"But another thing is, it's very tiring when you talk like this and consumes a lot of spiritual energy. Don't hold on." Yuan Ye thought for a while and still felt that he needed to speak out what was in his heart: "Just practice more, it's really not difficult. "

Then this sentence floated to Xie Ying's ears, and it naturally became: practice more if you are not good at it. If you can't afford it, don't play it.

"Ahhhhh!! The soul is weak!!" Xie Yinghong said warmly: "You can tell me! Huh? I have a lot of spiritual energy, is there a problem?"


"I didn't use spiritual energy! Who wants to use spiritual energy to talk! Can't it be that I suddenly became enlightened?" After Xie Ying finished speaking, she raised her head again and looked away slightly: "Don't ask, it's not enlightened."

Li Qihe: "."

Really, it looks more and more like it.

Now Li Qihe really wants to say, sisters, it is very dangerous for you to continue like this.

But after looking at the two people arguing and thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

A companion is like a tiger. As a qualified younger brother, it is best not to talk too much when the elder brother is around. He knows this very well and understands this.

You must put the elder brother first in everything. If there is any benefit, the elder brother will take care of it. If there is any danger, he will take care of it. Whatever the elder brother says will be done. I will fight wherever the elder brother points.

Ever since Yuan Ye rescued him and took him back to touch 4090, a seed had been planted in Li Qihe's heart.

In the days that followed, every meal Yuan Ye took him to eat was fertilizer for the seeds.

Every bottle of iced black tea happy water you buy is water for the seeds.

Since then, he has strengthened his heart, and the seeds in his heart have grown into a big tree.

Brother Yuan is always right, he will hit wherever you point him.

Will Brother Yuan still harm me? Could the person Brother Yuan asked me to beat be a good person? Brother Yuan won't let me get close, is there any good person out there?

At this moment, Li Qihe did not speak, but took out a small notebook and began to take out a pen to record what Brother Yuan just said.

Li Qihe wrote: If you can't afford it, practice more. If you can't afford it, don't play it.

Hengzhe, Yuan Ye, recorded in the first virtual realm I don’t know where I don’t know the mountain, full stop.

After thinking about it, Li Qihe started writing again.

Brackets, March 12, 2025, Brackets.

After he finished writing, he closed the book with satisfaction

Yuan Ye noticed Li Qihe's actions and nodded with some surprise and satisfaction: "Not bad! You can do that, Li Qihe, are you still studying now?"

Then he looked at the other team members: "Well, you must learn more from Adjutant Li in the future. Knowledge can really change your destiny. You must learn more in your daily life. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" the team members agreed.

Yuan Ye stopped talking and turned to look at the other team members: "You continue, record everything, and then report it to Commander Xie."

"Okay!" The team members said they understood.

After everything was arranged, the search work was left to the team members. Now, he had more pressing and important things to do.

Yuan Yeke has not forgotten at all why he came here.

If it were normal, his trip to the virtual realm this time would have no goal at all, and he would not necessarily come to this place. It is very likely that he would miss such a treasure land.

But why did he come over anyway? The reason is very simple, isn't it just because of the feeling of inspiration?

That kind of mysterious pull brought him here.

If his feeling in this direction was correct, it should come from the top of the mountain.

Yuan Ye looked up.

At first glance, you can see the steep ridge with no end, reaching into the sky. Moreover, it is pitch black in broad daylight and nothing can be seen clearly.

Yuan Ye frowned.

It looked very dangerous, and there was no way to go up higher. He didn't know what was calling him in such a dangerous place.

Let’s not talk about how to get up to this ghost place. The most important point is how dangerous it is after you get up there.

The first point is that people who are afraid of heights are not suitable to go up.


He felt the appeal getting stronger and stronger, reaching the point of longing for it.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and decided to go up.

After Yuan Ye finished his instructions, he began to leave the team.

Follow the path up the mountain and go up.

At least there was still a long way to go, which was good news, and he didn't need to climb all the way up.

In place, the team members were still curious.

"Captain, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, but it seems quite urgent."

Xie Ying also looked at the direction where Yuan Ye disappeared and frowned: "What is he going to do?"

"Thank you, Mr. Guan, you are stuck again." Li Qihe reminded.

"Really? No, haven't I always been able to speak smoothly?" Xie Ying glanced at Li Qihe suspiciously.

"Okay." Li Qihe was speechless.

Xie Ying turned her attention back.

Let's talk about it, let's talk about it, let's get down to business.

She was curious, but she wasn't worried about anything.

Yuan Ye's character is there. Since he dares to go up and go anywhere, it means that he is absolutely sure that he will not encounter danger and can come back.

Otherwise, this hanging man will never pass.

The team members stopped looking and remembered Yuan Ye's instructions just now.

The captain just said that he wanted them to learn more from Adjutant Li.

"It goes without saying that it doesn't make sense for Adjutant Li to be an adjutant. His mentality is just different from ours!"

One of the team members sighed: "Adjutant Li, what's in your notebook? Can you teach us about it?"

"Okay, what does this mean?" Li Qihe said generously: "Take it and remember to return it to me after reading it. I have summarized this for a long time and it hasn't been completed yet. I am still thinking about it. I will print it after it is completed. Come out and distribute it to you, one for each of you."

"Okay!" The team members' eyes lit up.

Since what Li Qihe said is so mysterious, it proves that it must be something very important.

After receiving it, many team members were stunned on the spot.

Because the notebook is very simple, only four words written in ink pen.

"The Spirit of Yuan Ye".

"This?" The team member who took it was confused and asked with his eyes.

"Captain Yuan's spirit is worth learning from. He is the person with the most charming personality that I have ever seen. He is always giving and never thinks about anything in return. It is not an exaggeration to call such a person a bodhisattva." .”

Li Qihe said: "As long as you learn Captain Yuan Ye's spirit, it will have a profound impact on your lives."

"Oh!!!" The team members' eyes lit up.

There is such a good thing? Then they must study hard.

After this period of time, although the time they got together was still short, Yuan Ye's actions were always noticed by them.

How does the captain treat them?

Of course, there is no need to say more about this. There is no need to talk about it at all.

Especially his extraordinary personal abilities, all of which reveal that he is definitely a good officer.

In a situation like Wang Erzhu's, if he were placed in any other formation, his corpse would probably stink now.

But Captain Yuan Ye still doesn't give up and wants to pull people back from the gate of hell.

He also has extraordinary thinking and top leadership skills.

Even if they canceled training, they could still clearly feel that not only did they not decline during this period, but they felt like they were getting stronger!

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