My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 453 Hong Yanpei's role

And not only that, everyone, including Yuan Ye, felt a strange feeling.

It was as if their perception and range had become higher.

This was exactly Hong Yanpei's ability, one of the two curse seals, the 'Guardian Curse Seal'.

One of its functions is ability sharing.

After doing all this, Hong Yanpei's face had turned a little pale, but it was not particularly serious.

She immediately took out a spiritual energy replenishment potion that she had prepared long ago, bit open the lid, and drank it all.

Her face was much rosier.

Then, she looked at Yuan Ye.

Yuan Ye stretched out his hand.


Another time, a new curse seal appeared on Yuan Ye's body, as if something was pulled out of him, and a thread of spiritual power slowly flowed out of Yuan Ye's curse seal, circling around Hong Yanpei's hand like a spirit.

Then, she repeated the previous behavior again, planting a new curse seal on everyone, including herself.

At this point, her spiritual energy was consumed in an instant, and she couldn't walk steadily.

"Are you okay?" Li Qihe was the most worried one, and immediately stepped forward to support her.

"It's okay." Hong Yanpei shook her head.

"Come, drink this." Li Qihe took out the spiritual energy potion, opened the lid, and carefully squeezed it into Hong Yanpei's mouth.

After a while, her face recovered a little and became rosy again.

Yuan Ye also nodded, a little relieved.

Then, the same operation was Li Qihe's turn.

Sure enough, Hong Yanpei's strength was still too low. As a silver moon level, it was really difficult for her to do such a job.

However, Yuan Ye also knew that although Hong Yanpei's strength was very low, only silver moon level, among the many teams in the national competition, this strength was undoubtedly not enough.

But she was the most important person in Yuan Ye's team, because her role was not reflected in combat at all, and she was not needed to fight.

Her ability is enough to decide many things.

It can be said that in Yuan Ye's team, in the eyes of the outside world, the strength levels may be uneven, and it may look scattered, which is not in line with Hanxia's style.

Because just look at them and you will know, they have gathered a bunch of people who are all Sun-shining level.

Only those small countries that are really lacking in talents and lacking to the extreme will have Silver Moon level in their teams.

But only the people in Yuan Ye's team know that there is no one in their team who is useless.

Everyone has his own role.

There is no need to rely on strength and realm to embody something.

"When we shine, even the whole world will be shocked by us." Li Qihe sneered: "There are still people who dare to look down on the great Hanxia and Brother Yuan. Wait, you will see what the real power of a great country is soon!"

Soon, Hong Yanpei also recovered, and Yuan Ye waved his hand.

In an instant, the entire Nantian ship disappeared, and they fell freely towards the ground thousands of meters below.

During this process, Yuan Ye stretched out his hand and made a gesture.



Several people couldn't help but howl in the excitement of free fall.

The next moment, Li Qihe took the lead. He strangled his wrist with one hand, and the other hand was facing down, and the spiritual energy surged.


The space touched by Li Qihe's palm twisted sharply in an instant.

Then, a hole slowly opened, swallowing Li Qihe's whole body, and then, the hole disappeared, as if it had never existed, and Li Qihe disappeared.

The remaining Xie Ying and Hong Yanpei imitated Li Qihe's operation one by one.

Finally, it was Yuan Ye's turn. He smiled and opened the hole in the different space.

The next moment, four holes were opened on the ground, and four figures appeared from them and fell to the ground.


Boom boom boom——

The violent noise caused four huge pits to appear on the ground, and dust flew in an instant.

Although the distance was shortened, the kinetic energy of free fall would not actually disappear.

It's just that this kinetic energy is nothing to them now.

"That's it."

Everyone stood still, and Yuan Ye looked at the scene in front of him.

The boundary on the ground was very clear, like a line of intersection.

On this side of the line, yellow sand and dust were flying all over the sky, and the temperature was oppressive.

On the other side, the ground was muddy, black and emitting a pungent stench, and from time to time one or two bubbles would emerge, burst, and emit a disgusting smell.

Obviously, crossing this line would mean that the Saint Cockroach Clan would divide the world.

The first battle line!

In the distance, many messy so-called "buildings" could be seen.

Then some creatures that looked disgusting had discovered them.

Although these creatures were humanoid, they did not have many human characteristics.

Instead, it looked more like some arthropods.

This appearance was even worse than the goblins Yuan Ye had encountered before.

It was even more disgusting and made people feel physically nauseous.

Especially for Yuan Ye.

Needless to say, this was probably the strange race that existed in this virtual world.

The Holy Blatches!

And those Holy Blatches who were obviously responsible for guarding the first line also discovered the arrival of the uninvited guests.

They reacted instantly.


They spoke in an incomprehensible language.

"Action!" Yuan Ye did not hesitate.

He did not care what these disgusting creatures said.

None of this mattered.

The most important thing now was to implement their action plan!


After taking a step, Yuan Ye disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already in the pile of Holy Blatches.


A loud noise was heard, and under Yuan Ye's palm, a huge repulsive force was emitted, and dozens of Holy Blatches were instantly shattered.

Pale green blood and internal organs flew everywhere.

The bracelet on Yuan Ye's hand moved, and numbers lit up on it, and they were increasing rapidly.

Faced with such an offensive, the remaining Holy Blatches were like being scared silly, extremely abnormal, and motionless.

Looking at Yuan Ye, it was as if he was looking at something scary.

Yuan Ye turned around and looked at the strange creatures of the Holy Blatches.

These guarding Holy Blatches were not of high level and were very weak.

Most of them were ordinary creatures.

About 40%.

The rest were some Star-level creatures.

The rest of the team was also not vague.

Li Qihe opened his eyes.

All kinds of boxes appeared in his eyes, and even for each strange creature, if he looked at it alone, he could see the next route of action!

Even the weakness!

Li Qihe also twisted his body.

The next moment, he appeared in front of another group of Holy Blatches.

He drew out his sword and slashed it.

Under the huge sword energy, dozens of Holy Blatches were turned into fragments!

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