My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 383 You should ask Yuan Ye for help

The gap shown is despairing.

Some candidates originally felt that there was hope and were unwilling to give up.

After all, giving up means stopping, and they finally got such a chance.

So they were thinking, is there a possibility, an extremely small chance? After all, if they were facing them, the national team could not burst out with all their strength, right?

Instead, like Yuan Ye and the others, they only sent one person out.

If all the members were on the field, they would naturally not have any thoughts of resistance, but with only one person, they were still a little eager to move.

However, the bloody facts told them that their ideas were still too simple.

As the four teams against the national team were wiped out, they had to accept a painful reality.

That is, even if there was only one person, they would not have a chance to compete.

When they really saw the national team take action, they really realized the strength of the national team, what the national team was, and why they were called the national team.

Now it seems that the previous questioning of why Yuan Ye was not even a seeded player in the school was simply nonsense.

The value of the national team began to show at this time!

It was really despairing. The gap in strength was so great that there was no chance to admit defeat.

And this situation was created by them, because they had brought the national team to the same standard as them.

If they were not defeated, the national team would also be eliminated!

Then naturally, unless they defeated the national team, they could advance to the next round.

It changed, the situation of the martial arts exam changed.

Candidates across the country complained instantly, and they madly accused those candidates who followed the trend and put pressure on the national team some time ago, and they were scolded online.

"Who were the idiots who said the national team was not good? Now, each of you should speak your mind again, is the national team good?"

"You are all single-celled organisms, you don't use your brain to think about things, you follow the trend and follow it quickly, you follow Gao Chao when you see something, you are like your G-spot is poked."

"Is it fun now? Do you know you are dead? They don't have to come out in full, just one person on the field is not qualified for you to compete!"

"Hahaha, it's our team's turn tomorrow, what's the point of playing, go home as soon as possible, I give up."

"Please ask the country to show some leniency, not everyone participated in it at that time, many of us were innocently implicated, it was completely an unprovoked disaster."

"The privileges of the strong are not privileges because they are given privileges, it is not the privileges that give them value, but they give value to the privileges."

The living space between ordinary candidates has been completely squeezed to the limit! This is not only the living space of Hanxia's local candidates, but also those of foreign candidates.

Because you have to understand that the martial arts exam is different from the college entrance exam. Basically, all candidates from all over the world gather in Hanxia to take the exam.

Many ordinary foreign players are not having a good time either.

So at this moment, everyone is the same, and their positions are the same.

Because there are not just a few national teams, but many.

Because there are so many countries that can send candidates, there must be more than just a few powerful countries.

All countries have their own national teams, but the strength of the national teams of most small countries cannot be compared with those of big countries such as Hanxia and America.

Of course, even if the national teams of small countries are weaker, it is relative to big countries. Their end is still a fatal blow to ordinary candidates, and they are still very strong.

For example, a small black African country, a small country that usually has no say in the international arena, the national team of Burkina Faso.

All four are at the peak of the Silver Moon level, and they are all part of the people who have already shown a trend of solarization.

It can be said that in other words, they are equivalent to half a step of Sun Glory, and have already possessed some ability-based strength.

Only one step away from the real Sun Glory level.

You know, the peak of the Silver Moon level without entering the sun is completely different from the peak of the Silver Moon level with entering the sun, and there is no comparison between the two.

Such strength, according to the Tianjiao list before it collapsed, is the strength of the first place without suspense, and there are four at a time.

Therefore, the life of ordinary candidates is really not easy, and a bunch of terrifying characters who originally did not show their strength have to jump out.

It is enough for the strong national team to have one person, but those national teams of weak countries have to make all their efforts.

Many teams that should have been able to advance to the third round had to stop in the second round.

In such an environment, the official did not make any statement.

Finally, as time went by, someone found a clue.

"No! Yuan Ye is the key! Hanxia Guoding Team is the key!"

"Yes, from the beginning, everything started because of Yuan Ye's public opinion, and then until now, combined with some details, it can basically be determined that the Guoding Team needs to leave, Yuan Ye is the key!"

"But Yuan Ye is just a student, can he really influence the policy issued by the upper level? If so, doesn't it mean that his status is far beyond our imagination? Similarly, is his strength also far beyond our imagination?"

"Isn't this a bit too outrageous?"

"Although it's outrageous, I have to say that this is really the most likely scenario, so the only hope now is that Yuan Ye can really shake the decision!"

"In other words, it's useless for us to ask the authorities, so we should ask Yuan Ye?"

"Yes, we should ask Yuan Ye!"

People gradually realized the crux of the problem.

Yuan Ye's reputation also quickly recovered, and it was incomparable with the previous day.

More and more people joined in, regardless of nationality, ordinary candidates began to appeal.

"Captain Yuan Ye, please let us go. Many of us didn't join before. Please be flexible."

"Captain Yuan Ye, I don't want to lose this opportunity."

"Captain Yuan Ye, I hope you can show mercy for the future of Hanxia Lingwu World. As long as you can rewrite the rules, I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life."

"Captain Yuan Ye, we are both from Hanxia. You are the leader of Hanxia candidates. Please don't stand by and watch us die."

"I am a candidate from Pakistan. I have drained our school's savings to come to Hanxia for the exam. My family and teachers are waiting for me. Please!"

"Dawali, I am willing to remember your kindness!"

There are more and more appeals and more and more public opinions, but this time is different from the previous ones. After truly witnessing the absolute power, this time is not the volatilization of anger and jealousy, but a sincere group appeal.

Finally, this time, it is no longer a drop in the ocean.

At this moment

(It’s not that I don’t update, but I have already updated. I updated yesterday and the day before yesterday. I have updated twice a day, but yesterday’s update was in the early morning.) (End of this chapter)

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