My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 56 Clouds move in all directions

What appeared in Zhang Wuya's field of vision was a man, a very strange man.

Even in the summer, she still wore a white mink, a gold necklace as thick as a dog leash around her neck, and a pair of toad sunglasses on her eyes. Miraculously, she opened her mouth and exposed all her teeth. A very difficult toothy smile appeared.

And besides being weird, there is also an indescribable and slightly familiar feeling.

It was as if he had seen this person before.

This is also the reason why his pupils shrank.

But even after searching through his memory, Zhang Wuya couldn't find any information about this person.


"Hehehe. Do you feel wronged? Do you feel worthless?"

The man grinned and looked at him with a smile.

"I'm sorry, are you??"

Zhang Wuya frowned, his eyes extremely guarded.

Of course, the reason why he was so defensive was not because he was worried about something unspeakable happening because of the weird stranger talking to him in the dark alley.

The reason why he was so defensive was that what he was doing just now was not seen by anyone.

In addition, this man seemed to make him feel uncomfortable, so he did not intend to communicate too much with this man.

"If we don't know each other, I'll leave first if it's okay. That's it, goodbye."

Zhang Wuya turned around and left.

If you don't know him, leave quickly. Although he is a pervert, he is not willing to communicate with people who look more perverted than himself.

Moreover, this man gave him a strong sense of danger, and he might be some kind of criminal.

"Don't leave in a hurry yet."

"It's true that we don't know each other, but in your eyes, I see unwillingness, grievance, and ambition. As a person who has awakened his spiritual seed and is destined to become an extraordinary person, you have experienced unfair treatment. Yeah?"

"You" Zhang Wuya stopped and looked at the man in front of him in shock.

extraordinary? He actually said extraordinary? Moreover, how could he see that he had a spiritual seed?

"Let me introduce myself. I'm from the Jisheng Society." The man in mink clothes said, "You must have heard of this organization, right? Obviously, we have more common topics that we can communicate with."

Gather the holy shrine!

Zhang Wuya's instinctive reaction when he heard these three words was to turn around and leave.

Nonsense, how could you not have heard of it?

Now the word Jishengsha has been spread a lot.

Such a big thing happened in Xinhai City, which attracted a lot of attention across the country. After all, it is really a very bad and serious case so far, and the official attitude expressed is also extremely angry.

A lot of information about the Jisho Shrine has been revealed, and it has even been officially recognized as that kind of organization.

What's more, isn't the main reason why Zhang Wuya became like this and was treated like this because of the series of troubles caused by the other party?

Zhang Wuya didn't think there was anything in common with them.

"Where do you want to go, little brother?" However, the other party stopped him.

"Brother, I have nothing to talk about with you, right? I'm just a little loser. You are so generous and let me go. Why don't you want to be like me?" Zhang Wuya squeezed out a very difficult and pale smile, afraid road.

"I'm not here to cause trouble. It seems that you have a deep misunderstanding of us, but it's normal. After all, how can the official tell you the truth?"

"The truth?" Zhang Wuya was stunned for a moment.

"Do you think that your so-called spirit warrior system at this stage is very perfect and can enjoy very high privileges and high benefits? Be respected by others? It seems very fair?"

"." Zhang Wuya didn't answer.

But indeed, that's what he was thinking.

At this stage, who doesn’t want to become a spiritual warrior and achieve great success?

But why should I listen to the other party say these words? Aren't they supposed to be on opposite sides? Then logically speaking, the other party, a vicious Lingwu thug like him, should slap him into pieces as soon as they meet.

However, the man continued to talk to him.

"But is that really the case? Is it really fair?"

"As a person with extraordinary power, you are destined to be invincible and gain extremely high power. However, you can only get a little bit of power. In this world, we have more powerful power, why can't we get more?"

"You are an extraordinary person, not a spiritual warrior. They are trying to tie you up with shackles and make you work for them, but you cannot get real justice."

"For example, virtual realm!" The man suddenly looked into Zhang Wuya's eyes.

"Void realm?" Zhang Wuya was startled.

As for what the virtual realm is, he naturally learned some information during this period. Whether it was the teacher or the New Era Network, they all instilled some things in him.

In his impression, the Void Realm was a place where those weird races that broke out of the ground as the defenses were broken gathered and lived.

For them humans, it is a forbidden place among forbidden places.

Including this time, when the virtual realm came to their school, they were given a death order to evacuate immediately and not to come near.

Is there something unknown here?

"They will only tell you that the virtual realm is a very dangerous place, but they will never explain to you that the virtual realm is also a treasure land, which is enough to make anyone greedy. Moreover, the first batch of people who can enter the virtual realm are also You are most likely to get the most harvest, there are all kinds of spiritual things, materials, and even more things you can’t expect.”

"But they don't let you in, do you know why? Because they think you are not worthy. Believe it or not, they won't let you in, but there are enough people who can come in and out at will. If you don't believe it, you can follow I'll come, and then I can take you to see something."

"Don't worry, you are my kind. I will not deceive my kind. You are extraordinary, not a spiritual warrior."

The man laughed sinisterly: "Feel this power. My power proves the authenticity of my words. Feel it. Do I even bother to deceive you?"


The man raised his hands and smiled under the moonlight, and his whole body was actually melting.

Then it gathered like a rushing river. In this alley, the waves actually surged, and the water directly covered Zhang Wuya's chest!

The water flow gathered in front of him and formed a giant, looking at him with a sense of oppression.

At this moment, anyone with a phobia of the deep sea may be frightened to the point of leaving their body.

A moment later, when Zhang Wuya felt the absolute power, he shouted in panic: "I believe it! Don't kill me!"

Only then did the water flow stop. It was like going back in time, and the traces of traces came back together to form the figure of the strange man in mink clothes: "Don't be afraid, how could I kill you? We are the same kind, so be it, next I will I will take you to see some things, and you can decide for yourself whether you want to cooperate with us. We only need you to do one thing. In return, I will give you unparalleled benefits and power. You, want this power. Do you want to be such a person? Do you want to use this power to trample under your feet those who have wronged you?"

"Of course, this is a one-time deal. If you don't tell me, I won't tell you. God knows and the earth knows. You know and I know. No one knows that you have cooperated with us. How about it?"

At this moment, Zhang Wuya accidentally recalled what he had experienced today, and his heart suddenly became cruel.

He nodded: "I can agree to your conditions, but the premise is that I need to know what you want me to do?"

"Explore the virtual realm!" The man smiled: "That's all. This is a benefit to you. Just like I said, you don't need to make a decision now. You can go and see some things with me before you decide. Do you want to cooperate?"

"Okay!" Zhang Wuya nodded.

"Very good. Then, our partners should also take action. Then we just need to wait for them to finish."

the other side.

"What? You want to enter the virtual realm? Impossible! Who gave you the courage to make such a request to us? I hope you think about it before talking! Don't make a mistake!"

"Don't get me wrong, we are just here with the intention of rescuing, it is a rescue! It is not just for some virtual realm! Please believe us, we have no intention of going against Zhentiansi."

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