My Age of Investment

One thousand and ninety-eight, steal your dragon

In the office of the chairman of the Overseas Holding Group, Zhang Yong recounted all the information he had like pouring beans through a bamboo tube.

After listening, Xia Jingxing was not angry, but instead smiled.

"In other words, he was planning to take away some of the key operating personnel of domestic games. However, he overestimated his personality charm and someone reported him back?"

Zhang Yong also laughed, "The reason why things were exposed should have a lot to do with the way he behaved in the past. He thought that everyone treated him well, but in fact it was not the case."

Xia Jingxing sneered and said: "If the king is not secretive, his ministers will lose; if the minister is not secretive, he will lose his virginity; if a few things are not secretive, it will cause harm. Therefore, a gentleman is careful and does not go out."

He can be considered a talent. This is like a general in ancient times who planned to defect to the enemy. Before defecting, he secretly gathered his close associates for a secret discussion.

As a result, some close associates took credit for the general's head!

This kind of person will never achieve great things in his life. He is too poor at being a good person and understanding people! "

Zhang Yong smiled and nodded, and then said: "Mr. Xia, since he has been exposed now, we must take action and we must not let him take people away easily."

"Not only the team, but also he can't let go easily."

Zhang Yong noticed that the smile on Xia Jingxing's face had completely disappeared, and his eyes had become cold.


Xia Jingxing shook his head slightly, "This has limited lethality. We need to think of other ways."

Zhang Yong began to think deeply, there was something in Mr. Xia’s words! Do you want to accuse Wu Yimin of Luo?

Suddenly thinking of Huaxia Digital CEO Guo Weiyuan's escape overseas, Zhang Yong felt awe in his heart.

This Mr. Xia is a person who kills everyone. Anyone who offends him will not get good results.

There are rumors in the industry that Xia Jingxing set a trap for Guo Wei and the Huashan Society, forcing Guo Wei to never return to the country.

Zhang Yong felt that this was probably a rumor spread by members of the Huashan Society.

After all, with such a big case, no matter how energetic Mr. Xia was, he would never do anything unreasonable.

Guo Wei and his gang definitely have shit under their butts!

However, he also felt that Mr. Xia should have done something to take advantage of the situation, otherwise he would not have handled it so cleanly.

Moreover, after this incident, the Huashan Society was stirred up by public opinion and its reputation became quite bad.

Because is one of the main forums for public opinion, Zhang Yong knows it very well.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yong hesitated in his heart. Mr. Xia would definitely not do this kind of dirty work himself, so he would have to do it himself.

But if Wu Yimin had not made any mistakes, it would be against his own values ​​to arrange charges for others!

Zhang Yong fell into entanglement and was tortured by his conscience.

Xia Jingxing suddenly said: "Check! Let the internal audit department investigate the projects handled by Wu Yimin, especially the channels.

Wu Yimin is a man of great ambition and talent, but just because he suffered a little grievance... it can't be called a grievance, it should be a punishment, so he is willing to give up his position as the CEO of a domestic game with great future.

This kind of person is very short-sighted, and when his short-sightedness is reflected in his work, many problems will arise, especially when it comes to making money.

If my prediction is correct, Penguin will definitely offer him more favorable conditions than us, otherwise he will not give up the growing popularity of domestic games and join Penguin, a second-rate game manufacturer. "

After Xia Jingxing's analysis, Zhang Yong immediately understood.

Maybe Wu Yimin really has shit under his butt!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yong felt relieved, as long as he didn't have to accuse himself.

Noticing that Zhang Yong seemed to have breathed a sigh of relief, Xia Jingxing seemed to have some realization but did not try to criticize him.

"Then Mr. Xia, what if Wu Yimin's financial problems are not discovered?"

Xia Jingxing said calmly: "Then let him go, after all, forceful melons are not sweet!"

Zhang Yong thought he heard wrongly and asked again, "Let him go? No obstacles?"

"It's not necessary. I'm not that small-minded. Let's send him to harm Penguin! Let's see how well he can run Penguin Games."

Zhang Yong nodded, "Okay, I will arrange for the internal audit department to investigate immediately."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "There is one more thing I have to leave to you! Go dig someone!"


