My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 407 I am very strong, you have to bear with it

Yuan Ye's eyes flashed with excitement, but also a little solemn.

Yuan Ye: "I'm coming!"

Yuan Xinyan: "Come on!"

Yuan Ye: "I'm really coming!"

Yuan Xinyan: "You TM come!"

Yuan Ye: "I'm really coming!"

Yuan Xinyan: "Are you TM coming or not!"

"Then you have to be careful, mine is a little big, you may have to bear it." Seeing that Yuan Xinyan still didn't move, Yuan Ye whispered again.

"Enough." Yuan Xinyan frowned.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the expression on Yuan Xinyan's face is getting more and more impatient, and the veins on his forehead are about to burst.

Damn! Why didn't she realize that this dog thing was so annoying at the beginning?

Where is the good brother who promised to be good?

"Okay!" Yuan Ye immediately took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

The spiritual energy in the body was like boiling lava, it quickly rioted, and began to run wildly towards a certain trajectory, making Yuan Ye's aura more and more dense.

Obviously, he was going to make a move.

For some reason, Yuan Xinyan suddenly felt a chill on her back, always feeling that something terrible was about to happen because of her momentary negligence.

Then she would regret it very much.

There was even a faint sense of threat! !

If you feel it carefully, it is not difficult to find that this sense of danger actually came from Yuan Ye? ?

But how is this possible?

It is really incredible and puzzling.

Yuan Ye is only a great earth level, and she is a real title level, and is only one step away from "that realm".

Logically speaking, Yuan Ye is equivalent to a small Karami in front of her.

According to common sense, a great earth level will never be able to shake a title level in this life.

Have you ever seen an ant shake an elephant?

This is the same reason.

But Yuan Xinyan actually sensed some threat.

Although it was very faint, so faint that it was almost imperceptible.

But it was real!

It was at this moment that Yuan Xinyan could not continue to think deeply, and Yuan Ye's eyes opened.

At this moment, the world seemed to be dark, and Yuan Ye's figure disappeared in an instant.

The space storm that covered the sky and the sun twisted into a black hole, and the surrounding space collapsed rapidly.

The extremely terrifying space storm quickly spread out of the range of the barrier and enveloped the area.


Everything around, the telephone poles, the asphalt road, the cars, and even the surrounding houses, began to tremble, and then moved towards this space storm as if attracted by a ten thousand ton suction force.

Obviously, this is Yuan Ye releasing his space true body!

After the spiritual warrior reaches the sun, he can fully integrate with his own ability and can maximize his ability. At this time, the ability is equal to the individual, and the individual is equal to the ability.

Once Yuan Ye released his space body without reservation and entered the spiritual body.

That was when he faced Ouyang Yu in the Immortal Clan's Void Realm.

But at that time, he had just broken through the Sun Shining Level, and his control over the spiritual body was not deep, so it was definitely not as terrifying as it is now.

Then, after entering the Earth Level, his space body began to linger with a faint dust.

"So big?" Yuan Xinyan was stunned.

She didn't take it seriously when Yuan Ye said it before.

After all, a Earth Level, even her brother, was just a spiritual body, how terrifying could the energy that could burst out be?

So she didn't take it seriously.

But until now, she found that it didn't seem to be the case.

The range of this spiritual body is already a bit scary.

It can't be said to cover the sky and the sun, it can only be said to cover the sky and the sun.

This won't work, this is a downtown area.

And the destructive power that a high-level spiritual warrior can cause in a downtown area is simply unimaginable.

Yuan Xinyan suddenly became a little serious and waved her jade hand.

The barrier immediately expanded its range and became a little brighter than before.

Although it was only a little brighter, the aura it exuded was still different from before. Even if it was just a feeling, it felt much stronger.

The barrier seemed to be deformed. It was not a completely round cover, but it spread out a shape, completely covering the area where the space body spread.

The next moment, the surrounding space suddenly shrank violently, just like noodles twisting sharply.

A little bit of dark energy light was absorbed from the space and absorbed.

Then, it merged into Yuan Ye's space storm body.

Then, the space that was absorbed by the energy instantly became like tofu dregs, and everything in this space seemed to have faded a layer of color.

This is a very strange feeling, as if, in the real world, everything is the same, but in a single space, it suddenly becomes like an old photo, dark yellow, and emitting dense white spots, and the people and things in it are the same.

Then walk out of this space, and it will return to its original state.

Another analogy is that the present world is a huge puzzle, everything is new and good, only a few pieces are old and yellowed.

Then, more and more areas are being drawn out of energy.

Finally, Yuan Ye's figure appeared in the space storm.

It just looked like Yuan Ye, but it was just a phantom formed by the space storm. Yuan Ye raised his hands high, and the energy he absorbed gathered into a sphere that was constantly rotating and emitting violent energy.

Yuan Ye's phantom moved. At this moment, with his back against the space storm, he was like a god controlling a piece of space, which was frightening to watch.

Yuan Xinyan was also dumbfounded.

Then, in Yuan Xinyan's stunned eyes, Yuan Ye moved.


He pushed out his hands, and a huge energy beam gushed out forward like a dark energy python as thick as a water tank.

Wherever it passed, it was annihilated instantly!

It was really annihilated! There was nothingness, and even the space seemed to have ceased to exist!

Then, violent energy burst out instantly, and a huge energy storm burst out instantly, and this series of areas seemed to be in another world in an instant.

It was probably like this: ∝∝∝∝︵︵︵.

The violent explosion startled Yuan Xinyan, and his spiritual energy immediately burst out.

The barrier instantly expanded, and shone with an overwhelming spiritual aura, with lightning flashing and crackling, but it managed to maintain it and did not break.

All the creatures in the area, including humans and various domestic animals, were instantly repelled from the barrier as if being pulled by an invisible force.

All kinds of people, all kinds of states, some were sleeping in bed the last second, and were outside the next second, and then Then he looked at the barrier with a confused face, and his home was reduced to ashes.

"Ah?" Then he scratched his head in confusion.

Some were even doing something indescribable.

"Wow! My home is gone?"

"Pull it out first and then talk! Put on your pants and talk!!!"

It was a mess, really a mess.

Yuan Xinyan flew up and stabilized the surrounding space and barrier.

But in many places, there were actually dense cracks.

It seemed that if a little more pressure was applied, it would break. (End of this chapter)

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