My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and two, one hit will kill

Time flies by, and July has arrived in a blink of an eye.

The weather in Beijing is still very hot. A group of aunts with red armbands on their arms are patrolling the Shichahai Lake under the scorching sun, looking at the passing Chinese and foreign tourists with alert eyes.

As the opening of the Olympic Games is getting closer and closer, the number of tourists in Beijing has gradually increased. Therefore, the aunts in Xicheng have stopped dancing in the square recently. They have begun to imitate the aunts from Chaoyang next door and patrol the streets. After all, the people of the capital are quite ideologically aware. high.

A few aunts patrolled for a while, got a little tired, and began to chat while leaning on the railing by the lake. The conversation centered on the most famous building in this street - Haisi Courtyard.

While the aunts were chatting, they used their peripheral vision to look at the gate of Haisiheyuan across the street from time to time.

There are bamboos planted at the door, which is quiet and elegant. There are two drum-holding stones standing in front of the door with carved beams and painted columns. The bluestone ladder with one step and one step looks to be made of extraordinary materials.

"I heard from my family that the transaction area of ​​this courtyard house seems to be 3,030 square meters. It should be regarded as the largest courtyard house transaction in the second ring road. One square meter costs more than 36,000 yuan. The total transaction volume of the entire house The price is as high as 110 million yuan!"

An aunt with curly hair and the same style of instant noodles as Bu Jingyun boasted in an exaggerated tone, and her expression was quite proud, as if the house belonged to her own family, which immediately frightened the aunts around her.

Looking at the envious or curious expressions of the companions around her, the aunt seemed to be greatly encouraged and continued to talk about what she saw and heard: "The house was bought last year. It was published in many newspapers at that time. I heard that it seemed to be from China. A rich man beat the richest man in Russia to buy it.

I think this rich man is quite manly. Why should we, the Chinese, sell our historical and cultural buildings to Lao Maozi? Do you think this is correct? "

"Which rich man is he?"

The curly-haired aunt spread her hands to the companions around her, "How did I know this? This house has been under renovation since I bought it. My wife said that he had a few words with the workers in charge of the renovation project. It is said that the renovation materials for this house are The imported virgin wood from the tropical rain forests of Thailand is half a meter in diameter, and costs tens of thousands of yuan per cubic meter.

Moreover, there are basements, swimming pools, rockeries, pavilions, etc. in the yard. It is estimated that the repairs and decorations alone will cost hundreds of millions, which is no less than the cost of buying a house. "

The aunties around her exclaimed, and then began to urge the curly-haired aunt to continue sharing.

"That's all I know, no more! Oh, I saw this place open a few days ago, and a little girl who looks as beautiful as a celebrity was directing the workers to move furniture. It seems that the owner is moving in."

The aunts were busy discussing, when suddenly a luxurious Mercedes-Benz stopped at the entrance of the courtyard, and two men in their thirties and forties got out of the car.

Zhang Dalong looked at the wealthy family in front of him with a somewhat surprised expression, "Is Mr. Xia living here?"

Zhang Yong smiled and said, “Mr.

Zhang Dalong nodded, without asking any more questions, followed Zhang Yong up the stone steps at the door, and walked step by step into the courtyard.

The person responsible for opening the door was a housekeeper in his forties. After opening the door, he respectfully led the two of them around the screen wall with dragons and embroidered phoenixes, and walked into the courtyard.

Finally, the mysterious compound opened its door. The red-sleeved ladies outside all stretched their necks to look at the courtyard, but their sights were all blocked by the screen wall. Apart from the screen wall, they could not see anything else.

Zhang Dalong looked at this courtyard house while walking. He found that the style of the courtyard was similar to that seen in TV series. The eaves were engraved with auspicious beasts such as unicorns, dragons and phoenixes. Various precious flowers and trees were planted in the courtyard, which was very full of the charm of traditional Chinese architecture.

Just like exploring a maze, Zhang Dalong passed through countless circular corridors and courtyards. His vision suddenly opened up, and he finally saw Xia Jingxing sitting in the pavilion making tea in the backyard.

The pavilion is surrounded by rockeries. Under the pavilion is a small, crystal clear pool with gurgling water and several koi carps playing in it.

This situation makes Zhang Dalong, who has a relatively low desire for life, unable to help but feel envious. This is what he calls life.

Zhang Dalong followed Zhang Yong along the corridor to the pavilion located in the center of the pool.

"Mr. Xia~" the two of them shouted.

Xia Jingxing stood up with a smile and asked the two of them to sit down on the stone bench nearby.

"Dalong, you've had a hard time along the way. Are you getting used to the weather in the capital?"

Zhang Dalong smiled at Xia Jingxing, "It's okay, it's just a little hot."

As he spoke, Zhang Dalong wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This courtyard was so big that he was sweating all over when he walked out.

