My Age of Investment

One thousand and ninety-four, be the king's vanguard and charge into battle

After beating up Wu Yimin, the topic of Xia Jingxing returned to Weibo.

The first thing he said was: "If you plagiarize yourself, the risk is actually quite high. I'm afraid of copying the wrong answer!"

The executives were stunned, what does this mean?

Gao Lili cleared her throat and answered, "Mr. Xia, are you referring to the issue of acclimatization?"


Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "Take as an example. From UI design to various functional modules, we did not copy Facebook in full. Instead, we carried out a series of micro-innovations along the general functional direction and in line with the usage habits of Chinese users. improvement of.

If you just move Facebook’s messy page to China, you will probably be complained to death by users.

Huang Xin, Comrade Huang, is a man who must succeed in starting a business once in his life. Basically everyone knows him, or at least has heard of his name.

The predecessor of,, has never developed because many of its functions have not been improved and the points that Chinese users are interested in social networking sites have not been discovered.

Now he has built, a micro-blogging website similar to Twitter. He has been doing it for almost a year and has accumulated hundreds of thousands of users. The results are not bad.

But to be honest, I think Weibo’s potential is far more than that, and he hasn’t really found the trick yet.

Of course, we haven’t even started making products yet, so we don’t have much qualifications to comment on others.

But my opinion is that some successful experiences of can be learned. "

After saying that, Xia Jingxing glanced at Zhang Yong, who was sitting on his left hand.

Zhang Yong understood and continued: "The thirty-person project team drawn from has been formed, and they all have rich experience in operating social networking sites.

In addition, a half-floor office was reserved for the Weibo project team, and some equipment, tables, chairs and other office supplies were purchased.

Mr. Shen and Mr. Gao, you can go meet everyone later and get familiar with the team.

If you feel there is a shortage of manpower or other aspects, please contact me directly. "

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zhang!"

Gao Lili replied with a smile, and Shen Xinyi also smiled and nodded to Zhang Yong.

After the topic on Weibo ended, the meeting continued, and it was the turn of the executives to report on the development of each subsidiary and product line.

Zhang Yong is still serving as the CEO of, so he is the first to report to the company.

The biggest problem of is still an old problem. User growth has entered a bottleneck period. Social games have begun to lose their appeal to users. User usage time has even declined, but the downward trend is not yet obvious.

After listening to the report, Xia Jingxing had a rough idea that Penguin's QQ space was beginning to encroach on's market share.

The first thing to be eroded is the usage time of users of the domestic network!

Many users use both QQ and

The usage time of users of has decreased, which naturally means that users spend more time playing QQ Space.

Needless to say, the reason is that Penguin’s instant messaging + SNS creates stronger user stickiness.

Zhang Yong said with a worried look: "This is not a good phenomenon! We hope to use an open platform to maintain user stickiness, and Penguin has also launched its own open platform, and is still competing with us for developers.

We give a 50% revenue share, and Penguin gives 55%;

We raised the price to 60%, and Penguin followed suit to 65%.

I think Bonima is completely at odds with us, or in other words, it thinks it has found a chance to defeat us. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "Ma Huateng's pledged equity bought so many Penguin equity from me, completing the equity increase.

Since the beginning of this year, Penguin's stock price has been almost halved, and he is under great pressure.

If he doesn't defeat us quickly and allows the stock price to fall further, he will face the risk of liquidation.

Therefore, he is now trying his best to kill and unify China's social network. "

Zhang Yong nodded lightly, "I can see that he was very anxious during this time. The QQTalk software was originally going to be shut down and offline by them. After seeing that our MOMO voice development is getting better and better, Penguin suddenly decided not to go offline." , and organized manpower to upgrade the software.

It seems that they want to compete with us on voice software, accumulating small wins into big wins. "

Xia Jingxing looked at Lai Binqiang, who was in charge of MOMO's voice, and asked, "How is the situation on your side now? Can you withstand the Penguin's counterattack?"

Lai Binqiang said with confidence: “We have two of the five most popular online games on the market today, but Penguin doesn’t have any.

Thanks to the recommendations and various assistance provided by domestic games for MOMO Voice, the number of registered users of MOMO Voice has exceeded 3 million, and more than 300,000 people are online at the same time. "

Xia Jingxing looked at Lai Binqiang with eyes full of admiration and encouragement, "This is a very good result. MOMO Voice was launched at the beginning of the year and has only been in operation for half a year. We will continue to work hard and strive to exceed 1 million people online at the same time this year."

