My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 6: Burn your homework, I will kill you

As a little boy, it doesn't matter if you're the second one among us.

Once upon a time, Yuan Ye also passed the second grade of middle school. He would also read novels and animations and fantasize about all kinds of weird things.

But as we age, this condition slowly fades away.

Is it gone? Don’t believe it yet?

No, it's just that what I saw has changed.

For example, when watching Ultraman, when he used to watch this thing, what he thought about was, damn, he won the handsomeness.

If only Ultraman were real.

But as he gets older, especially after he can see his achievements, if you let him go back and see this thing now.

What he saw was no longer the cool Ultraman, nor the awesome light waves.

All he would see were giants tens to hundreds of meters tall, and monsters tens to hundreds of meters tall, fighting in the city.

If you step down, a skyscraper will collapse suddenly, and if a light wave sweeps down, there will be patches of ruins.

How dangerous is this? If a large piece of ruins falls down freely, if someone happens to be below, they will be smashed into meat patties.

Just like cultivating immortals.

Cultivation is indeed very powerful, but it is also very dangerous.

If nothing else, even if you are lucky and don't get killed by others, you will still be struck by lightning.

How painful it is to be struck by lightning! Does this even need to be said?

So why not live in peace and quiet?

Now Yuan Ye's mentality has changed.

You'd better not really exist!

For someone like him who likes to pursue a peaceful and chaotic life, any disturbance is just a pebble that breaks the peace.

At the same time, it brings danger.

So for Li Qihe's words, his immediate reaction was four words: nonsense!

Li Qihe shook his head wildly: "No, no, no, Brother Yuan, something really big happened this time! Not far away, there were people in Xinhai City who took pictures, but every time they were quickly deleted and all traces were deleted. .”

"Yes, I've seen the video too, it's not the 360p kind, it's the 4k kind. It's very real."

"As we all know, the mysterious video can never break through the 360p picture quality. Once it breaks through, it must be real!"

"Many people have been discussing these things on the Internet recently, but every trace is erased very quickly. There must be something wrong here!"

"And our Xinhai City seems to have closed the sea. Think about it, now is not a fishing ban, it is the best time for fishing. The sea is actually closed. This is not a small matter."

"And there seem to be a lot more soldiers around the coastline, and many places have been directly fenced off."

Li Qihe's words were like turning on a mysterious switch, instantly triggering an intense discussion among several students around them.

Yuan Ye was speechless for a while.

Do you really want this world to be a little worse?

Life is already very tiring, and it is not easy to live peacefully. If there are more dangerous things, it will be very difficult.

Are you still alive?

And there are a lot of rumors in this regard.

Yuan Ye often goes to Station B to read various rumors and conspiracy theories that are widely circulated at home and abroad.

There have been many similar cases.

It's probably the same this time.

Yuan Ye himself is a relatively rational person. He does not believe in things easily, and he has seen a lot of them.


"It's true! I'm a witness! I still have the video!"

Soon, a male classmate took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, and put it in front of Yuan Ye: "See for yourself!"

This classmate Yuan Ye is very familiar.

Zhang Wuya is also a relatively prestigious classmate in the class. He is excellent in character and academics, is kind and generous, and treats his classmates very gently.

And the most important thing is that the impression he has in the eyes of his classmates is that of a good classmate who has a good mind and loves to help others.

There is no test at all. On weekdays, I often take my classmates to play games and talk about various things that have nothing to do with study. I don't study much on weekdays, but my grades are always at the top.

Many students also admire this kind of person.

He took out a video, which attracted a lot of people's attention.

Yuan Ye also looked over, and the next moment, he was stunned.

I saw that the video on the mobile phone screen was indeed very clear. At first glance, it was the standard pixels of smartphones at this stage, and the result was normal.

The picture shows the coastline, and it can be seen that it is indeed their Xinhai City.

There was a large group of tentacle-like things tumbling on the sea surface in the distance, and seagulls were flying around.

You can even see the details on those tentacles.

Then, above that large group of unidentifiable things, there was a mecha armed helicopter hovering. The helicopter also lowered the steel cable and dragged several exoskeleton light mecha-like things, which were wrapped in military uniforms and printed with The soldiers holding the national flag pressed the button of the machine gun and fired wildly below.

When the bullet hit the strange thing, black blood and fragments were sprayed out!

In the video, there was Zhang Wuya's voice saying "fuck" one after another.

Yuan Ye was startled.

Because this voice is indeed Zhang Wuya!

But this kind of picture is somewhat beyond human cognition.

It does not match the science learned at this stage at all!

And it's not over yet. In the video, someone jumped out of the helicopter very quickly.

That's right! Just jump down!

Then the man clenched his fist, and flames ignited in his fist, and he smashed it directly into the sea.

Unfortunately, before seeing the follow-up, there was a burst of noise in the video.

"What are you doing! What are you filming!"

Then the screen shook violently and the video ended.

Just after watching it, Yuan Ye was still in shock, so he instinctively swiped his finger to the left on the phone screen.

"Fuck! The back is gone! Stop paddling!!"

Zhang Wuya was so shocked that he rushed over to stop him.

However, it's too late

The screen switched to another video.


Unlock the achievement: [Expose the Hypocrite (street-level achievement), you exposed the disguise of a duplicity King Juan, let everyone know the truth, let everyone know that this person said that everyone should not be involved in the book, but If you do it day and night, your positive image will be +10, and your charm will be +10! 】

The achievement popped up and Yuan Ye narrowed his eyes.

"No!!!" Zhang Wuya's face was full of despair.

In the screen, the picture of Zhang Wuya doing homework on the table has started to play.

I saw Zhang Wuya holding a pen, staring at the paper with an angry face and blood-red eyes, and speaking through gritted teeth.

The electronic alarm clock next to it still shows the time.

4:30 am.

"I'll kill you for your sexy homework!"

"Would you like to see daddy's morning light?"

"I'm going to fill your little solution with ideas for solving problems. I'm going to write from the back to the front until Dad is exhausted."

"How capable are you? Let dad write about you every day? Huh?"

"Why did you work so hard on your homework for so long and only get a small score?"

"Am I better or the one who died suddenly when I stayed up late doing homework? Do I write better or does he write better? Burning homework, does he write about you for so long like me every night? Tell me! Take a good look at how dad writes about you. of!"

"You even asked him to use correction fluid to correct it! I didn't even use correction fluid to correct you! How hard did you have to burn it? Huh? Burn your homework!"

At this time, Yuan Ye's table was already crowded with people from three floors inside and three outside. The students around him came over to chat. It was a lively time.

And in a place like school, if a person takes out his mobile phone to play a video and share it, it will definitely be more popular among people.

At this moment, the air was as quiet as death, and all the students fell silent.

What else did you witness? Monster what?

Is it still important?

Maybe, from now on, someone has been killed.

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