My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 8 Why does the achievement have strange attributes?

After collecting the water, when Yuan Ye returned to the classroom, the classroom had returned to silence, and the playing and chatting had ended.

After all, playing and chatting are just adjustments. For current high school seniors, the fate they are about to face in the future is the first thing they should consider.

The college entrance examination is undoubtedly still a mountain hanging over the heads of all senior high school students, and it is closely related to their destiny in the next few decades.

For many ordinary people, a college entrance examination is an opportunity that can change their life's destiny.

Although this senior year of high school has just begun, the thought that everyone will face trial in a year will still create a lot of pressure.

After all, the video on Zhang Wuya's cell phone was enough to tell.

I wrote the paper until I was crazy, and I struggled until three or four in the morning for a few more points.

That is definitely the current mental state of high school students, and this situation is certainly not uncommon.

Anyway, Zhang Wuya will definitely not be the only one!

Everyone has sat back in their seats, waiting for class to begin.

Yuan Ye also took out his mobile phone, unlocked the lock screen and looked at WeChat.

Still no response

The chat box belonging to Qian Hui still had the same message he sent when he got up in the morning.

You haven't replied to him yet

what happened? Haven't you gotten up yet?

Yuan Ye was already a little confused.

But before he had time to think about it.

Soon, the sound of high-heeled footsteps entered the classroom.

Yuan Ye also straightened up and looked forward.

A beautiful figure, wearing a white shirt, black slim-fitting pants, high heels, and holding a pile of papers in her hand, is Yuan Ye's cousin, Tang Lina.

Yes, that's right, Tang Lina is the head teacher responsible for teaching their class.

"After three days of vacation, today is the first day of resumption of classes. I hope you can show your energy and energy, instead of sitting on the table like zombies and looking like you are going to die."

Tang Lina stood on the podium with an expressionless face and full aura.

He really has that kind of scary temperament.

"Before class today, there was something important that I wanted to announce." Tang Lina said, "However, before announcing the important thing, there is one more thing that I want to focus on first."

The atmosphere in the whole class fell silent for a moment.

Because as soon as this sentence comes out, it basically means what will happen next.

Even outside the window, there was a girl watching.

The girl is very beautiful and has a very soft face. She is looking in with interest from the window.

Yuan Ye noticed the girl, but quickly looked away.

I guess it was just students from other classes who passed by and took a look at the excitement.

Following Tang Lina's words, some of the normally naughty classmates also started to get nervous.

Among them was Li Qihe, whose eyes began to twinkle.

Only Yuan Ye remained calm as he sat in his seat.

Because no matter what happened, it was unlikely to have anything to do with him, and he hadn't done anything bad.

The most pure and honest person is Yuan Ye.

On the contrary, it was Li Qihe.

He glanced at Li Qihe.

And it turned out to be true.

Tang Lina directly took out a small plastic bag, held it up, and said slowly: "Some students from other classes have already reported to the teaching office. In this kind of learning environment, some students in our class have serious disciplinary violations! Buy betel cigarettes and e-cigarettes outside the school at low prices! Go to school to split them and sell them at high prices!”

Speaking of the latter, Tang Lina was close to scolding.

Li Qihe's forehead was already covered with sweat, and his eyes couldn't stop being panicked.

Yuan Ye shook his head.

Are you sweating profusely, brother?

"What kind of behavior is this?" Tang Lina asked on the stage.

"Bad behavior!" Yuan Ye replied boredly along with his classmates.

Tang Lina: "As students, is it right for us to do such a thing?"

Yuan Ye: "Incorrect!"

But Yuan Ye, still as steady as a rock, took out the nail file and started rubbing his nails.

Sometimes, watching a show is quite enjoyable.

"As you said, what kind of behavior is this? This is a very serious behavior! It seriously violates campus discipline and turns a blind eye to school rules and regulations! It brings unhealthy trends to the school! Next, I will call the name The school will punish his classmates, Li Qihe!"

