My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 452: There is a way!

"It smells so strong of cockroach shit." Hong Yanpei frowned and waved her hand.

At this moment, the essence of this smell was clearly revealed.

Before Hong Yanpei entered Zhentiansi and Xinhai No. 8 Middle School, her family conditions were very poor and she was the child of migrant workers.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have encountered the bad thing that happened later, when her place was taken by someone else, and then she was impersonated and entered the martial arts class.

Even their family had no choice but to file a complaint, and then they were undermined and treated as criminals and locked up instead.

If she hadn't happened to meet Yuan Ye, and Yuan Ye happened to discover that there were rats doing this kind of thing inside the Zhentian Division, there would be no story behind it.

Although Hong Yanpei will still become a spiritual warrior, what will happen to Hong Yanpei who has not met Yuan Ye after encountering such unfair treatment is still an unknown topic.

But fortunately, nothing happens.

Therefore, and because of Hong Yanpei's family conditions, there has never been a lack of cockroaches in her life. It can even be said that the living environment is old and shabby, and it is an environment where she dances with cockroaches.

Therefore, she is no stranger to the smell of cockroach droppings. She can smell this smell on many electrical plugs at home and even on books.

Li Qihe and Xie Ying also reacted quickly and nodded in agreement.

They also found similarities in the two flavors.

At this time, Yuan Ye spoke: "It's normal. The amount of excretion of cockroaches is extremely alarming. A cockroach can completely excrete excrement larger than its own size in a week, and cockroaches generally have the habit of feeding on excrement and corpses. ”

But when he said this, Yuan Ye's face looked very ugly.

Because it touched some painful memories that he didn't want to mention.

Although there are not many cockroaches in their home, and only one or two can be seen occasionally, in the current social environment, cockroaches cannot be completely eliminated and avoided as long as you have a fire to cook at home and have anything to eat. of.

Especially in a place like Xinhai, cockroaches are the size of a palm and can fly.

Take a bite and it will be crunchy and bursting with pulp.

Don't ask Yuan Ye how he knew it, he also heard it from his friends.

One of his friends ate live cockroaches.

"So everything goes according to plan?" Xie Ying asked.

"Nonsense!" Yuan Ye didn't look good at all and was almost gnashing his teeth.

"Why are you so fierce? Who has provoked you again?" Xie Ying muttered.

Soon, Xie Ying's attitude returned to normal and her expression became serious again: "The information has made it very clear that this front is one of the three fronts on the border. The three fronts are now all controlled by the Holy Clan. The 'Doma Tribe' managed by the clan once had a title-level lineage, but their title-level clan was directly beheaded by General Di Xie during the previous attack on the world. "

"As a result, they also lost their previous status within the tribe, fell down the ranks of the Twelve Sacred Veins, and were pushed to the border front."

"But no matter what, after all, they have once stepped out of the title-level bloodline. Even if they no longer belong to the twelve holy bloodlines, they still regard themselves as 'holy', and their power cannot be underestimated."

Xie Ying reminded.

"Twelve Sacred Veins." Yuan Ye thought.

In other words, does this Holy Clan have at least twelve title levels? Is this understandable?

If you think about it this way, then this race really deserves the 'extremely dangerous' rating, and it can be considered a relatively powerful weird race.

Of course, this also made Yuan Zhi defensive.

The Holy Clan, which can have more than a dozen title levels, is not considered a particularly powerful race in their internal evaluation, and can only be regarded as a medium race.

Those strange races known as the number one enemy of the human race, such as the lizard people and the underground people, were all announced on the first day of the breaking of the seal. They were not secrets.

So how powerful should these races be?

Yuan Ye felt as if a huge boulder had been pressed down in his heart.

Being enemies with such foreign races is indeed quite stressful.

No wonder Haokong bluntly said that if they don't try to intensify the absorption of new blood, mankind will soon disappear into the dust of history.

It is true that humans are powerful, but humans are only fighting alone, fighting alone.

They have many enemies, but the only one they can rely on is themselves, which is equivalent to facing all other races that have ever existed on this planet by themselves.

There is really an irreconcilable contradiction between humans and strange races.

"The first front is the weakest front. It is too close to our station, so the Doma tribe will not send too many living forces to stay here, so there is only one earth-level existence, but the data of the Sun-level , according to statistics, there are 25, followed by countless Silver Moon-level nymphs, and countless Star-level nymphs.”

"Of course, this is the data from three years ago." Xie Ying, who is the brains of the team, began to explain: "Now whether this number has increased, and by how much, we don't have specific data yet, but we can What is certain is that there must be more than one strong person on the front line now, and we can even prepare for the worst, and there is more than one Earth-level person.”

"It's not a big problem." Yuan Ye said, "You can continue to follow the original plan."

"Okay, then I'll start marking." Xie Ying didn't say anything else.

Instead, she closed her eyes directly on the spot, and then sat cross-legged.


Xie Ying put her hands together, and a faint aura, like a breeze, surrounded her body.

"First, insight!"

After a few seconds, Xie Ying opened her eyes.

Her eyes, the pupils were already shining with a faint silver luster.

"Super vision perception!" Xie Ying used her ability, and then turned to look at Hong Yanpei: "It's your turn!"

"Okay!" Hong Yanpei also nodded, stretched out her right hand, and took off the gloves on it.

On the slender jade hand, a complicated golden red curse instantly emitted light.

Pah Pah Pah Pah——

Four consecutive applause, she patted Xie Ying's shoulder, then patted herself, and then, it was Li Qihe, and Yuan Ye.

"Guardian seal, ability, sharing!"


A golden red was planted on everyone's neck, and then it lit up.

All of a sudden, a new scene appeared in front of everyone, including Yuan Ye.

At this moment, when they looked at the first front line in the distance, they actually saw densely packed boxes.

These boxes, each one is an alien.

"Oh my god! Group cheating!" Even Li Qihe was stunned.

It's transparent! How can the opponent play this? (End of this chapter)

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