My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 94 Smart Li Qihe [37 updates]

call out--

Yuan Ye responded with a medicine bottle.

Yuan Ye turned his head to avoid it.

"Yuan Ye!!!"

"Don't be like this. If you have anything to say, we can have a good conversation. We are a unit after all, right?"

"Then how about I die a little?"

"I think it's better not to waste this spiritual energy. There may be any dangers next."

"Bala bala!"

"Bala bala bala!"

"Bala? Blah blah! Blah blah blah!!"

"Bala. No, stop!!!"

After some exchanges, Xie Ying was exhausted both physically and mentally, so she quickly pressed her button and emphasized that she must be sensible!

My motto in life, number one, stay away from the space system. If not necessary, please do not communicate directly with or even interact with the space system.

My life motto, number two, if possible, I want to eat small cakes without water every day, paired with a cup of papaya milk. This thing can bring me happiness. Whoever can meet this condition, I will be for that person when I grow up. Work.

To my own life motto, number 12, stay away from Yuan Ye and don’t try to reason with Yuan Ye.

Brackets, added on March 13, 2025, brackets.

"Next time, you don't have to say anything if you can't speak." Xie Ying sighed.

She suddenly began to question whether her decision to bring the other party into Zhentiansi was right.

Or, this is a mistake.

She began to have doubts about her decision.

But fortunately, it seems that overall it is still profitable now, but the other party seems to be a little self-defeating.

Calm down first, don't let him affect your emotions!

"Let's skip this topic."

"Okay, I just want to comfort you. I have no other thoughts." Yuan Ye pondered for a moment: "There is also a problem with my expression. So, can I withdraw what I just said?"

"I'm used to it." Xie Ying looked up at the sky. Suddenly, she had the illusion that she understood life.

The short eighteen years of her life actually made her feel like pressing the fast forward button.

She admitted that it was more or less a bit of post-depletion depression brought on by aura depletion, but more of the same.

She looked at Yuan Ye in front of her.

Forget it, stop talking.

"Well, actually, I have always used spiritual energy to speak." Yuan Ye pondered for a moment and said: "I confess, I don't speak normally, and I also use spiritual energy, so you don't have to compete with me in this regard in the future. Well, as a captain, I use aura because many things are not expressed properly or are not managed in time."

Xie Ying was stunned for a moment.

"Otherwise, how could I speak so fluently so quickly?" Yuan Ye said.

"Really?" After a moment, Xie Ying raised her head and asked.

"Of course it's true!" Yuan Ye waved his hand and patted Xie Ying's shoulder gently: "When did I, Yuan Ye, lie to you? I have never told you lies, okay?"

"Okay, I believe it!" At this moment, Xie Ying smiled.

At this moment, she released her spiritual energy maintenance.

Suddenly I felt light. Sure enough, after I stopped struggling, the whole world became beautiful.

"No. Do you really believe it?" Li Qihe was stunned.

"Shut up! I believe it!" Xie Yingguang quickly turned around to interrupt the spell casting.

Li Qihe stopped talking.

You are still too young to dare to believe Brother Yuan’s words. This is because you have never experienced the dangers of this world!

Like him, he has long seen the essence of things clearly!

There are huge loopholes in what Brother Yuan said. Not to mention that he has been speaking with spiritual energy for so long. He is still the same as a normal person. If this were true, wouldn't it be more terrifying?

He has never even taken the medicine to restore spiritual energy.

With Brother Yuan's character, after maintaining Wang Erzhu's vital signs, he returned to the command room and killed three or four bottles of spiritual energy replenishing solvent before giving up.

This is a master who doesn’t want to lose any spiritual energy!

But even something as obvious as this could fool Xie Ying.

Not as smart as him.

Li Qihe raised his head proudly at this moment.

Things have barely come to an end.

This is how they turn their attention elsewhere.

Yuan Ye finally turned his attention back to the Nantian Ship.

He frowned: "Didn't I ask you to search for things where you are, and then take care of them and wait for me to come back? Why are they all on the ship now?"

"Forced." Xie Ying replied.

Sure enough, it feels much more comfortable to talk like this.

"Not long after you left, those things appeared. These stone men appeared out of nowhere." Xie Ying pointed to the distance and walked to the edge of the deck.

Yuan Ye followed.

Only then did he notice the golden-armored stone men standing on the entrance road in the distance.

Exactly like the ones he encountered above.

"Are there any casualties?" Yuan Ye asked.

"No." Xie Ying replied: "We evacuated quickly, without any delay. We planned to wait for you to come back and leave."

"That's good." Yuan Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there are no casualties, Wang Erzhu finally managed to get back from the gate of hell, and if there are casualties due to his absence, this is something he cannot accept.

To put it bluntly, this is a serious dereliction of duty by a chief officer.

I just don’t know where these stone people came from.

And the intensity is really high.

But since the person is fine, that’s good.

"No, what about that thing?"

But Yuan Ye suddenly thought of something.

Why would he leave people there? Isn't it because he wanted to protect things? Then search for as many things as possible.

But now that the person has come out, where have his things gone?

That was his main purpose for entering the virtual realm!

The heart of the virtual realm is secondary.

Because he didn't know what the use of that thing was, or what would happen after collecting them all.

Therefore, if you can collect it, you must collect it along the way.

If he can't, he won't force it. Everything is done by the way. Yuan Ye prefers things that can be seen and touched.

"I didn't bring anything over." Xie Ying replied.

"It's all in there." Li Qihe echoed: "There are too many targets, and they move very quickly. We are no match. If we don't come out quickly, we are afraid that there will be casualties."

"You mean, they came out to stop you and left everything there?" Yuan Ye's face was expressionless at the moment.

"Yes." Li Qihe nodded.

"Ha." Yuan Ye smiled at this moment.

Originally, he didn't plan to play anymore, after all, the other party could be resurrected infinitely.

It's like it's open.

Now that everything is open, why are you still having fun?

But now it seems.

"I want to play again." Yuan Ye said, "You guys go to bed early and take a nap first. I will come back to call you later."

"Now, I retract what I just retracted!"

He didn't want to withdraw that organ.

Anyone who cuts off my financial path will die! !


Before Li Qihe and Xie Ying could react, Yuan Ye's figure blurred and disappeared.

Only where he was left, Xie Ying raised her head: "What did he just say?"

"When he said he was withdrawing the withdrawal, did he mean that he would not withdraw it?" Li Qihe replied.

"I'm deaf. I didn't hear. An, I fell asleep." Xie Ying looked calm and turned around to leave.

When Yuan Ye appeared again, he returned to the center of the hall just now.

Revisit the strange naked stone man.

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