Sure enough, Li Qihe's name was read out.

Yuan Ye looked at his sweaty appearance and patted his shoulder.

Li Qihe stood up.

"Yuan Ye." Tang Lina glanced at Yuan Ye's position: "Let me ask you first, what does this behavior mean?"

"It represents a serious violation of campus discipline and should not happen! As students, the future flowers of our motherland and the new hope of society's future, how can we sit back and watch this happen?" Yuan Ye stood up and answered road.

The tone of his speech was filled with indignation.

At the same time, he glanced at Li Qihe with gloating eyes.

After all, a dead Taoist friend is better than a poor Taoist, especially his own brother.

The brotherhood between men is very complicated.

I'm not only afraid that my brother will have a bad life, but also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover. Talking about some unpleasant things that happen to the brothers on weekdays can make each other happy.

Anyway, the fire can't burn yourself.

Tang Lina's face was expressionless: "Then let me ask you, Yuan Ye, how should this kind of behavior be punished?"

"It must be dealt with seriously!" Yuan Ye said angrily: "Where is this? This is a school! It is a place to study! It is a pure place! It is an academic place! It is already very rare for us to have the opportunity to study, so what? How can I waste this opportunity and waste my time? So I suggest you write a major demerit! Write a letter of guarantee! And inform the whole school!"

"Okay, Li Qihe, he sold contraband on campus and caused extremely bad consequences. He will receive a major demerit! And write a 3,000-word letter of guarantee and post it on the school bulletin board for a week!"

Yuan Ye cast a helpless look at Li Qihe.

But right now.

Yuan Ye felt a feeling like a light on his back, which made him restless.

He followed that feeling and looked over, suddenly meeting Tang Lina's eyes.


"The second name, Yuan Ye!" Tang Lina looked at Yuan Ye and said coldly.

Yuan Ye was confused.

Aren’t I just a good person and it has nothing to do with me?

However, the next moment.


Unlock achievements: [Person of the Year (district-level achievement), because you were too outstanding in school, you did great things that shocked everyone, successfully became famous on campus, and became a popular figure in the school, and you fought for it yourself, charm +10 , aura +10, strength +10, endurance +10, prestige +100! 】

"Yuan Ye, instigated his classmates to sell loose cigarettes and betel nut cartridges for him to make profits, disregard school discipline, and make money. His nature is extremely bad. He will be recorded with a major demerit. A 3,000-word guarantee letter will be posted on the bulletin board, and he will be required to do so during morning exercises. Time for a school-wide briefing!”

Yuan Ye: "???"

First of all, there seems to be something not quite right in my achievement reward. This is one of them.

The second is that he was actually involved! ?

But before Yuan Ye had time to think about it.

"Report to Teacher Tang! I did this by myself! I did everything by myself! If you want to be punished, punish me! I admit my mistake and accept the punishment! It has nothing to do with Brother Yuan and classmate Yuan Ye!"

Li Qihe stood at attention, put his hands behind his back and roared.

Yuan Ye himself was extremely moved. He was just about to blurt out that he was a good brother and always took care of him!

And he was still blaming himself for selling Li Qihe just now.

Damn it! I have sold him, but he is still helping me!

However, Tang Lina sneered: "Oh? Really? Are you sure?"

"Confirmed!" Li Qihe nodded.

Tang Lina stopped talking and took out the note from the sealed bag: "The evidence is irrefutable and cannot be denied. Yuan Ye, I am very disappointed in you."

The content of the note was directly reflected in everyone's eyes.

[Produced by Yuan Ye Group - Chief Agent: Li Qihe! 】

Including Yuan Ye.

Everyone else is numb.

He looked at the note and then at Li Qihe.

Suddenly, he smiled.

They are indeed his siblings and friends.

He was very surprised how he could be involved in this matter. It turned out to be Li Qihe's good deed.

"But before that, we would like to introduce a new transfer student to our class."

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