My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and one, pinned to the ground and bullied

There was no news from Wu Yimin for several days in a row, and the phone calls could not be reached. Ma Huateng was anxious and angry, and he quickly called in military advisor Liu Zhiping for discussion.

"Martin, do you think Wu Yimin has changed his mind? Or maybe Xia Jingxing regretted it again and personally tried to persuade Wu Yimin to stay, causing Wu Yimin to change his mind."

Liu Zhiping comforted him: "Boni, don't be too anxious. I'm going to the capital today to find Wu Yimin in person and ask him clearly what he means."

"I always feel a little uneasy in my heart."

Ma Huateng's face was full of sorrow, and he was very concerned about the fate of Wu Yimin, a general.

If the other party really let them go, not only would Penguin Games' plans for the rise be completely in vain, but their layout these days would be more like a joke.

And in order to make room for Wu Yimin, they also did a lot of work for Ren Yuxin.

If Wu Yimin doesn't come, what will Ren Yuxin think? Will he be disloyal to the company?


Liu Zhiping's cell phone rang, and he quickly picked up the phone. After listening to a few words, his expression immediately changed.

Before he could hang up the phone, he shouted: "Bonnie, hurry up! Open Sohu News, Wu Yimin has been arrested!"

Ma Huateng thought he had heard wrongly, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Damn it, I'm just poaching someone, is Xia Jingxing so cruel? So energetic? We don’t have such a strong appeal in Nanshan!

After hurriedly hanging up the phone, Liu Zhiping ignored Bonima, who was still in a daze, rushed directly to the other party, and started to use the other party's computer to access Sohu News.

"Domestic gaming CEO Wu Yimin was suspected of accepting bribes in huge amounts and was recently arrested by the Haiding Police Department..."

Ma Huateng had almost come to his senses at this time. He looked at the prominent title on the computer with an expression of disbelief.

Then he seemed to understand something and said angrily: "This must be a deliberate arrangement by Xia Jingxing. He would rather destroy Wu Yimin than let him join Penguin.

I know Xia Jingxing very well. He can definitely do this kind of thing that harms others and does not benefit oneself!

He is a person who always only cares about the results when doing things, and does not care about the process, nor stick to the formality. "

Looking at Bonima, whose face had become a little distorted due to anger, Liu Zhiping, who was obviously much calmer, spoke out to comfort him: "Boni, don't be so angry that your body is broken! Do you still remember what I said to you a few days ago? Did you say that? Wu Yimin is a person who needs to use and be on guard!

This person's self-control is really poor and his lifestyle is also very problematic. He might actually accept bribes!

In fact, looking at it from the other side, Wu Yimin's failure to join Penguin may be a good thing and avoid our losses. "

Ma Huateng felt a twinge of anger in his chest. He covered his chest and said, "How much money can he be greedy for? Only 10 million. Do you know how much profit he has created for Haihai Holdings? At least several billion!"

Liu Zhiping frowned and said, "Bonnie, this is a matter of principle! Of course I know that Wu Yimin is very talented, but if he has evil intentions, he must not use it."

"Even if he has problems! But I still want him to help Penguin make a popular game! All he needs is one!

It's useless to say anything now. Everyone has already gone in and it's useless to come out. "

After venting his emotions for a while, Ma Huateng slumped down on the chair helplessly. His game dream was ruined before it even started, and all hope was extinguished in Xia Jingxing's hands.

Speaking of which, why does Xia Jingxing always bully him? Just because I didn't agree with him buying shares in Penguin, so I still hate him to this day?

Looking at Bonima, whose eyes were dull, Liu Zhiping didn't know how to persuade him.

In his opinion, Ponima was a bit crazy.

However, he also understands the huge pressure on the other party. Watching Shanda and NetEase making a lot of money from online games, while Penguin can only eat scraps, who would be willing to accept it?

In the past, I could find reasons to say that Penguin started the game late and missed the golden period.

But now even the rising star Domestic Games has moved ahead of them.

Therefore, it is normal for Poni to feel psychologically unbalanced.

Moreover, Xia Jingxing was indeed ruthless in his actions this time. He would not take action sooner or later, but he took action just before they were about to succeed in poaching him.

This is like handing a bowl of water to the mouth of a person who is about to die of thirst. When the person is about to drink water, the bowl breaks in front of him, and all hope is shattered.

Liu Zhiping was also very unhappy. If you, Xia Jingxing, have any tricks, just use them quickly. As for playing with other people's feelings like this?

"Bony, don't be discouraged. "Xunxian" will be launched soon. We still have a chance to make a turnaround and take off the hat that we don't know how to make online games."

Ma Huateng shook his head in dismay, "I finally understand. No matter what we do, Xia Jingxing will not make it easy for us."

Liu Zhiping also sighed, because what Ma Huateng said was absolutely right. Xia Jingxing had cheated a large group of them for billions more than half a year ago, and now another precise blow hit them in the chest.

What is the hatred and grudge?

Suddenly, Ma Huateng stood up.

Hearing a loud "bang", he punched the desk hard and said with a fierce look: "I have decided that we will not do other business in the future. We will focus on beating up the overseas network!

If we don’t completely wipe out the domestic network, we won’t have a good life!

Aren’t they heavily promoting their open platform? We continue to poach their developers.

Oh, by the way, there is also an important piece of information brought by Wu Yimin. Aren’t they going to make Chinese Twitter? We do it too!

In short, we and them are destined to have only one survive!

Also, continue to dig out their game talents and send headhunters to the capital to guard them.

I don’t believe it, we can’t defeat the internal network! "

Seeing Ma Huateng's energy and heart gradually recovering, Liu Zhiping didn't know whether this change was good or bad. Was he being too paranoid?

Just when he was about to enlighten him, his cell phone rang again.

After picking up the phone, Liu Zhiping frowned.

"Okay, I understand. Don't approve it yet. I'll ask Bonny for his opinion."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Zhiping quickly reported to Ma Huatenghui: "Boni, Zhang Dalong is resigning, and the resignation application has been submitted."

"Isn't QQ mailbox doing a good job? Why did he leave his job?"

Liu Zhiping shook his head, "It's not clear yet. Zhang Dalong is an outstanding talent, and we must try our best to retain him."

Ma Huateng had a gloomy face. Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he blurted out: "Where do you think Zhang Dalong will go?"

"You mean...overseas holding?"

Liu Zhiping suddenly took a breath of cold air, and now he started to take revenge?

Can Xia Jingxing still let people take a breather? But this is in line with the other party's consistent style.

Ma Huateng said coldly: "Let's conduct an investigation first. If it is found that Haihai Holdings is really poaching people, then Zhang Dalong's resignation must not be approved!"

Liu Zhiping nodded, and then left the office in a hurry.

Before they had time to take action, the enemies began to knock on the door.

Liu Zhiping also felt quite angry in his heart, as if he was being bullied by Haihai Holdings.

But things are not certain yet, so we need to investigate first!

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