Noticing Zhang Dalong's action of wiping sweat, Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "That's one of the disadvantages of a courtyard house. It cannot have full air conditioning coverage like an apartment, making it warm in the summer and cool in the winter."

Zhang Dalong was very sincere. He waved his hand and said, "It's okay. It's cool without the sun. Besides, Mr. Xia, your house is really beautiful. This is my first time to visit such a grand courtyard house. It's an eye-opener." "

"Would you consider settling in the capital? When you complete the project, the company can reward you with a courtyard house."

Zhang Dalong shook his head quickly, "Mr. Xia, I am still used to the life and climate of Yangcheng."

Seeing that Zhang Dalong was unwilling to move even if he wanted to kill him, Xia Jingxing had no intention of letting him move to the capital.

Zhang Yong on the side picked up the teapot on the table, poured a cup of tea for Xia Jingxing and Zhang Dalong each, and slowly said: "Dalong encountered a little trouble when he resigned. After Penguin learned that we were poaching people, various arrangements were made. Obstacle, life and death unwilling to let the dragon leave."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Zhang Dalong, who looked a little sad, and said comfortingly: "Dalong, just leave this matter to us, you don't have to worry about it. We have plenty of ways to deal with the penguins who are cheating.

Now is not the evil old society, and professional managers are not bound to work, so how can they restrict personal freedom? "

Hearing this, Zhang Dalong's expression softened a little, and then he sighed and said: "The company has been looking for trouble with me recently. Yesterday, it said that there was a problem with computer procurement. The batch of computers purchased last year were a lot more expensive than the market price. Thousands of yuan, dozens of units are tens of thousands of yuan.

From the way they sounded, it was as if I had embezzled tens of thousands of dollars.

To be honest, I don't lack such a little money. If I really want money, wouldn't it be better for me to leave my job and start a business to make some software and then sell it? "

Zhang Dalong shook his head as he spoke. He didn't expect Penguin's tricks to be so disgusting. He was simply blind. In the past few years, he actually helped them save their mailbox business.

It turned out that he decided to leave Penguin with some hesitation and entanglement.

Now that he has seen what Penguin has done, he has completely stopped worrying. This kind of enterprise is not worth working for.

Xia Jingxing and Zhang Yong looked at each other and understood each other's eyes.

Xia Jingxing suddenly wanted to laugh. This penguin copied very quickly. He even copied how he dealt with Wu Yimin. Is he really addicted to plagiarism?

But then again, this Dalong was really unjustly accused. Penguin couldn't find any obvious charges, so he was slapped with a charge of receiving tens of thousands of yuan in kickbacks for purchasing computers.

Xia Jingxing didn't quite believe that Zhang Dalong would do such a thing, after all, he was already worth tens of millions eight years ago.

And when something happened to Wu Yimin, 99.99% of the time it was Penguin taking revenge.

"Dalong, you don't need to take this matter too seriously. It only means that Penguin has completely run out of tricks to prevent you from leaving your job. He has started to use all kinds of dirty tricks."

Xia Jingxing patted Zhang Dalong on the shoulder, "It's okay, we have hired a lawyer for you. If Penguin insists on not letting you go and will hold you in a shit basin, we support you in suing Penguin to protect your legitimate rights and interests. Let Penguin apologize to you and clear your name.”

Zhang Dalong nodded solemnly towards Xia Jingxing, "Thank you, Mr. Xia!"

"Next, the Overseas Holding Group will set up a branch in Yangcheng. You will serve as the general manager. You will first be responsible for developing an email for the company, running the team together, and preparing for the future."

Hearing Xia Jingxing's arrangements for him, Zhang Dalong nodded and said, "Okay! Then Mr. Xia, when will the instant messaging project that Mr. Zhang mentioned before be launched?"

"This project needs to be delayed for a while, because the market share of smartphones is too low now, and the 3G network has not yet covered the whole country."

Xia Jingxing looked at Zhang Dalong with a sincere face, "Don't worry, we either don't do it, or if we do, we won't leave too much reaction time for the penguin, and we are pursuing a one-hit kill."


Zhang Dalong smiled and asked no more questions.

The reason why he accepted the olive branch offered by Haihai Holdings was because he took a fancy to this instant messaging project and wanted to take this opportunity to return to the mainstream stage of the Internet.

During the recruitment process, Zhang Yong did not reveal too many details to him. He only revealed the idea of ​​"smartphone + voice chat", which made him very tempted.

In his previous life, Zhang Dalong was a fan of Steve Jobs, but in this life, the revived mobile phone was released earlier than Wisdom Fruit and was no worse than Wisdom Fruit in every aspect. Therefore, Zhang Dalong transferred a lot of his admiration for Jobs to Xia Jingxing.

Even Mr. Xia is optimistic about the project, so it will definitely work!

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