My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 89 Is this the pinnacle? 【35 updates】

In the endless turbulent sea of ​​the virtual world, the Luanniao-class Nantian ship was galloping.

Gong Xi Zhilan stood in front of the deck, looking at the dim snowy sun hanging in the sky, looking at the falling snowflakes, and frowned.

There were very few snowflakes, only a few falling.

"Is it snowing?" Gong Xizhilan thought to herself.

Feeling the burning pain caused by the falling snowflakes on her skin, Gong Xi Zhilan remained silent.

"It's so hot, Miss Gongxi, it's too hot. Why don't you tell your brothers to cook some hot pot or something? Cool down."

"Okay." Gongxi Zhilan did not object and continued: "Let the kitchen cook the hot pot."

"Hahaha, I feel so good. Brothers!"

"Fucking virtual realm, it's so weird. I almost died of suffocation after I came in."

"is not that right?"

There was cheering and bustling underneath, and you could tell that everyone was very happy to hear that there was hot pot available to cool off the heat.

Gong Xi Zhilan remained calm and thoughtful.

She looked at Zhang Wuya standing aside and thought for a moment: "Who is that?"

"Zhang Wu Ya." Zhang Wu Ya spoke with unusual difficulty and stepped forward to remind him.

Others would only get stuck once or twice on a sentence, but he would get stuck on every word.

"Well, Zhang Wuwu, right? Remember." Gong Xizhilan waved his hand nonchalantly.

It doesn't matter what his name is, he's just a tool anyway.

This is a waste who has not yet fully awakened his abilities and is only in the early stage of Star Glory level. Logically speaking, he is not worthy of being on a ship, let alone standing and walking on a ship.

Combat capability is very limited.

For example, it is actually equivalent to the level of the big man who caused the chaos in the mall and Yuan Ye at that time.

So naturally, Gong Xi Zhilan couldn't let Gong Xizhilan even look at her.

Zhang Wuya: "."

He wanted to remind him that he called it wrong.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

Forget it, just keep silent, don't confront the above, just be a crow, that's fine.

"Yes, my name is Zhang Wuya." Zhang Wuya replied respectfully: "Miss, do you have any instructions?"

"Take out the compass and see how far it is." Gong Xi Zhilan said.

"Yes!" Zhang Wuya agreed, took out the small box from his coat, opened it, and revealed the compass inside.

The direction of the pointer was clearly the direction they were heading in now.

"We're almost there. There are still two and a half days left."

"What the hell are you saying?" Gong Xi Zhilan frowned.

"." Zhang Wuya's lips twitched slightly.

But he didn't know how to explain it.

This virtual realm is too weird, and he has tried his best to adapt to it.

But it’s still anti-human, okay?

What you need to pay attention to is that if you want to express a sentence completely, you must have a draft in your mind from beginning to end, and then speak from the end to the beginning.

You also have to pay attention to the inversion of tone and sentence breaks.

Reading according to the script may not be smooth.

Who can speak smoothly so quickly?

Isn't the card normal?

You guys said it so smoothly, you must have practiced it long before the start of the virtual realm, otherwise you would have known the rules here as soon as you came in, and you would not have gone backwards when you started talking. It doesn't make sense that you didn't practice.

How could there be such a person who can become smooth just by adapting temporarily?

impossible! Absolutely no such person exists!

So he must be fine, the problem is not with him.

This is Zhang Wuya. No, Zhang Wuya’s own thoughts.

"Two days... is too slow!" Gong Xizhilan shook her head: "Go on and ask if we can speed up!"


Immediately, thirteen members of the Feixia family took orders.

"By the way, how is this thing you fused?" Gongxi Zhilan asked again, referring to the compass.

"The process went very smoothly, I guess we're halfway there..." Zhang Wuya said with difficulty.

He looked down at the compass in his hand.

This thing was given to him by the mysterious man from Jisheng Society named Ouyang Yu.

But he didn't know exactly what this thing was, let alone its specific function.

He only knew that when the other party gave this thing to him, he told him to use his own blood to fuse it, prick his ring finger every day, and feed his own blood. He must do this every day.

Then after entering the virtual realm, follow the direction indicated above and lead the way for the people of the Thirteen Families.

As long as he can do these things, then after the virtual realm is over, he will be able to get a huge amount of power as a reward. He can jump up directly and gain huge power.

And the most important thing is that he can also join the Thirteen Families.

This was the promise given to Zhang Wuya.

For Zhang Wuya, there is no doubt that this has a fatal attraction.

Being able to obtain a powerful energy and a powerful body out of thin air, what deal can be more cost-effective than this?

If that's the case, why should he hesitate?

Therefore, what exactly a compass is is no longer within his scope of consideration.

Anyway, this thing is so small, it won't kill anyone.

And the most important thing is that he doesn't think there will be any elusive and unimaginable consequences.

"The speed is a bit slow." Gong Xi Zhilan said: "But fortunately, the Zhentian Division and the Lingwu Association have 1000% no idea what this virtual realm represents, and they will definitely not be able to get the things."

This is a good thing.

They also accidentally saw an ancient book, and then deduced through some clues that there might be some unique and unusual things in this virtual realm.

This virtual realm is no ordinary virtual realm! are different!

They were very sure that there was a lot of information that Zhentiansi and their side absolutely didn't know.

Therefore, things are naturally very stable and basically belong to them and have not escaped.

"Wait!" Gong Xi Zhilan sneered.

When they get what they want, it's time to slap Zhentiansi hard in the face.

Do you really think you can control them?


On the other side, on top of the mountain.

Yuan Ye looked at the steaming clouds under his feet, stretched out his feet and stepped on them again and again.

It is solid and very hard, and it is very stable when people step on it.

Then look ahead.

There is a great hall.

The main hall is very large in area and extremely high. It stretches continuously and shines with golden light, which is extremely dazzling even under the bloody sun.

At the door of the main hall, there is a plaque with several square characters written on it.

"You just came up like this?" Yuan Ye was silent for a long time before holding back these words.

Not to mention anything else, it’s just that it’s a little too easy.

It looks very dangerous. The steep cliffs and mountain roads are full of twists and turns, and the height is far beyond what the long sky plank roads can match.

It can be called the kind of pinnacle that makes people feel desperate just by looking at it.

"Is this the pinnacle?" Yuan Ye said in an astonishing way, a classic outrageous comment.

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