My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 7 Yuan Ye’s good deeds

Yuan Ye locked the screen of his phone without leaving a trace and coughed lightly: "Ahem. This."

"Stop it!"

Zhang Wuya stood up, took back his mobile phone, and stretched out his hand to interrupt Yuan Ye's words.

"I am very grateful to my classmates for taking care of me. I will always remember you. Please don't miss me in the days to come."

Zhang Wuya slowly bowed to everyone.

It feels very much like him in the class, he is humble, elegant and kind to others.

The premise is that if there is no video just now.

"Sorry." Yuan Ye apologized silently.

"You're so weak! If an apology is useful, why do you need the police?" The male classmate broke his guard instantly and stepped forward to grab Yuan Ye's collar: "Yuan Ye, you are really worthy of your reputation. Ah!! You do so many evil things!! You are not a good person!!!"

"Huh?" Yuan Ye was stunned for a moment: "What reputation do I have? Am I guilty of many evil deeds?"

Who doesn't know that Yuan Ye is introverted, shy, and socially anxious?

He has no social life.

Say he has done many evil things? And fame?

That is simply nonsense!

"Ahhhhhh!!" Zhang Wuya just wanted to die at this moment.

The persona that I had worked so hard to create for so long collapsed in an instant.

Not even a hint of foam.

The students around him also had different expressions.

"Don't mind, we didn't see anything." Yuan Ye glanced away.

"Yes, we didn't see anything. Pfft." Li Qihe also turned his head to another place, but he couldn't hold it back and laughed.

"Hey! I've been putting up with you for a long time! You've been laughing all the time! You never stopped! Isn't it funny?" The male classmate slapped the table.

"It's nothing, I suddenly remembered something happy." Li Qihe suppressed a smile.

"You are also happy about something?" Zhang Wuya opened his red eyes and looked at the other students.

"Yes! Why?"

"I didn't expect that, Zhang Wuya, you are quite a contrast."

"Dude, vanilla puree."

"Is it secretly taking the papers? Writing the papers at four o'clock in the middle of the night."

"What should I say? Give me an explanation!"

"Look at yours first."

However, other students were not timid at all.

Originally, if you were an upright person, it wouldn't be a big deal.

But I hate the kind of guy who secretly rolls the money himself and then tricks others into not playing it.

Ever since, a group of male classmates gathered around eagerly.

After a while, I heard a friendly and harmonious sound outside.

A mysterious ritual called Aruba is taking place.

"You go on, I'll go outside to get some water."

Yuan Ye put his hands in his pockets, took the thermos cup and went out.

He turned a deaf ear to Zhang Wuya, who was undergoing a mysterious ceremony, and ignored Zhang Wuya's look for help.

I didn't see anything!

He also hates roll kings and so on, especially roll kings who roll secretly.

Wouldn't it be nice to show off like him?

As for some monster or something?

Yuan Ye also started to have a headache.

In fact, it is not really impossible.

After all, he can see such a thing as achievement, science?

It's not very scientific anymore.

At the same time, Yuan Ye also became anxious.

If so-called cultivators or so-called people with extraordinary abilities really appeared, the world would become more dangerous.

So his first consideration was definitely not to become these people, but how to live safer and how to maintain a stable life.

Tie your head to your belt and fight those so-called monsters? Who do you fight for? Playing with your life? Stop fucking!

Even if he jumped from this building and died outside, he wouldn't!

Yuan Ye can only feel sad now. The future of this world is becoming increasingly difficult for him to see clearly.

Not only were the men jumping out of the plane with their fists on fire, there were also mechas coming out!

what? Does Gundam really exist?

It’s both fantasy and science fiction. What is this? Stew in a big pot? Everything?

Are there people who can turn into daddies and dog people who can turn into dogs and eat daddies?

How funny.

Forget it, let's stick to our own way of life for now, it's none of his business.

Get ready to go to college first! Then follow your own life plan and stay away from all waves and unknown factors!

Anyway, judging from the current situation, it is certain that he will get into a university that is neither good nor bad, and he will get a bachelor's degree.

But he didn't know why, but he had been having an inexplicable feeling since just now.

Especially when looking to the west, this inexplicable feeling is even stronger.

However, just as he went out to get water, Li Qihe looked at his back and clenched his fists.

"If the world is really going to change, Brother Yuan will definitely be the most dazzling figure in the entire era!"

"Penguin, do you admire Yuan Ye so much?" a male classmate asked cheerfully.

"You don't understand." Li Qihe raised his head and said, "Brother Yuan is different from everyone else. If the extraordinary power really breaks out, he will definitely be the most eye-catching one among everyone."

"And I must also become a person of extraordinary strength."

Those with extraordinary power, extraordinary power is about to explode!

This is what everyone on the Internet is talking about fermentation these days.

The power of communication is already terrifying

There is no way, there are indeed many sightings, directly in the tens of thousands level.

Even their class has one!

I can't hold it down at all!

Now the Internet is full of various versions of speculation.

"Farewell, even if it does break out, the probability of getting our turn is very small." said the male classmate.

"Definitely not everyone can have this kind of extraordinary power."

"Don't worry, even if you fly that mecha, it's still very handsome!"

The surrounding classmates also dispersed after chatting for a while.

Li Qihe clenched his fists.

From this moment on, he had a dream.

You may not know what it is like to be able to pull a desperate person out of the abyss with just two sentences.

We generally use two words to describe this kind of person, that is, leader!

And he has been implementing it.

He was able to go from a humble little fat guy that no one cared about and no one paid attention to now to someone who can speak up among his classmates. He knew exactly whose reason it was.

And he has not forgotten Yuan Ye's kindness!

At the same time, in the teacher's office.

Tang Lina looked at the dean with a dark look on her face.


The dean gently placed something on the table.

"See for yourself, Yuan Ye in your class has done a good job."

Tang Lina looked over.

It is a king of taste. The original packaging has been removed and it is wrapped in a transparent sealed bag.

Tang Lina opened it silently and poured out the contents.

In addition to a hammer, there is also a small note.

Tang Lina resisted the explosion of blood pressure and took out the small note and took a look.

The next moment, the unfolding field made the dean tremble with fright.

[Produced by Yuan Ye Group - Chief Agent: Li Qihe]

"Students are just a little smart but useless in the right place. I am very impressed with this classmate Yuan Ye. He still has great potential and is a very smart child. If he is guided correctly in the future, he will definitely be a malleable talent!"

The dean quickly said: "Teacher Tang, as people's teachers, we must not act impulsively! Don't"

"No corporal punishment"

These were the last three words spoken by the dean of students.

"How could it be? Director." Tang Lina suddenly turned around with a smile as bright as a flower: "Am I this kind of person?"

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