My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 408 How the basement was buried.

The entire storm lasted for several minutes. During these few minutes, the huge energy riot in the Yinhai District had spread and was talked about throughout the Xinhai City.

There was no way, because the energy explosion and the space storm that covered the sky and the sun could be seen even from a long distance.

It was numb.

It was really numb.

Yuan Xinyan could only constantly strengthen the barrier, constantly stabilize, and wait for the end of the annihilation storm.

The damage caused was really great.

Then, about ten minutes later, everything calmed down.

There were no more explosions.

This made Yuan Xinyan completely relieved. She was about to loosen the barrier and then quickly ask Yuan Ye.

She was full of question marks in her mind now, and wanted to ask clearly.

This made her completely dumbfounded.

But at the moment when she relaxed her vigilance and loosened the barrier.

The barrier began to dissipate.

At the same time, as if on time, the barrier just dissipated.


Another series of huge explosions sounded.

In the area that was already in a mess and turned into a ruin, there was another huge explosion.

But this time it was not the explosion caused by the bursting energy beams.

It was a space explosion!

This piece of space could not withstand the pressure and it exploded! ?

The space kept falling off and exploding, causing continuous huge damage one after another.


Yuan Xinyan: "Ah——(groundhog shouting)."

She was really going crazy.

Why is there a second round? Why is there a second section! ?

At the same time, she reacted as if she had seen a ghost.

Not good!!

Because just now, she let down her guard because she thought everything was over and the barrier had been released.

In other words, this area is now equivalent to having no defense.

"It's over."

Yuan Xinyan's heart trembled, and his eyes began to become panicked.

If we don't take precautions, the destructive power caused by this will be gone.

It's not an exaggeration to say that all signs of life in this entire area will cease to exist.

It's a big deal.

However, just when she was extremely self-blaming and felt that she had caused a disaster.

She suddenly realized that a warm white jade-colored luster began to gradually dissipate.

Then the storm ended, and she looked out again.

It was still those people, still the residents of this area.

They were still looking at everything that happened with a confused look on their faces.

There was no damage, no skin injuries.

No one died.

Yuan Xinyan was stunned immediately.

What happened?

She was careless just now and did loosen the spiritual energy barrier.

Because who knows if this ghost thing has a second section? And it is obvious that the second section is more destructive than the first section, and the pressure it emits is more suffocating.

To be fair, if you really want to evaluate it, the power of that just now is no longer something that the Earth Level can produce.

This energy intensity and attack intensity.

"Even Sky-level masters can be killed, right?" Yuan Xinyan felt a chill on her back.

But what happened just now?

Was it that fleeting white halo?

That was not her aura.

And even if it was just a moment, she could already feel the power that burst out.

It was not something she could contend with.

She even felt vaguely that she was just like a three-year-old child with this ability.

Weak and helpless.

Could it be that there was a hidden peerless master around who was helping her protect the lives?

Who was it? Could there be something hidden above the title in this world?

Yuan Xinyan immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

But no matter how she searched, she could not find anyone's breath, as if it did not exist. The aura just now appeared out of thin air, and now it disappeared out of thin air.

Then she searched and searched, and only found a figure.

But it was a furry figure that crawled out of the ruins of their home.


The furry figure was white, and the big blue eyes looked at her.

It was cute, with long fur and very clean all over.

Then he stared at Yuan Xinyan.

This look made Yuan Xinyan feel as if he was saying: Sister, you almost got into trouble.

Then he walked over and rubbed her leg, jumped up, jumped out along the ruins, and jumped to where the crowd gathered.

Isn't this the ragdoll cat raised by my younger brother?

The one called Gouzi.

Why was it still in the house just now? Why didn't the barrier repel it?

But fortunately, nothing happened and it is still alive and well.

Otherwise, Yuan Xinyan might blame herself for the rest of her life for what happened today.

At the same time, she also had a new understanding of her younger brother.

My heart was shocked.

Damn, this is what you said, nothing, not powerful?

This is what you said is not good?

Weak? Really weak?

Does he have any misunderstanding about weakness?

The next moment, the space storm dissipated.

Then, Yuan Ye appeared again.

But just when Yuan Xinyan was still planning how to scold Yuan Ye.

Yuan Ye fell down in a free fall.

Yuan Xinyan was immediately shocked.

Yes, although the energy Yuan Ye just exploded was very terrifying, so terrifying that it was outrageous.

But no matter what, he is now only a Great Earth Level!

A Great Earth Level cannot fly by his own ability.

Then he was courting death and ran to such a high place.

Yuan Xinyan immediately flew to Yuan Ye's side and hugged him.

However, just when she was about to complain and curse, the next moment, she couldn't curse.

Because she saw that Yuan Ye in her arms had changed.

Thick dark circles, sunken eye sockets and cheeks, the whole person's face was yellow and black, and he was looking at her with lifeless eyes.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he didn't speak, but "Huh——" and took a breath.

This look was as if he was about to pass out.

Yuan Ye felt that he had no strength in his body.

"I really don't have a drop."

Here it comes, a long-lost feeling.

Has he ever experienced such a state?

Of course there is. This is exactly what he experienced when he was still very weak and at the Star Level.

This state, like the reward of a war god, is because his spiritual energy is gone and has been sucked dry.

"Are you okay?" Yuan Xinyan asked quickly.

"Not very well." Yuan Ye replied tremblingly.

Yuan Xinyan opened her mouth and was about to ask something.

She was full of questions now, and there were too many questions she wanted to ask Yuan Ye.

But looking at Yuan Ye's state, she could also understand that it was better to solve the follow-up of the matter first.

However, although other questions could not be answered for the time being, there was still one question that had an answer.

That is, she seemed to know a little bit about how the basement of her home was buried.

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