My Age of Investment

One thousand and ninety-nine, the waves wipe out the heroes

"He is unwilling to join Overseas Holdings?"

Xia Jingxing looked at Zhang Yong who looked a little depressed and sighed in his heart, this big dragon is not easy to steal!

If you want to talk about this, he has to blame himself for not acquiring the Foxmail mailbox and Zhang Dalong earlier.

But then again, he only returned to China in the second half of 2005, and Foxmail was acquired by Penguin in March 2005.

At that time, he was busy starting a business in the United States, and he could not predict what would happen next.

Today's overseas holdings no longer conceal their ambition to dominate China's social arena.

WeChat is the king that dominates the social world, and it is also a ticket to enter the mobile Internet era.

By mastering this national-level application, the most missing piece of the domestic holdings' business landscape can be made up. Advances can lead to overseas markets; retreats can connect billions of users and connect various business sectors of domestic holdings.

Therefore, he is determined to win WeChat.

The reason why WeChat achieved such brilliant success in the previous life is inseparable from Penguin's ownership of QQ, a killer weapon, and Zhang Dalong's insight into user needs also helped WeChat go further on the road to success.

Of course, when it comes to ranking of merit, Xia Jingxing believes that it is the platform that creates talents, and the resources and foundation provided by the platform are better than individual efforts.

If Zhang Dalong had switched jobs and joined Thousand Oaks in his previous life, he might not have made WeChat. Even if he had made it, he would not have been able to compete with similar products launched by Penguin.

But this does not mean that Zhang Dalong is unimportant.

If Penguin encounters an opponent who is far better than Mi Liao and evenly matched with them, the role of an excellent product manager, namely Zhang Dalong, will suddenly become apparent and may become a heavy weight in the balance of victory for both parties. .

Recruiting Zhang Dalong can increase your own weight and weaken Penguin at the same time, so why not do it.

You know, there is a "horse racing mechanism" within Penguin, that is, two teams are working on a project at the same time. The mobile QQ team at that time lost to the WeChat team led by Zhang Dalong.

There is no doubt that Comrade Dalong is capable, but there is no need to mythologize him. He, Penguin, and WeChat are mutually successful.

If you hold on to the idea of ​​​​not digging up the talented people in your previous life and bury yourself in it, it is equivalent to taking a detour.

This is the same reason that major Internet companies like to recruit students from 985 and 211 colleges and universities. There are obviously simpler and faster ways to identify and recruit talents, so why bother looking far away.

Seeing that his boss was deep in thought and silent for a long time, Zhang Yong was also a little puzzled.

I went to Yangcheng to meet Zhang Dalong and chatted with him for a whole day. I didn’t think there was anything special about him. He was just ordinary. Is he worthy of being treated so differently by his boss?

Xia Jingxing sighed and asked, "Have you outlined the future business blueprint of Overseas Holdings with him?"

Zhang Yong nodded, "We talked, I said that overseas holdings will never be trapped in the domestic market, we will try our best to go abroad and compete with world-class Internet giants.

When it comes to exploring the business of social pan-entertainment, we will not indulge in sensationalism without limit. Promoting Chinese righteousness and enhancing national confidence are our true corporate goals, and our ultimate goal is to become an entertainment giant that benefits the country and society.

At the same time, we will not stop researching cutting-edge technologies and will adhere to a technology-based business development path.

I introduced these long-term goals to Zhang Dalong, but he still seemed indifferent, as if he thought we were too idealistic. "

Xia Jingxing chuckled, "If companies and leaders are too idealistic, they will become big deceivers and liars, and projects will never be successfully implemented;

If an enterprise has no ideals at all, it will lose its soul. Even if it was once brilliant, it will gradually become mediocre.

Take conscientious companies as an example. Those people with bad consciences have long forgotten the slogan of serving the country through industry. In the 1990s, they could still argue that the core manufacturing environment was not ideal and that manufacturing was not as good as buying.

Now, it seems that this year's "Fortune" magazine's Fortune 500 list is about to be released. It is said that conscientious companies may be included in the list of the world's 500 companies this time.

