My Age of Investment

One thousand and ninety-two, clear distinction between public and private affairs


At noon, the sun was scorching on Chang'an Street, and cars were rushing like a river on the straight and wide street.

As the opening date of the Olympic Games approaches, a large number of new landscapes with flowers and green leaves as raw materials have been added to both sides of the street.

There are three-dimensional decorations of bicycles that symbolize modern sports, as well as green plant landscapes such as sundials, armillary spheres, and sinans that symbolize China's splendid civilization, as well as greetings from various countries made up of flowers, such as Hello (English) and Bonjour (French). wait.

The lawns, flowers and landscapes are well-proportioned, and every placement and decoration reveals the Chinese people's expectations and serious attitude towards this event.

The country has been weak for 168 years, and it is in great need of such a sports and cultural event to change the international community's understanding of China's poverty and backwardness, enhance national self-confidence internally, and expand investment promotion externally...

Even more than ten years later, there are still a large number of foreigners who are still obsessed with the spiritual shock that the Beijing Olympics brought to them, and often compare it with other perfunctory Olympics.

Xia Jingxing sat in the car, watching the scenery passing by outside the window, feeling constantly sighing in his heart.

At this time, Gao Lili, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, suddenly shouted, "My favorite, look at the Fuwa, it's so cute! I really want to get out of the car and steal one home."

Shen Xinyi, who was sitting in the back seat of the car with Xia Jingxing, smiled, with two beautiful dimples showing at the corners of her mouth, "Why are you like a village girl in the city? Everything you see is novel."

Gao Lili turned to look at the back row, "What kind of village girl am I? Aren't I excited to be back in China? Don't mention it, I haven't been to the capital for many years, and it feels like it has changed a lot. It is developing so fast!"

"Yes, I also feel that there is a sense of celebration and joy everywhere."

Xia Jingxing smiled and silently watched the two chatting.

The work handover between Lilith and Disney has been completely completed, and all the US$120 million in equity acquisition funds allocated by Disney have been received, so the two girls did not stay in the United States anymore and returned to China with him this time.

"Boss Xia, why don't you speak?"

Seeing Gao Lili glance over, Xia Jingxing shrugged, "I'm a little tired."

Gao Lili sneered, "I slept on the sofa on the plane, but you two slept in the bedroom, with a soft and big bed. I don't know how you two slept, but the more you slept, the more tired you became."

Thinking of what happened on the plane, Shen Xinyi immediately blushed to the root of her neck and did not dare to say anything.

Xia Jingxing suddenly stopped feeling sleepy and quickly interrupted the speech of Gao Lili, the female gangster.

"You are a girl, you are so careless all day long, be careful you won't get married in the future."

Gao Lili smiled and said: "Forget it if you can't get married! I can put all my thoughts on my career and strive to surpass that Miss Yang one day."

Xia Jingxing said: "Just save it, some things are there when you are born, but if you don't have them when you are born, you don't have them."

Gao Lili looked at Xia Jingxing with contempt, "Look at your worthless look. Your position as the richest man has been taken away by others. Why don't you take it back?"

After having a verbal spat with Gao Lili, Xia Jingxing didn't feel so sleepy anymore.

At this time, he looked at Shen Xinyi who was silent and asked softly: "Would you like to go home and have a look?"

"No need! You've rested long enough during this period, let's start working directly! Didn't you say that we would try to get the website online during the Olympics? We are planning on it, and we only have less than two months left."

Looking at the resolute Shen Xinyi, Xia Jingxing stopped talking. He knew how bad her relationship with her scumbag father was, and the reason why the relationship between the two broke the ice was because of himself.

The three people chatted in the car and soon arrived at Zhongguancun Software Park.

After getting off the bus, Xia Jingxing, Gao Lili, and Shen Xinyi fell behind. Liu Xiaoduo, the little secretary, ran in front to clear the way and press the elevator button.

While she was busy, she used her peripheral vision to look at the two women standing next to Xia Jingxing from time to time.

The woman with short hair and the look of a little girl, with mediocre looks, must be innocent to Mr. Xia, because she used to have this style. Xia Jingxing didn't like it very much, and forcefully told her to change it to what she is now. Ladylike style.