"People from Penguin! They poached my number one general. Isn't it too much for me to poach one of their young generals?"




In a private club, Gong Hongjia began to brainwash Zhang Dalong.

"Dalong, I am a few years older than you and a few years ahead of you. I have been doing technical work before, so I want to give you some advice.

Platforms create talents, rather than talents creating platforms.

Let's just talk about you. In 1997, the ancient era when China's Internet was the first to exist, you developed such an excellent product as Foxmail.

It was one of the largest email software in the country at that time, right? Lei Jun was clamoring to acquire you.

In 2000, you chose to sell foxmail to Boda Company for 12 million yuan. You became financially free and became the vice president of this company.

It's a pity that Boda Company still lacks some growth and foresight, so you will also waste a few years in vain.

In 2005, Boda Company sold foxmail to Penguin, so you joined Penguin and served as the general manager of the Yangcheng R\u0026D Department, responsible for managing QQ mailboxes.

It's not necessarily a product that Penguin attaches great importance to. Otherwise, why wouldn't you be transferred to Pengcheng? "

Zhang Dalong said with a naive smile: "I don't want to go to the headquarters. I prefer to stay in Yangcheng."

Gong Hongjia was speechless immediately, but he was a well-rounded person, so he immediately continued: "Then you plan to stay in Yangcheng for retirement for the rest of your life?

Brother, you are not even 40 yet! You are a great person who emerged from the classical Internet era, and you are willing to remain silent for the rest of your life? "

Zhang Dalong smiled and said: "Actually, Penguin is pretty good too, with a strong technical atmosphere."


Gong Hongjia seemed to have heard something funny and sneered: "There are not many companies in China's technology circle that are qualified to talk about these two words, and Penguin is definitely not included among them."

Zhang Dalong had a good temper. He did not refute and listened patiently.

"China's truly top technology companies have already sailed across the sea to explore overseas markets! Penguin is still guarding its own one-third of an acre and lacks a little enterprising spirit.

In ancient times, military commanders made it their lifelong pursuit to conquer the wolf and live in Xu, while modern programmers regard changing the world with technology as their life dream.

Can you change the world by staying at Penguin like this? You can only tinker with your QQ mailbox. It's a pity that you have nowhere to put your great talents to use! Alas~"

Gong Hongjia looked like he was sighing, which made Zhang Dalong stunned. Is it so bad to stay in Penguin?

And is “changing the world” serious?

When he was young, especially when he was writing Foxmail mailbox by himself, Zhang Dalong did have such lofty ideals.

But since then, the enthusiasm has gradually cooled down, and the heart is no longer what it used to be!

"Senior Brother Gong, who are you going to recommend to me? Can he represent China's top technology?"

Zhang Dalong couldn't help it anymore and wanted this senior from Huazhong University of Science and Technology to reveal the answer to the mystery for him.

He was not particularly familiar with Gong Hongjia, they had only met a few times at alumni gatherings.

He is a person who gained tens of millions of wealth through corporate mergers and acquisitions in 2000, and Gong Hongjia is the founder of Desheng Company, the former No. 1 radio brand in China. He is also the first Chinese concept stock to be listed on NASDAQ - AsiaInfo Technology shareholders.

Therefore, both of them are considered outstanding alumni of Huake, and they also have each other's contact information.

But this senior brother whom he hadn't contacted for a long time suddenly came to Yangcheng to find him, and he wanted to introduce him to a noble person who could help him reach a higher platform?

This feels very outrageous, and the whole thing smells unreliable.

Gong Hongjia raised his watch and looked at the time, then smiled and said: "Keep it mysterious for now, he will be here soon."

After saying that, Gong Hongjia continued to brainwash Zhang Dalong.

Zhang Dalong had no choice but to chat with the other party.

After almost half an hour, the waiter led a man in his thirties wearing glasses and walked in.

Seeing the person coming, Zhang Dalong lost his composure and shouted in shock: "Mr. Zhang!"

"Dalong, it's nice to meet you. You can just call me Zhang Yong, or Lao Zhang."

Zhang Yong shook hands with Zhang Dalong with a gentle smile, and at the same time glanced at Gong Hongjia with his peripheral vision, quickly completing a silent communication.

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