, but Judging from his limited shot record, his ability is not just about speed."

"Is this the strength of the national team?"

"Kneel down and beg the official to take back the decision! We already know we were wrong! I will never dare to do it again! Please restore the privileges of the national team!"

"Kneel down and beg to take back the +1!"

"The pressure we put on before worked, so it proves that it can be done with more people. We can do it again. If we succeed once, we will definitely succeed the second time. Let's initiate a joint effort."

"That's right. If the official doesn't take it back, how can people play with it? How to do it? Others don't have to play at all! They are all the home stadiums of the national teams."

"Continuing like this is not the answer. We must do something to fight for our own rights. Otherwise, where will the fairness come from?"

"That's right, this is not fair to us at all."

"I find some people really funny. From the beginning, you have been shouting about fairness, hoping to cancel the privileges of major national teams and make them equal to all players. What is the result? The official has met your request. You want to Cancel the privileges of the national team, you want what you call fairness, now you have something to say? So where do you really think it is? Is the official announcement a piece of paper? If it is invalidated, it will be invalidated, and if it is withdrawn, it will be withdrawn. "

"You know it's wrong, can't you? I'm sorry, I shouldn't be mean, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, take it back, I don't want to hit those people, I want to go to a good university, this is about my future! Please official, take it back. "

"I, Chen San, ID number XXXXXX, make a real-name request to take back my life and restore the privileges of the national team!"

"I request my real name"


Another bunch of real-name requests started to appear.

The only difference from the last time is that this time, no matter how desperate these contestants and candidates were and how they appealed, there was still no response at all.

The official has no intention of withdrawing his life, just like a mud cow drowning in the sea.

This made them completely despair.

Of course, there are also some people with good eyesight who see clearly the truth of the matter.

"From the lack of response from the official, we can basically conclude that your so-called pressure from public opinion cannot threaten the official at all, because even if we wait, in the third round, the national team will take action, and what will happen with its absolute strength by then? It will break all doubts. In fact, the main reason for such consequences is really that you get the hammer. It is Yuan Yesong's mouth. It means that you are pushing too hard and you have made Yuan Ye himself angry. , it’s him, he’s going to take your challenge! This may be the reason!”

"And now the order has been issued. With the order just issued, everything is ready, everything has begun to be implemented, and the dust has settled! Do you really think that governance is just like playing house? What do you want? If you don't think it will work, then just Take it back? How is it possible? Just bear with it!”

The joint failure was hopeless, and soon, they also saw the real consequences.

The next day, there were several matches between national teams from various countries, including national teams from England, France, Japan, Korea, and other countries.

And facing these national teams, it was obvious that they were all ordinary "strong teams".

Although there were teams from various countries, there were two Hanxia teams among the four teams, and only two were foreign candidates.

On that day, it was a bleak scene.

Although these national teams only had one person on the field.

Like the Hanxia national team, only one person was on the field.

However, each one was at the Sun Glory level.

And these people's actions were completely different from Li Qihe's.

The attack was a killing move, and there was no room for any room.

On this day, the four teams facing the national teams were all wiped out, and no one survived. The death was very tragic.

In the second round, 20 candidates died in one day.

But there was nothing to say about the members of these national teams.

Because you want to judge them for intentional homicide?

Sorry, the gap in strength is too big, there may be misjudgment and excessive force, there is no intentional murder.

The bloody corpses were placed in front of them, and the candidates were completely desperate.

The martial arts exam has completely become a slaughter paradise for the major national teams! (End of this chapter)

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