And there was another long-haired woman who was slightly prettier than herself. She seemed to be very close to Mr. Xia, and she was probably the second or third wife.

The eldest lady already knew who she was, and she even helped take care of the child like a nanny for a few days.

In addition, she also knew that there was a blond horse who had an affair with Mr. Xia.

Although Mr. Xia is a scumbag, it does not affect her status as a male god in her eyes, because Mr. Xia has given her a salary increase again, and her position as personal secretary is as stable as a mountain.

When Xia Jingxing walked out of the elevator with a large group of people, he immediately saw a group of people who came to greet him.

The team was led by Zhang Yong, CEO of Domestic Holding Group. Behind him were Wu Yimin, Liu Yingqi, Lai Binqiang and other company executives. A large group of people blocked the company door.

After a while of greetings, Zhang Yong and other senior executives welcomed Xia Jingxing into the conference room, and Shen Xinyi and Gao Lili also entered the room and sat down.

"Today the company will welcome two new executives, Shen Xinyi and Ms. Gao Lili. Everyone welcomes them with applause."

Except for Zhang Yong, everyone else looked a little stunned, including Liu Xiaoduo, who was the personal secretary.

Xia Jingxing had a panoramic view of the expressions of everyone present. He had only communicated with Zhang Yong about the Weibo project and the recruitment of two new executives, so the news seemed a bit sudden to others.

Although they were not mentally prepared, all the executives present were alert and clapped their hands one after another. Some of them smiled and nodded to Shen Xinyi and Gao Lili.

Xia Jingxing continued: "Gao Lili and Ms. Shen Xinyi graduated from Stanford University. They joined Facebook part-time in 2002, just a few months after I founded Facebook. They are among the top 20 Facebook employees..."

Hearing this, many people's eyes immediately changed when they looked at Gao and Shen, and they stopped looking down on them because of their age and appearance.

Although these two are young and look like flower vases, from Mr. Xia's introduction, it is obvious that they are direct descendants!

Liu Xiaoduo also didn't expect that these two women had such a big background. If they stayed at Facebook, they would be senior executives at the level of vice president or above, right?

"Later, due to their busy studies, the two ladies resigned from Facebook. However, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to Facebook, Facebook still retained 0.008% of their equity for them."

Someone did a quick calculation in their mind and found that the value of these equity interests was not as exaggerated as they imagined, only three to four million US dollars.

However, considering that the two resigned very early, and Facebook's valuation continues to grow, it is not impossible that Facebook will be worth tens of millions of dollars when it is listed in the future.

An intern who became a billionaire through internship is considered a legend.

But having said that, this kind of thing is not particularly unusual in Silicon Valley. There were cleaners who got equity in the company and became millionaires after the company went public.

The story of everyone in Silicon Valley creating wealth has always been praised and praised by domestic Internet companies.

Overseas Holdings is also very generous in granting employee options, but no one has any resentment or psychological imbalance due to this.

“I co-founded Lilith, an agency with two women when they were finishing college…

Some time ago, this company was acquired by Disney for US$120 million in an all-cash payment.

Later, at my invitation, the two ladies decided to return to China to join the Overseas Holding Group and start a business together with our outstanding domestic talents! "

After listening to Xia Jingxing's introduction, the executives applauded again and looked at Shen and Gao with more admiration.

Good luck, I am now a billionaire with some success in starting a business.

Xia Jingxing glanced around the people present, observing the expressions on everyone's faces, and he probably had an idea.

Domestic Holding Group is now a relatively mature and profitable Internet company. Gao and Shen are airborne executives from outside. Without some convincing experience and skills, it may be difficult to convince the public.

Even if he is the chairman and major shareholder, it is impossible for them to support them just because they encounter trivial matters at work. If they make too much of a fuss, it will appear that they are incompetent.

Now he has paved the way for the two of them, enough to ensure that they can get enough support and cooperation for their early work.

But if you want to win more trust and admiration from your colleagues in the company, it depends on their subsequent performance.

Just like Lilith back then, he could only help the two of them one way, and more of them had to rely on personal efforts.

Moreover, Weibo is a relatively important project, unlike Lilith, who can let things go as they please. If the two of them do not work well, then he can only replace them.

Public is public, private is private, the two things still need to be clearly distinguished.

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