My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and three, who is not a delicate boy?

Xia Jingxing sat in the pavilion drinking tea with Zhang Dalong and Zhang Yong and chatted for a whole afternoon. He told them a lot about his future plans for the domestic holding group.

Zhang Yong's reaction was okay, because he had heard enough and had a very clear understanding of the development blueprint and goals of the domestic holding group.

But Zhang Dalong was different. His whole body was boiling with enthusiasm, and the long-lost pride in his heart came back. He wanted to follow Xia Jingxing to change the world.

When others say these words, they are painting a cake, but when Xia Jingxing says these words, he is far-sighted and ambitious.

When the sun set and the sky was getting dark, Shen Xinyi, wearing a white blue and white porcelain embroidered cheongsam, walked to the pavilion and reminded her that dinner was ready.

Zhang Yong had long known that Shen Xinyi had a close relationship with Mr. Xia, so he was not surprised at all when she appeared here. He just looked away silently, not staring at her graceful figure.

Looking at Shen Xinyi with snow-white skin and delicate face, Zhang Dalong guessed that she might be Mr. Xia's family. Although it was very pleasing to the eye, he was too embarrassed to look at her for a long time.

Seeing that the two old men were a little embarrassed and restrained, Shen Xinyi also realized that something was wrong. She immediately glared at Xia Jingxing with her beautiful eyes. It was this cheongsam fan who made her wear it like this.

As if he didn't see her eyes, Xia Jingxing introduced Zhang Dalong: "This is my girlfriend Shen Xinyi, who is also the vice president of Overseas Holdings and the COO of Weibo."

"Weibo is the project that imitates Twitter?"

After saying the words, Zhang Dalong felt that he didn't say it well. How could he say "imitation"?

Xia Jingxing smiled brightly, "Yes, yes, it is the project to copy Twitter. It is currently under development and will be launched before the opening of the Olympic Games.

This project, like MOMO Voice, is also one of the preparations for promoting WeChat. "

Zhang Dalong said "Oh", then stood up and shook hands with Shen Xinyi, his attitude was very polite.

Even though she is just a prospective boss lady, she still needs to leave a good impression on the other party. Although Zhang Dalong is a technician, it does not mean that he has no emotional intelligence at all.

Zhang Yong's thoughts were a little more complicated. He was thinking that Mr. Xia had just introduced her as "girlfriend" without hesitation, not as a friend or subordinate.

This made Zhang Yong silently raise his level of attention in his heart.

At that time at Shanda, Luo Qianqian was also working in the company, and her pillow style was still very strong.

Of course, Mr. Xia is not married yet. As for whether he will get married in the future and whether the marriage partner is Shen Xinyi, these are all a big question mark. However, if you sail with caution, you must pay attention to what should be paid attention to.

Xia Jingxing noticed Zhang Yong's pensive expression and immediately guessed the other party's doubts. It was true that he had not explained this clearly. It was necessary to talk to Zhang Yong again later.

The four of them came to the dining room, where the large round table was already filled with delicious food.

Shen Xinyi introduced: "Jing Xing knew you were coming today, so he specially asked me to invite a chef to help at home."

"Why don't you tell me which dishes you have cooked? Let's take a look. The ones that don't sell well must be your masterpieces."

Xia Jingxing smiled and teased, and then began to look around the table, quickly identifying several dishes cooked by Shen Xinyi herself.

"Although the appearance is not good-looking, the taste is still good. I specifically asked the chef for advice."

"I don't believe you can fry an egg."

Zhang Yong and Zhang Dalong silently watched the two flirting, with smiles on their faces and a lot of feelings at the same time.

Especially Zhang Yong, it was only at this time that he felt that Mr. Determined and intimidating.

During the meal, the three men shared a bottle of Maotai. Zhang Yong and Zhang Dalong usually didn't drink much, so Xia Jingxing drank most of the bottle.

He didn't persuade them to drink, and allowed the two of them to drink as they pleased.

After drinking and eating, Xia Jingxing and Shen Xinyi sent the two of them out of the door. After seeing the two of them get into the car, they turned around and walked back into the house.

"It's settled!"

Xia Jingxing hugged Shen Xinyi's smooth and delicate arms and suddenly shouted while he was drunk.

"That Zhang Dalong?"

Shen Xinyi could feel that the man next to her valued Zhang Dalong very much.

