My Age of Investment

One thousand and ninety-seven, Fuxing Building

"Mr. Xia, this is the land that the leaders of Haiding District granted us to build the global headquarters building!"

Deng Yuanjun took Xia Jingxing to Shangdi Science and Technology Park in Haiding District and pointed to the large construction site in front of him.

Xia Jingxing glanced at the construction site where the land was being leveled, and said with a smile: "The place is quite big. In line with the leaders' wishes, the global headquarters building should remain in Haiding."

Deng Yuanjun chuckled. In order to compete for tax sources, the governments of Haiding and Yizhuang almost started fighting.

The take-off trend of Fuxing Industry is already obvious. Keeping this company means retaining at least one Fortune 500 company, so the governments of both places are unwilling to give in easily.

In the end, with the help of the city's top leaders, the two governments reluctantly reached a consensus, moving the super-large park that can accommodate 100,000 people to work in Yizhuang to boost the local economy; leaving most of the tax sources to Haiding, representing the face of the world. The headquarters building was also left to Haiding.

“The Fuxing Industrial Global Headquarters Building consists of two office buildings a and b. Tower A is 249 meters high and has 49 floors above the ground; Tower B is 199 meters high and has 40 floors above the ground.

The two buildings are connected by three sky corridors, which can be interconnected and can also be created into public community spaces, green spaces, fitness spaces and gathering spaces.

The entire project covers an area of ​​about 20,000 square meters, with a total construction area of ​​about 400,000 square meters. After completion, it can accommodate 12,000 people working at the same time. "

After hearing the introduction, Xia Jingxing frowned slightly, "Isn't it too high? The building next door that Baidu plans to build on Shangdi covers an area of ​​nearly 37,000 square meters, but the total construction area is only 91,500 square meters."

Deng Yuanjun said with a smile: "That's because their building only has 7 floors above ground and the total height is only 30 meters.

However, the single-floor area of ​​Baidu Building is quite large. The first floor is more than 10,000 square meters. The interior is very spacious, but the building height is too short, which seems to be a waste of land. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, Baidu is actually learning from Silicon Valley... how to waste land.

Because all the Internet companies in Silicon Valley follow this tune, they really like to build "buildings lying on the ground." They do not pursue skyscrapers that reach straight into the sky. Instead, they have a single-story building area. They hope that the bigger the better.

The purpose of this is, on the one hand, not to destroy the city's skyline, and on the other hand, Internet companies like to pursue a larger social space for employees.

But there is a premise for this, that is, there is no shortage of commercial land in the area.

The population here in Haiding is quite dense, and one building is connected to another. In fact, it does not have the conditions to build buildings at will like the vast and sparsely populated Silicon Valley.

Xia Jingxing felt that Haiding District was too accustomed to Baidu, and the design plan for such a prodigal building was actually approved.

If this development continues, subsequent Internet companies will basically no longer be able to build buildings in Haidian, because they will run out of land.

Deng Yuanjun continued: “After the design plan for our headquarters building was announced, a large number of Internet companies such as Baidu and Liangliang collectively protested to Haiding District, saying that our building was too high and destroyed the skyline of Zhongguancun and Shangdi. It even affects the normal work of their employees.”

Xia Jingxing actually knew that the Fuxing Building was built a bit too high. It stood out from the crowd and was a bit discordant with the large low-rise office park around it. It was more like the financial industry office buildings in the CBD of Chaoyang District.

In fact, Penguin's Binhai Building in its previous life was only more than 200 meters high. It was not even ranked among skyscrapers, but it was the tallest headquarters building among major Internet companies.

Internet companies like flat and open management, and this concept has seeped into architecture.

"Does it bother them that we want to cultivate as high as we can? We are really nosy like dogs and mice! They can also choose to cultivate higher, right?"

Xia Jingxing chuckled and said, "Otherwise, you can submit a new design plan to Haiding District and double the height of the two office buildings to 500 meters and 400 meters."

Deng Yuanjun smiled bitterly, "It's better not to embarrass the leaders, they are avoiding the protests of other companies now.