Lai Binqiang smiled and nodded, "Mr. Xia, my team and I will work hard. I have something else to report to you."

"you say."

“Now we are competing with Penguin’s QQTalk for supremacy, and the original voice software overlord ISpeak has been left far behind. previously wanted to acquire ISpeak, but the price could not be negotiated.

Because our MOMO voice suddenly entered this industry, ISpeak's market position and valuation fell sharply. In addition, Lei Jun, a co-investor of the two companies, made peace, and the two companies completed their merger last month.

It is said that Duowan is transforming and upgrading ISpeak during this period, and will soon launch a formal product to re-enter the voice software track. "

Xia Jingxing estimated that this so-called "official product" should be YY Voice.

Speaking of Lei Jun, Xia Jingxing didn't know what this guy was thinking about now. He didn't come to contact him every day to build a mobile phone, but he was doing well in angel investment, and he seemed obsessed with it?

Zhang Yong added on the side: "Mr. Xia, Duowan also completed Series B financing this month, led by Siwei Investment with US$4 million, and Series A investor Morningside Venture Capital followed with US$1 million."

Xia Jingxing didn't care much about the mere US$5 million in financing. What really made him curious were the investors.

"Swei Investment? Steamboat?"

Zhang Yong smiled and nodded: "Yes, that's the name. It's named after the Mickey Mouse cartoon "Steamboat Willie". It belongs to Disney's VC fund. The fund was launched in Magic City the year before last."

Xia Jingxing chuckled and said, "It seems that everyone is investing these days."

"Diversification makes money!" Zhang Yong chuckled.

"Okay, I get it, $5 million is enough to play around with for a while."

After saying that, Xia Jingxing looked at Lai Binqiang again and warned: "Don't let others catch up from behind. MOMO must firmly stay at the top of the industry and strive to have 30 million registered users by this time next year."

Hearing this, Lai Binqiang still felt very stressed because it was not easy to increase the number of users tenfold within a year. However, looking at Xia Jingxing's serious expression, he did not bargain and gritted his teeth and accepted the task.

It's not that Xia Jingxing forces tasks to be assigned regardless of the actual difficulties of his subordinates, but that next year 3G will finally be fully rolled out, and voice instant messaging based on mobile phone devices can finally be arranged.

MOMO Voice plays the role of a pioneer, charging into battle, and it is not good to develop too slowly.

Then, Liu Yingqi reported on the development status of Haipay.

The online payment business of this subsidiary is developing very slowly, and the driver is driving without a license, so he doesn't dare to cross the line too much for fear of being in trouble.

Liu Yingqi and his team have devoted their main energy to the development of QR codes, and have also reached a series of cooperation with national teams such as the China Article Coding Center, intending to allow Haipay to carry out secondary QR codes based on the Chinese Hanxin code standard. development.

At the same time, after the development work is completed, Haipay is also responsible for the task of promoting Hanxin code.

Although Japan's QR codes in previous lives have never required royalties, other problems may arise in the future if they are not fully guaranteed.

When it comes to information security, be careful and you never make a big mistake.

The Hanxin code in the previous life was actually developed early, in 2006 and 2007, long before the explosion of QR code payment began.

The reason why this standard cannot be promoted is because it was promoted too late.

QR code payment has developed too rapidly. By the time Hanxin code was slow to react, Japanese QR codes had already occupied various large and small payment applications in the country, and had also filled the streets and alleys of China offline.

At the same time, Japan does not charge patent fees, so major payment companies have no motivation to promote Hanse code, which has a very low market share, and such promotion also risks losing market share, because at that time The Japanese QR code was promoted earlier and became more mature.

Based on commercial considerations, few companies are willing to engage in loss-making transactions.

In the previous life, when the promotion of QR codes was in full swing, it was suddenly stopped by the central government because it was afraid of major problems with information security.

A small QR code can actually store a large amount of information. At the same time, it involves the safety of citizens' property, so we have to be cautious.

At that time, Baidu was politically correct for once, and the other two companies chose to promote Japanese QR codes.

In this life, Xia Jingxing chose to intervene. He planned to let Haipay take the lead in QR code payment and start the promotion of Hanxin code as soon as possible. Other companies would quickly follow up and everyone would work together to promote and improve Hanxin code.

Perhaps the independent intellectual property rights in this life can still be used, so that we won't choose to use Japanese ones even though we have substitutes.

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