My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 96 An unexpected gain [57 updates]

The stone man said this in an angry voice.

At this moment, Yuan Ye could understand what the other party was saying, but even if he understood, there was still something wrong with what he said.

Yuan Ye slowly typed a question mark: "?"

If not, why does it have automatic translation? Moreover, the literal translation smell is extremely offensive to the nose, which is really a bit difficult to swallow.

Still barely understandable.

"You mean you can understand what I say now?" Yuan Ye asked.

He had to confirm whether it was the case before he could confirm whether he could communicate.

Since we can communicate in language, fundamentally speaking, we can save a lot of trouble.

He can try to make peace, try to use "peaceful" methods to achieve what he wants, and he won't go to all the trouble to lift someone's scalp.

He scalped a scalp and wasted a little bit of his spiritual energy, right?

"There is no problem listening to it." The stone man replied without any emotion.

Yuan Ye: "."

This still needs to make him think about it.

This probably means that I can understand it.

"Are you the indigenous residents of this virtual realm?" Yuan Ye asked.

At the same time, he had one hand behind his back, and his ability was constantly accumulating.

As soon as something goes wrong, he immediately starts to scalp.

"For us, it is not the original life, but the aura controls the movement, it is the puppet."

Yuan Ye automatically translated it carefully in his mind.

This probably means that they are not living beings. As for the latter sentence, it is a bit difficult to understand, and there are many explanations.

But the most likely explanation is that it is a puppet controlled by spiritual energy.

"As long as it's not a living thing." Yuan Ye nodded.

But here comes the problem.

"Why do you call me master? What is a step master?"

"We are mainly responsible for guarding the palace peaks of the Tao, setting up, puppets, guarding, and the heart of the virtual realm. Those who have the heart of the virtual realm are responsible for becoming the masters of the Golden Armor Guard Puppet."

It has to be said that anyone with poor understanding will be knocked unconscious now.

This is why very few people will play with the little butter of machine translation. Who is not willing to spend more time or even spend more money to buy a serious Chinese translation?

"In other words, I absorbed the fragments of the Heart of the Void here, and your main responsibility is to protect the fragments of the Heart of the Void. And then if I own this, it is equivalent to becoming your successor master?"

The so-called step means inheritance. What does the next one mean?

"You just need to answer whether it is, and that's it. Don't say anything else."


Yuan Ye was silent.

"In other words, you can do whatever I ask you to do?"

"Correct, step master answers here."

"Give yourself a scratch." Yuan Ye tried.


Without hesitation, stone chips flew into the air, and half of his face was smashed. The half-faced stone man turned directly into a faceless stone man, with only a little bit of debris left on the whole head.

"Hiss—" Yuan Ye took a breath of cold air.

So sincere?

Soon, the stone chips returned to the stone man's face.

Yuan Ye felt unreal for a moment.

This change was a bit too fast. I originally thought that there would be a tough battle with a bunch of powerful enemies.

But he never expected that all the conflicts and crises would suddenly be resolved, and he would even gain a huge harvest?

"Why did you show up?" Yuan Ye asked with a frown.

He still has many questions he wants to figure out.

"Because the step master needs to be solarized, we just started the protection program to make the step master's solarization smooth."

It was still the answer of the half-faced stone man.

Well, he broke through and came to protect the law? And it just so happened that he took someone else’s Heart of the Void Realm.

"Then why did you drive my people away? They are not here."

Yuan Ye asked.

"The awakening of the golden armored puppet does not allow strangers to move in the palace and mountain areas of Tao. The guard mode is activated and the enemy annihilation mode is dormant."

Are you specifically responsible for guarding this area?

If they were guards, it would be understandable why they just stood there and refused to let them in.

Just now he felt it for himself. With this intensity, if he were not there, the current level of S-168 would not be able to handle it at all.

So now the most critical question remains.

"Where are the natives of this virtual realm? They are your former masters."

"The answer does not exist, and the answer cannot be retrieved." The stone man answered mechanically, which seemed to have no spirituality: "Guard, responsibility, is setting."

Don’t know anything?

"You don't even know your original master?" Yuan Ye frowned: "Then what civilization do you belong to?"

"The answer doesn't exist."

Same answer again.

"How long has this virtual realm existed?"

"The answer doesn't exist."

"What is the function of the Heart of the Void Realm?"

"The answer doesn't exist."

"What is the essence of virtual reality? Is it a space independent of the real world, or is it a part of the real world?"

"The answer doesn't exist."

"Why are the rules here confusing and everything upside down?"

"The answer doesn't exist."

"Hiss—" Yuan Ye took a breath of cold air.

This is a simple question. Is it just a simple escort procedure?

I originally wanted to use these stone puppets to see if I could learn some key issues.

There are some questions that he has been thinking about for a long time, but has never found an answer to.

For example, what is the virtual realm, and what kind of civilization is here.

Furthermore, where have these civilizations gone?

Finally, there is the Heart of the Void Realm, what it is and what its function is.

Although he has collected two pieces of this thing now, he still hasn't figured out its specific function.

Sure enough, some questions still cannot be answered? You still have to think on your own.

But it's not without gain.

"In other words, I am your master now? You are my private property."

"Correct." The half-faced stone man replied.

"Can you leave here?" Yuan Ye asked again.

"It's feasible, but there is a problem that the original one cannot be restored after being damaged. Only those who bring the fragments back here can restore the original one."

"That means that only here can you recover after being injured, right?"


The stone man replied.

Yuan Ye probably understood.

There were still gains, and he had a new idea.

With a wave of his hand, the hole in the alien space opened.

A pile of rocks flew out from inside.

In an instant, the stone man's head was restored as new.

He took a closer look and saw that there were probably hundreds of stone men here, which was quite a lot.

Yuan Ye waved his big hand again, and the hole instantly expanded.

"Half way in."

Half of the stone men stood up and went in one by one.

Isn't this a ready-made thug? You don’t have to do the fighting yourself in the future, just let them out first.

As long as he can't pass this level, he doesn't have to take action.

Just what he wanted.

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