If the Fuxing Building is really built four to five hundred meters high, then our employees will not be able to look down at other Internet companies every day when they go to work. People at Baidu and Conscience Company will be furious. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, "Maybe it's the reason you mentioned. They may think that when the building is completed and we look down at them every day at work, they will turn into little ants and feel uncomfortable. They will be shorter than others for no reason. "

In fact, Xia Jingxing has really considered building a building that exceeds the height of China Zun Building, but it is estimated that the city will not give approval because the capital has limited height.

Moreover, large technology companies prefer campuses, which is why they are weirder than Penguin in having their headquarters built so high.

But having said that, Fuxing Building is the same as Penguin’s Binhai Building. There is also a sky corridor between the two buildings. In the industry, this is called a "vertical park", but there is still no concept of escaping the park.

This architectural style design prevents employees from being separated from each other, and everyone can use several sky corridors for fitness, leisure and entertainment, etc.

The larger the technology company, the more people it has, the more attention it pays to these detailed facilities that can enhance team cohesion.

"Okay, that's it! The total investment in the building's construction is about 2 billion, right?"

Deng Yuanyun nodded lightly, "Yes, the budget is so large. Haiding District will also provide a loan of 1 billion yuan, and we will bear half of it ourselves."

Xia Jingxing smiled. This was also their old rule. If the local government wanted to complete the investment promotion, it had to bear half of their building loans.

If Fuxing Industrial goes around the country with this policy, it is estimated that it can become one of the few large-scale commercial office landlords in the country.

In fact, all domestic Internet companies, large and small, are enclosing territory in this way.

If it is only for personal use and provides local employment and tax revenue, it is not too much.

"Is there any land left? I will ask Haihai Holdings to apply for a piece of land to build the headquarters tomorrow. After all, it is also one of the top ten large Internet companies in the country. Although it has not been listed yet, its industry status is here. I always rent a house. It’s easy to be looked down upon.”

Deng Yuanyun smiled, shook his head and said, "Both Zhongguancun Software Park and Shangdi Science and Technology Park have run out of land, so we can only look elsewhere."

Xia Jingxing stopped talking. It was no longer his turn to enclose the land. This work had already been done by others.

"Forget it, let's go to Yizhuang to make a living together from now on and build the Fifth Ring Road together."

After saying that, Xia Jingxing looked back at the construction site. Just as he was about to leave, Liu Xiaoduo suddenly ran all the way and handed over his cell phone, "Mr.

Xia Jingxing frowned, urgent matter?

Without thinking for two seconds, he quickly answered the phone.

A hurried voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. He went home to rest for a few days and think about it carefully.

As a result, someone reported to me today that Wu Yimin planned to change jobs with them! "

When he first heard the news, Xia Jingxing was stunned for a few seconds. Wasn't Wu Yimin just punished once and was about to change his job? So mentally fragile?

After thinking about it, Xia Jingxing decided it would be better to ask more clearly, "Are you sure he is determined to leave his job? And he has already found his next employer?"

"Mr. Xia, if there is no conclusive evidence for this kind of thing, I will not call you casually.

I have inquired about all the job-hopping candidates, and Wu Yimin plans to change jobs to Penguin! I heard that Liu Zhiping himself came to the capital to persuade him to change jobs.

Mr. Xia, where are you now? Come to the company quickly and let's quickly discuss a solution. "

After listening, Xia Jingxing was speechless, and then felt extremely angry in his heart. Without his promotion, Wu Yimin would not know what he would be doing.

After a little bit of achievement, I don’t know who my last name is.

Now he has even gone to join the company's archenemy Penguin, showing his selfishness to the extreme.

pity! Lack of brains! Going to the Penguins now is just like going to the Fruit Army in 1949.

Penguin is almost surrounded by his own strategy.

After thinking about it, Xia Jingxing quickly accepted this fact.

In fact, he had made the worst plan, which was that Wu Yimin would resign because he was too self-sufficient to accept the punishment.

As he said before, everyone is a screw. If a company cannot operate normally without anyone, it means there is something wrong with the mechanism.

If Wu Yimin wants to get out, just get out! Do not care!

"Okay, I'll be right over."

After hanging up the phone neatly, Xia Jingxing hurriedly said goodbye to Deng Yuanyun, and then drove to the Overseas Holding Group in Zhongguancun Software Park in a hurry.

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