My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 55 Do you feel wronged?

Xinhai No. 8 Middle School.

Since Yuan Ye left with Xie Ying and the others, the school has returned to peace.

After all, such a big thing happened here, and the node of virtual realm broke out here, so soon, the education department issued a notice to suspend classes completely!

Currently, there are no students left in Xinhai No. 8 Middle School. They have all been sent home. Even the teachers have begun to pack up their belongings and leave one by one.

Because they received the news, if nothing unexpected happens, the new location of Xinhai No. 8 Middle School will be changed and a new campus will be selected.

At this moment, Xinhai No. 8 Middle School was surrounded by barbed wire and fences inside and out. Sentries began to stand guard at the school gate, and the entire campus was taken over and controlled by Zhentian Division.

Especially the node where the entrance to the virtual realm broke out, the first teaching building, was deep and spectacular. The breathtaking entrance to the virtual realm was slowly rotating. There was a cordon around it, and teams of people were patrolling here.

At the school gate, looking at the dilapidated school with few intact buildings left, Tang Lina stood at the school gate holding her belongings in her arms, her eyes looking lost, and her figure looked slightly bleak in the dusk light.

No one knew what she was thinking, but she looked a little lonely.

All this changes so quickly.

It was so fast that Tang Lina, an ordinary person, could not cope with it.

After a while, an older, middle-aged female teacher noticed Tang Lina and walked over: "Teacher Tang, aren't you going home yet?"

"Well, come back now." Tang Lina was interrupted from her thoughts, turned her head and smiled.

In fact, Tang Lina's appearance can be regarded as outstanding, and she can be regarded as a complete beauty. In fact, the deepest part of many students' hearts may be Tang Lina's face. She pulled up her sideburns and had some brown hair that was illuminated by the sun. For that The middle-aged female teacher smiled and said, "I was just thinking about something."

"Teacher Tang should be very happy, right?" the middle-aged female teacher sighed: "Your Yuan Ye has become a spiritual warrior! This is a real step to adapt to the times and reach the sky in one step. Even this incident was only possible thanks to the presence of classmate Yuan Ye. All of us are watching.”

Speaking of this, the female teacher seemed a little dissatisfied: "But this is obviously a good thing for having a long face. I don't know why we were forced to sign a confidentiality agreement, and a spiritual warrior was made to make gestures on us for a long time. I don't know what he was doing. "

"Spirit warrior?" Tang Lina raised her eyes slightly.

"It's not like that. He is rich and powerful. Let me tell you, my son just went to the Lingwu Association for a test some time ago. Guess what? There is no spiritual seed!" The middle-aged female teacher looked a little disappointed: " He has no chance to take this path in his life, otherwise if a spiritual warrior were born in our family, the whole family would be extremely happy."

"Don't be too sad." Tang Lina comforted her appropriately.

The female teacher's words were a bit confidential: "It's okay. By the way, you usually go back with Yuan Ye at this time, right? Today you don't have to take care of the children, so you can go back alone! I almost forgot, you cousins They are both about the same age, Teacher Tang, you are only twenty this year."

"Twenty-five." Tang Lina received it.

"Oh yes, twenty-five, still young."

The female teacher waved her hand and looked at the time on the watch on her hand: "It's getting late. I have to go back to cook. Teacher Tang, please go back early. Don't be too happy in your free time. Hahahaha, let’s go! See you at the new campus!”

"Well, let's walk slowly." Tang Lina said goodbye to the middle-aged female teacher with a smile, and stood there in a daze for a while.

A spiritual warrior is born in the family. Are you happy?


Tang Lina took a deep breath, took out her car keys, walked to her car, unlocked the door, opened the door and got in.

The moment she entered the car, she said habitually: "Fasten your seat belt!"

After a moment, she was stunned for a moment, looked in the rearview mirror at the empty back seat and the co-pilot with no one next to her, and smiled.

Then, without saying anything, she started the car and left.

When I arrived at a supermarket, I bought groceries by myself, went home alone, opened the door and turned on the lights, and cooked and ate alone in the empty house.

I have always said that Yuan Ye is like a child who has not grown up, and I am worried about his future.

But the moment he really grows up, he can see his future, and he is not yet young.

In fact, you are not as happy as you imagined?

The boy who used to need protection now became the one who wanted to protect her.

Naturally, no one except Tang Lina knew what happened in Yuan Ye's home.

At this moment, it was falling into dusk, and Xinhai City was also initially restoring order, and there was a brief pause in the process of carrying out various repairs and rescue operations.

Because people are going to rest, the winding machines also need to be refueled. This is a moment for people to relax.

In the alley, Zhang Wuya, who was carrying a schoolbag and walking on the dim street, suddenly jumped up and kicked the trash can on the roadside.

The trash can full of garbage fell to the ground, and the garbage and yellow water inside poured to the ground, polluting the ground.

"Ah——" Zhang Wuya shouted angrily, as if venting his anger.

"I've obviously worked so hard and been so good, why am I not the one receiving the most attention!"

Zhang Wuya's eyes became ferocious and violent, and he continued to kick the trash can.

"I'm a spiritual warrior! I have a spiritual seed! Damn it, isn't I excellent?! Who the hell is Yuan Ye!? He didn't even get high scores a few times, he just got lucky! Once I can’t get along with you this time!”

"Slutty trash can! You speak!"

"Huh? Why don't you say anything? Aren't you usually very good at pretending? Why can't you pretend now?"

"Speak! Do you feel good about daddy kicking you?"

"The trash can contains so much garbage! What do you want to do with your mouth so wide open? Want to seduce people to throw garbage into you? Why are you burning like this? Huh?"

At this moment, Zhang Wuya's eyes were twisted and bloodshot.

After kicking for a while, until the trash can was twisted out of shape, Zhang Wuya gasped and stood there dazed.

What happened today was a serious blow to his originally proud heart.

As an outstanding academic in Class 6 of Senior High School, he has always been among the most admired and popular students among everyone.

Why don't you know when it started to become like this?

It all started with that video.

Today, he was severely beaten in the office.

The consequence he faced was a severe disciplinary action, and he was directly changed from a formal student in the Lingwu Department to an auditor status, with a probation period of six months.

If he performs well in the past six months, he can resume his status as a formal student and take the martial arts exam.

If you can't, you won't be able to take the martial arts exam, or even graduate!

This made Zhang Wuya feel very aggrieved.

Why? What did he do wrong? He has just entered the Spiritual Martial Arts Department and has not yet developed much strength? How can you defeat those people?

Even if he doesn't push Li Qihe out, under normal circumstances it will be Li Qihe's turn sooner or later! It’s just a matter of dying early and dying late.

He just wasn't ready yet, and he just made the choice that any normal person would make when facing a crisis.

How innocent are you?

"Did I really do something wrong?"

But this is the moment.

"Do you feel wronged?"

A hoarse male voice sounded from behind Zhang Wuya.

"Who!?" Zhang Wuya immediately turned around in shock.

When he saw the person coming from behind, his pupils shrank.

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