My Age of Investment

One thousand and ninety-five, 1 thought of heaven, 1 thought of hell

After the meeting, everyone else left, leaving Zhang Yong alone.

He looked ashamed and said to Xia Jingxing: "Mr. Xia, I didn't handle Wu Yimin's matter well. I should have been more decisive."

Glancing at Zhang Yong, who looked a little uneasy, Xia Jingxing understood what he was worried about.

So he said earnestly: "Old Zhang, you need to understand one thing. My ideal domestic holding group can function normally without anyone, and no one is indispensable."

Hearing this, Zhang Yong's heart suddenly trembled. This sentence "who is leaving" has a wide scope of killing, including Wu Yimin, and naturally including himself, but it certainly does not include Xia Jingxing, the real big boss.

In other words, everyone is just a screw. If it breaks, just replace it.

Cold enough, but realistic enough.


If Wu Yimin's move causes severe turmoil in the domestic game, then the gain outweighs the loss. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, "He has such great ability? Not to mention "Happy Farm", which of the two games CF and DNF can he take away?"

Zhang Yong immediately understood. The Korean developers of both games were acquired by Mr. Xia. Even if Wu Yimin was dissatisfied with the company and wanted to cause trouble, he could not make a fuss about the agency rights. At most, he would take away part of the game operation team. .


The results of the two games are still rising, and we have just launched paid props for the game and have just started commercial monetization. "

Xia Jingxing said calmly: "So you are afraid of the rat and are afraid of it?"

Being commented like this by his boss, Zhang Yong felt a little embarrassed on his face, but he still calmly analyzed: "After all, Wu Yimin is the person in our team who knows the best about games and the two games we are running. I think it will be enough to hammer it down. Let’s see the effects and don’t beat him to death with a stick.”

"I will give him another chance. After all, he is an old man who has grown up with the company. At the same time, he has also made a lot of contributions to the company."

Xia Jingxing originally had no intention of severely punishing Wu Yimin, but only intended to give him a small punishment.

"However, his current state is very dangerous. At the moment, he is just relying on himself as a meritorious official and disrespecting his colleagues and superiors. Will he complain that his treatment is too low and that he has too little power in the future?

If the company doesn't give it, will he ask for it himself?

I am not saying that it will definitely develop like this, but we need to be vigilant and pay attention! Kill some bad signs early.

We haven't yet succeeded in starting a business, but there are people who are arrogant about their merits. If we don't kill this unhealthy trend, how can we lead the team in the future? "

Seeing Zhang Yong nodding his head, his face full of regret and self-blame, Xia Jingxing's expression softened a bit, "Actually, you have seen this bad sign a long time ago, and even talked to Wu Yimin in person. .

Your starting point and idea are good, but your method is not correct.

Zhuge Liang even beheaded Ma Di with tears in his eyes. Could it be that Wu Yimin couldn't behead him too!

Next, adjust his job first, demote him and reduce his salary, and arrange another person to help him share the work.

After self-reflection, he will be reinstated to his original position;

If he does not reflect well, he will be punished with military justice. "

Zhang Yong nodded lightly. Since the boss was not afraid of smashing bottles and cans, there was no need for him to be cautious anymore. Wu Yimin would definitely have to pay some price for what he had done.



The next day, the Domestic Holding Group held another meeting, and Zhang Yong publicly announced the decision to demote Wu Yimin and reduce his salary in front of all senior executives.

The punishment is not particularly serious. Wu Yimin's position as CEO of domestic games is retained, but he is removed from the position of group vice president. In addition, bonuses and option awards for the entire year are cancelled.

After Zhang Yong finished reading out the order with a cold expression, Wu Yimin said with an ashen face: "I obey the group's orders, and at the same time, I will seriously reflect on my mistakes."

Although other executives present expected that Wu Yimin would be unlucky, they did not expect to move so quickly and without any delay.

Thinking of this, everyone turned their attention to Xia Jingxing, who was sitting at the top.

Seeing Xia Jingxing's eyes suddenly glance over, everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

They had finally experienced Mr. Xia's thunderous tactics, and they unconsciously began to reflect on whether they had done anything inappropriate recently.

But having said that, their performance was mediocre and they didn’t have the guts to challenge CEO Zhang Yong.

Wu Yimin brought it all upon himself, if not him, who should he do?

If you ask them to evaluate it, the punishment is actually a bit light. The board was raised high and then dropped gently.

However, Wu Yimin can make money for the company, so it is normal to receive preferential treatment.

“In addition, the second personnel order was announced, and Ling Hai, Vice President of Domestic Games, was promoted to President of Domestic Games, with overall responsibility for agency online games and related operations, and reporting directly to Group CEO Zhang Yong.

Domestic game CEO Wu Yimin continues to be responsible for self-developed games, social games and other businesses, and also reports directly to group CEO Zhang Yong. "

Ling Hai is a short, fat man in his thirties. He graduated from the National University of Defense Technology and has served as director and vice president of Shanda Games. He has rich experience in online game operations. The domestic game he joined last year is ranked among the top domestic games. An executive second only to Wu Yimin.

Looking at Ling Hai who couldn't wait to stand up and start to thank his colleagues and the company for his cultivation, Wu Yimin's eyes flashed with resentment, and his hands under the table clenched into fists.

I was completely ignored!

Ling Hai, who used to report to him, not only bypassed him and reported directly to Zhang Yong, but also took over the most profitable online game business. On his side, he was responsible for the declining social games and the undeveloped ones. Self-developed game!

You know, the company's online game business is developing and growing in its own hands!

This is a typical example of killing the donkey and burning the bridge when crossing the river!

The more Wu Yimin thought about it, the angrier she became, and she could hardly suppress the soaring anger in her heart!

Xia Jingxing's attention was always on Wu Yimin. Because Wu Yimin lowered his head, he couldn't see clearly the expression on his face. However, his body was constantly trembling slightly, and he could tell that his mood at the moment must be very uneasy.

He had no intention of comforting Wu Yimin. We are all adults and must learn to pay for our mistakes.

Don’t you think you’re pretty awesome? Then start making the company’s self-developed games.

If the self-developed game can compete with the agency game, not only will the official be reinstated, but he will also be given a big gift package.

If you can't do it, then just stay dormant for a year or two and polish your temperament. There will be no chance of recovery in the future.

A senior executive went to peek at Wu Yimin's expression and found that the other person's face was flushed, and he seemed to be on the verge of an emotional explosion.

Until the end of the entire meeting, Wu Yimin did not jump out to express dissatisfaction, and seemed to have acquiesced in the fate of being demoted, reduced in salary, and reduced in power.

In the eyes of others, Wu Yimin has completely lost power! I was completely subdued by Mr. Xia!

Mr. Xia promoted him from a humble position, so he could naturally take back everything he had gained.

Wu Yimin returned to his office in a daze. Employees greeted him along the way, but he ignored them.

A heaven, a hell!

Wu Yimin sat weakly on the chair and stared out the window in a daze. Did she really do something wrong?

No, I did nothing wrong!

I have earned more than ten to two billion for the company, and this is how they treat meritorious people?

After thinking about it, Wu Yimin took out his Fuxing FX1 mobile phone and started looking through his address book.

After searching for a name, he hung his finger in the air, hesitated for a few seconds, and then stabbed it hard.

I'm not sorry to anyone! It's Xia Jingxing who failed me, it's the company that failed me! Wu Yimin excused himself in his heart.

As soon as the call was connected, a burst of hearty laughter came from the other side, "Mr. Wu, the sun is out in the west. Why did you remember to call me?"

"Mr. Liu, does your last promise still count?" Remember the website address for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter the website.

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