"Yes, he is very talented in his own right, but he needs to be given a stage enough to display his talents before he can shine brightly. We have to work hard next. The foundation of the domestic holding group is still a bit poor, so don't drag others down. "

Shen Xinyi smiled and said, "Are we still dragging him down?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and didn't explain much.

After returning to the bedroom, Xia Jingxing was already a little drunk. He lay down on the bed and couldn't get up.

Shen Xinyi cooked a bowl of hangover soup. When she brought it, she found that Xia Jingxing had already fallen asleep. After shaking him awake, she urged him to drink the hangover soup.

Xia Jingxing's mouth was dry. After drinking a large bowl of soup in one breath, he felt a little more awake.

Looking at Shen Xinyi who was squatting on the ground taking off his socks and trousers, he suddenly said: "I have such a good wife, what more can I ask for."

Shen Xinyi raised her head and glanced at Xia Jingxing, who had a happy face. She felt happy in her heart, but she still said reluctantly, "Don't recite poems here. My whole body smells of alcohol and sweat. It's so difficult." Wen, go take a shower!"

"Ask your husband to take a shower and go."

"Husband, please take a bath!"

"The tone is wrong, try again!"


"Because of your attitude, I have to take a bath tonight!"

The two rolled on the bed and quarreled for a while. Shen Xinyi still couldn't escape the clutches and was carried into the bathroom. After a while, there were sounds that were inappropriate for children.

After finishing the work and taking a shower, the two of them lay side by side on the bed chatting.

"Tomorrow I am going on a business trip to Shanghai. Fuxing Semiconductor is going to hold a production celebration. This marks the first step. Next, we only need to continue to improve the process technology to make the industry bigger and stronger. "

Shen Xinyi said "Oh", she knew how much the man valued the chip industry, but she still couldn't help but said: "When you leave, I will be the only one left. This house is too big, and it's a bit scary to live alone. "

"It's a shame I didn't buy a bigger courtyard house!"

Xia Jingxing was upset because there were actually people who thought the house was too big.

"Is there a bigger courtyard house? It's not a cultural relic building, right?" Shen Xinyi's eyes widened. In her opinion, many courtyard houses cannot be bought and sold.

Xia Jingxing explained: "Many so-called courtyard houses in Beijing are actually large courtyards. There are very few courtyard houses that are relatively well-preserved, have clear property rights, and are available for sale. The area is generally only a few hundred to a thousand square meters.

The house we bought was actually quite big, and even the Russians couldn't help but come to join in the fun. Fortunately, someone tipped us off, and we were able to take over the house before Lao Maozi did.

If you want a larger courtyard house, you really have to look for a heritage building.

But it’s not impossible. I learned that AVIC Land, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, has obtained a large project that combines four 3-yard courtyards and 1 5-yard courtyard into a super quadrangle, covering an area of ​​​​1 More than 10,000 square meters, almost four times the size of our courtyard house.

It would be great if you had the chance to buy it. That house should be called the king of the courtyard, with an area comparable to some royal palaces. "

"Isn't it too high-profile? This is the capital! Under the Emperor!"

Shen Xinyi was a little worried. Her father had been caught doing business before.

"I earn money from Americans and use it to buy a Chinese courtyard house to support the development of my country's aviation industry in disguise. Isn't this politically correct?"

Shen Xinyi shook her head, "Let's forget it. Living in such a big house is actually not convenient."

Xia Jingxing said nothing, but he did not give up the idea of ​​continuing to buy a house. After all, he was a man who wanted to buy 24 houses around the world, and he was still far away from this goal.

He was still asking Chen Hong to help look for old houses in Shanghai and gardens in Xuzhou. There were not even a shadow of houses on islands, deserts, snowy mountains and other terrains.

In the past, he was short of funds and had to save money to do big things. He didn't particularly care about the house or the quality of life. Now that he has gradually abundant funds, he can no longer feel wronged that he is not a delicate boy.

"I heard that the Huo family, Li family, and Murdoch's houses in Hong Kong are all in this alley?"

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "I haven't asked about that. They are all old friends. Let's go and identify them another time."

Shen Xinyi sneered, "Are you trying to identify the door and give someone else's house another day?"

Xia Jingxing smiled. Ordering a house didn't matter. He remembered it all in his notebook. He couldn't spare this group of people, especially Murdoch. The other party's newspapers often smeared him and his major industrial groups.

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