My Age of Investment

One thousand and ninety-three, only by never forgetting your original intention can you achieve succ

After Xia Jingxing finished his introduction, Gao Lili and Shen Xinyi each gave a self-introduction and a short induction speech.

After completing these steps, the two of them will officially join the domestic holding group.

Among them, Gao Lili serves as vice president of the group and CEO of the newly established subsidiary Weibo;

Shen Xinyi serves as group vice president and Weibo COO.

Although was acquired by Xia Jingxing from Huang Xin halfway, Hainei Holding Group was built by Xia Jingxing.

Including the group's most important subsidiary,, it was only under the hands of Xia Jingxing that it burst into brilliance.

Therefore, although he is often absent from the company, he still has a status and prestige in the company that is unmatched by anyone.

No one dared to question the two personnel orders.

"Okay, now let's get back to the Weibo project."

After Xia Jingxing looked around at the senior executives, he continued: "This project has been planned by the group for a long time. To be honest, the target is American Twitter. I plan to copy myself."

One executive almost couldn't hold back his laughter. This was a bit of a show.

Xia Jingxing glanced at Wu Yimin and said calmly: "Old Wu, do you have any opinions you want to express?"

Wu Yimin looked at Xia Jingxing with a stern expression and felt a little panicked. He was the one who almost laughed out loud just now.


There was still no smile on Xia Jingxing's face, and his expression was extremely cold.

He just deliberately picked on Wu Yimin!

As the CEO of domestic games, this guy has successively managed a series of highly successful games such as "Farm", "Dungeon Fighter", and "Cross Fire" in the past two years.

It’s almost becoming a god in the gaming circle!

The prestige in the company is getting higher and higher.

In addition, domestic games contribute most of the revenue and profits of the domestic holding group, so people have been a little drifting recently!

Zhang Yong, the CEO, has a relatively calm personality and a gentle temper. He talked to Wu Yimin several times, but not only did it not have much warning effect, but it actually encouraged Wu Yimin's domineering behavior.

Originally, Xia Jingxing planned to have a "good chat" with Wu Yimin in person in two days, but who made him bump into the muzzle of the gun.

"What a catch!"

A smile finally appeared on Xia Jingxing's face, but it was a smile but not a smile. "Old Wu, tell me, how can we catch him?"

Wu Yimin sneered and bravely said, "Mr. Xia, I mainly make games. I really don't know much about social products, so I don't dare to speak nonsense."

Xia Jingxing said calmly: "You can say whatever you want. The purpose of our meeting today is to discuss, and the purpose of the discussion is for everyone to participate together."

No matter how slow Wu Yimin reacted, he still knew that Mr. Xia was clearly going to "do something" with him today.

But I didn’t make any mistakes?

He turned his eyes to Zhang Yong for help, but the latter seemed not to see him.

Zhang Yong also felt that he had made a mistake and asked Mr. Xia to personally deal with Wu Yimin.

He cherishes Wu Yimin's talent, so he gives him opportunities again and again.

Now it seems that I was a bit wrong?

Xia Jingxing ignored Zhang Yong's thoughts and looked at Wu Yimin with burning eyes.

He considers himself a magnanimous person and a person who cherishes talents.

However, Wu Yimin has never proven his talent. Those games were developed and introduced under his own guidance. Wu Yimin is at best a little better than a tool man.

If one day Wu Yimin creates a successful game completely independently, he can believe that the other party is a truly talented person.

But no matter how talented he is, he and Haihai Holdings are not allowed to raise their tails!

For example, at one point, it became too big to lose, and internal strife ensued, completely missing the ten-year golden development opportunity of the mobile Internet.

Under Xia Jingxing's gaze, Wu Yimin's face turned red, "Mr.

After saying that, Wu Yimin bowed to Xia Jingxing and Zhang Yong with a solemn expression, and also bowed to the others.

Xia Jingxing also didn't expect Wu Yimin to be so flexible and flexible, which made everything he had prepared completely useless.

He thought for a while, since Wu Yimin had taken the initiative to admit his mistake, even if his attitude of admitting his mistake seemed a bit reluctant, and he was forced to bow his head due to the situation, he should retain a trace of dignity for the other party for the time being, and talk to the other party later.

"Sit down!"

Xia Jingxing deliberately made his face look slightly pale, while Wu Yimin sat down without saying a word, his whole body was like an eggplant beaten by frost, completely numb.

Seeing this, the other executives straightened their backs unconsciously and their expressions became solemn.

Wu Da, the arrogant CEO in the group, was taken care of so easily. He behaved like a little white rabbit. How could he not make them feel awe-inspiring.

Of course, they were also applauding in their hearts.

When meeting and saying hello on weekdays, CEO Wu Da always looks arrogant, as if he is afraid that others will not know that domestic gaming is the group's trump card business. How can such a behavior make them favor him?

Gao Lili and Shen Xinyi looked at each other, and they both understood each other's eyes. The water in this overseas holding seemed to be deeper than they imagined.

They were relieved immediately. This is a Chinese company, which is naturally different from an American company.

And in terms of scale, it far exceeds Facebook in its early days and Lilith in its heyday.

When there are many people, it’s easy to get confused!

Xia Jingxing softened his tone and said, "I often tell myself to be humble towards unfamiliar things and familiar things.

Don't think you can do anything, and beware of capsizing in the gutter.

Everyone knows Chen Yizhou and Lao Chen, right?

If you really get in touch, you will find that people are okay, but when it comes to business operations, they like to show off and show off their seniority.

ChinaRen Alumni List was founded in 1999, three years before Facebook. It is the true originator of social networking, but where is it now?

Even good old Charles is complaining about losing money! You can imagine how deep the pit is!

Later, when Lao Chen founded Thousand Oaks, he still followed his old style of play. How is Renren doing now?

Some time ago, Lao Chen called me and said: Lao Xia, please help me!

I was also very sad after hearing this. I thought back to those days. Chen Yizhou was such a famous figure. He could also sit among the top ten in China's Internet, right?

During this period, Lao Chen learned a lot and told me many lessons he had spent 200 million US dollars to buy over the years. He also reminded me to learn from them!

Of course I deeply agree, and I am very grateful to Lao Chen for his selfless sharing.

At the same time, I hope that all the partners I work with will always keep their minds clear and never lose themselves.

Only by never forgetting your original intention can you achieve success! "

All the executives nodded, but Wu Yimin lowered his head even lower.

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