Now that they have the money and the conditions are mature enough, do you think they will do something serious next? "

Zhang Yong smiled and nodded, "Zhang Dalong still admires you, Mr. Xia. He said that you are a technology company leader with world-class vision and structure.

It's just that he seems to be used to the work and life in Yangcheng and is unwilling to come to the capital. "

Xia Jingxing waved his hand, "This is a simple matter, wouldn't it be enough for Overseas Holdings to establish a branch in Yangcheng?

As the scale of domestic holding groups continues to expand, the establishment of branches in various places will be put on the agenda sooner or later. We will not only build branches in Pengcheng, but also in Magic City, Pengcheng, and Chengdu. "

"Okay, then let me talk to Mr. Gong Hongjia. He is still staying in Yangcheng. He plans to help us with Zhang Dalong's ideological work."

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly. He still had a good impression of Gong Hongjia, who was eager to help.

I only made one phone call, and the other party hurriedly became a lobbyist.

Maybe there is a consideration in making friends with myself, and I want to get a favor from myself.

But that’s how society is, you help (use) me, and I’ll help (use) you.

"Okay, you ask Gong Hongjia to help again. No matter whether the matter succeeds or not, I will remember his favor... Forget it, I will call him personally. You must be sincere when asking for help."

Xia Jingxing paused and suddenly said: "If Gong Hongjia's lobbying fails, I will take action myself."


Zhang Yong looked like a black man with a question mark face, "Mr.

Before 2000, Zhang Dalong was indeed a famous figure on the Internet. It is not an exaggeration to call him an entrepreneurial star.

In an era when there were only 6.5 million computers in the country according to official statistics, he suddenly built Foxmail to have 2 million users, and could even compete head-on with Microsoft's Outlook.

If this kind of achievement were placed today, it would be comparable to the achievements of

But these are all things of the past, the waves have wiped out countless heroes!

He has been silent for so many years, and many programmers and product managers of his generation have become Internet giants.

For example, his current boss, Bonima, had not even started his business in 1997. Zhang Dalong is someone he looks up to!

Zhang Dalong is now mentioned as a "tragic hero".

Alas, times have changed, and it is no longer an era for programmers to work alone.

What's the use of him personally knowing how to write software? If we recruit ten or twenty programmers who are younger than him and can stay up late than him, the work efficiency won't be lower than him, right? "

Xia Jingxing chuckled and shook his head, "He may not be a good businessman or a good boss. For example, he is not as good at troubleshooting and selling companies as Chen Yizhou, but he is definitely a good product manager.

Did you notice that the QQ mailbox he took over has regained a new life from the brink of death and will soon surpass NetEase's 163 mailbox.

I have carefully analyzed Zhang Dalong and found that he is very good at innovating product functions, especially some details.

If we want to make instant messaging products, we cannot do without this person.

If we are in a fierce battle with Penguin, small functions that are constantly iterated, upgraded and in line with user habits will be a magic weapon for us to defeat Penguin. "

Zhang Yong frowned and said: "So, Mr. Xia, you are interested in his product capabilities? But is it difficult to find a good product manager?"

"It's difficult! Especially for a product manager who has proven himself twice."

Hearing what Xia Jingxing said, Zhang Yong was speechless for a while, and then he felt relieved. The boss's attitude towards poaching was so determined, maybe there was something shining in Zhang Dalong that he didn't see.

However, if you need to persuade, you still have to persuade, "Mr. Xia, your status is different, it is best not to take action personally to avoid backfire.

What if Penguin sees that you are going to die personally and deliberately refuses to let Zhang Dalong go, or what if Ma Huateng personally intervenes to persuade him to stay? "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "I have this in mind, so I asked you to take the lead.

And you are right to remind us that we had better create the illusion of poaching Zhang Dalong to build the overseas mailbox, so as to paralyze the Penguin side. "

Zhang Yong replied: "Okay, I'll get started right away. At worst, I'll go to Yangcheng a few more times."

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, and then asked: "By the way, how is the investigation of Wu Yimin's case?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yong's expression immediately changed, and he said solemnly: "Mr. Xia, I really made you guess. Wu Yimin's hands are indeed dirty!"

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