My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 95 Hello step master [47 updates]

Originally, Yuan Ye had no intention of taking care of them. If they couldn't be beaten to death, it would be over without fighting. It had nothing to do with him. There was no need for him to waste his spiritual energy on these things. He was not the kind of person to compete.

But the situation now is different.

"Today, there is me, but not you, there is you, but not me!" Yuan Ye returned to the familiar hall again, his eyes were red.

When he looked at these stone men now, he hated every one of them. He had never felt such a strong sense of justice.

This is so damned!

Here, a stone man moved his jaw, obviously wanting to say something.

This pricked Yuan Ye's heart, and he looked over in confusion.

"Did I let you move?"

In an instant, Yuan Ye appeared behind the stone man, Ctrl+V, and repeated the operation just now in this hall.


In an instant, the stone man was broken into pieces before he could even say a word.

Yuan Ye picked up the golden armor on the ground and stuffed it into the alien space. The whole set of actions was done in one go without any sloppiness.

"We are all buried in the long river of history, so we should cover our coffins properly and live our duties as the dust of history, right? We always have to come out and dance."

"Look outside, what a lovely and dedicated group of people. They have worked so hard to come here from afar. What's wrong with them taking something? What's wrong with the guests taking something!"

"If you go out into society like this, you will easily suffer big losses in the future! I am teaching you principles! Why are you looking at me with such a stinky face? The principles are all ugly! As the saying goes, good advice is irritating to the ears!"

"I won't embarrass you. I just need to take the things away. Do you understand? I am very kind and never do anything to embarrass others."

"Shut up! Suppress your words!"

Yuan Ye put his hands behind his back and said with a sad expression on his face. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the newly resurrected naked male stone man. His jaw moved again, and he raised his hand again and smashed it into stone in one go.

"Today we have a good chat just like friends, we are all connected with each other, no one is impatient, no one is doing anything, okay? You still have to listen to some words."


With another wave of his hand, the stone man in front of him was shattered into pieces for the third time.

Yuan Ye's teeth were sore.

There is no way to continue like this!

If you can really resurrect infinitely, how about playing with a hammer? This situation is the most difficult to handle.

As long as their bodies are still here, they can still be resurrected, even if they are broken into powder.

The point is, if you talk to them rationally, they won't be moved at all.


It's understandable. After all, the stone man is not a real life form. It can be understood with simpler thinking.

Wait, the body part is still there?

Does that mean.

Yuan Ye's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly thought of a solution.

"I'll try, don't move."

Now that you have an idea, you must confirm your true knowledge.

Yuan Ye was immediately ready to test his idea, and he did it with one palm and then another.


The unfortunate stone man was shattered into pieces for the fourth time.

Then, Yuan Ye casually waved his hand among some rocks that collapsed in front of him.

Those stones disappeared instantly and were taken into the alien space.

The next moment, the stones and debris on the ground shook again and gathered together again.

However, this time it was different, there was a vacancy.

Half of the head was missing and has not recovered.

"Useful!" Yuan Ye's eyes suddenly lit up.

If you really want to talk about it, his alien space is a space outside the original space. It is completely independent and does not interfere with the original space.

The body parts of these stone men are still in this space and can be restored, which is understandable.

But if you can completely disappear from this world and recover, it would be somewhat contrary to the truth.

Energy can never be generated out of thin air, this is what Yuan Ye has always believed.

The destructive power a cultivator can produce can be said to destroy the world.

But there must be a long and miserable training process behind him.

To work hard and accumulate this kind of power bit by bit, rather than just creating it out of thin air.

Even if it is really generated out of thin air, then this part of the energy must have been lost somewhere and has its source.

Any ability that is enhanced out of thin air is nonsense, and it may be possible to exchange it for your remaining lifespan.

Therefore, since there is no energy generated out of thin air, if it is collected into an alien space, it means that this part is no longer there.

So how do you recover?

Found the solution.

Yuan Ye smiled.

He looked at the other stone men, and for a moment, he was filled with fighting spirit.

"Since it's useless to reason with you, then there's no need for you to exist!"

Before today, his alien space wouldn't be able to hold so much trash.

But now, he can.

But just when he was about to take action.

The stone man in front of him with half his head missing didn't speak this time either.

Instead, he bent his knees and knelt down.


This was the loud sound produced by the stone man's knees touching the ground.

"Huh?" Yuan Ye was stunned.

Aren't you so spineless?

Kneel down immediately when you see the situation is not going well?

Can inanimate creatures like them sense danger and then beg for mercy?

That’s not true, it doesn’t necessarily mean there is no life form.

No one has stipulated that life must conform to a certain special form, or that it must have something.

All this time, it is possible that they have overstepped their bounds.

It is also very possible that there are still some original lives that have not disappeared in this virtual realm.

For example, why can't these stone men be the aborigines of this Fangxu Realm?

And this wasn't over yet. The next second a stone man knelt down, there was another series of strong vibrations.

A series of stone men all fell to their knees at this moment.

Yuan Ye just stood at the front, with a group of kneeling stone figures in front of him, standing tall in the hall, with a somewhat different charm.

"!" The stone man just spoke.

But he had no idea what he was talking about. This was a completely unfamiliar language to Yuan Ye.

Although they all use square characters, their pronunciation is different from Yuan Ye and others' y pronunciation.

A lot of retroflex and tongue flicking are used, and even breathy syllables are used.

It sounds very difficult to pronounce.

"Begging for mercy?" Yuan Ye thought.

If you are really an aborigine, it is normal for you to beg for mercy.

It's just that these aborigines are a little too stupid, right? How did such an IQ build such a magnificent building complex?

While Yuan Ye was still thinking, the stone man who was missing half of his face raised his head, looked at Yuan Ye with half of his head, and spoke again: "Calculation. Match the way the spiritual consciousness speaks. The match is successful. Use it now." "

"Hello Master Step, you are so powerful that it makes my head spin! I swear allegiance to you here, and honesty comes from the Golden Armor Guard."

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