My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and seven, in danger

At noon, Fuxing Semiconductor held a grand celebration banquet at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Jinmao Tower.

As the major shareholder and chairman of the group, Xia Jingxing was toasted so many times by other shareholders and employees that his head started to feel a little dizzy.

Although every time he toasted, he usually just took a small sip or touched his lips, but he couldn't stand the crowd. After dozens of glasses, he almost couldn't stand it anymore.

"Jing Xing, I toast you with this drink. The Internet, finance, and hardware have blossomed. This year, we will take back the throne of the richest man."

Zhu Min worked as a team member in rural areas for eight years, and was admitted to university in the first year after the college entrance examination was resumed. A student majoring in tractor design and manufacturing suddenly became an IT entrepreneur. At the same time, he is also the person with the highest entrepreneurial achievements among overseas students in the United States, with life experience and They are all very experienced. For example, they are good at persuading people to drink at the wine table.

While he was praising Xia Jingxing, he quietly filled up Xia Jingxing's empty wine glass with a skill that was beyond words.

Looking at Zhu Min who had finished the white wine in his glass in one breath, Xia Jingxing looked down at his glass, gritted his teeth, and drank it too.


“Good drinker!”

"another one!"

People around him started to cheer, and then they started to toast again.

Xia Jingxing couldn't stand it anymore and directly chose to escape.

After going to the bathroom and washing his face, Xia Jingxing didn't dare to go back. He just sat on the sofa outside alone and stared at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

After sitting there for a few minutes, a person suddenly came over and sat directly next to him. "I've been looking for you for a long time and are you hiding here?"

Xia Jingxing turned around and found Lin Xinhe looking at him with a smile.

"They are all people who kill with alcohol. I'd better not join in the fun!"

Lin Xinhe smiled and said, "The drinking culture here in mainland China is really strong, and I am also afraid of experiencing such a scene."

Xia Jingxing smiled. Lin Xinhe was born in Wanwan and immigrated to the United States with his parents when he was a child. He shouldn't be able to drink liquor very much. He seemed to have only toasted himself a glass just now.

Lin Xinhe suddenly said: "Become one of the top 500 companies in the world within ten years. Mr. Xia, you still have the courage!"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Just do your best and set a goal there to motivate yourself and your employees."

Lin Xinhe knew that Xia Jingxing had misunderstood her, so she quickly waved her hands and said, "I have no doubt at all about the goal you have set. On the contrary, I think you can definitely achieve it.

Not to mention the achievements of Facebook, this may not be the first time for you to start a cross-border business. Renaissance Industries and Vision Capital are both successful.

Although starting a business in the chip industry is not easy, I think it shouldn’t be a big problem for you. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "You think too highly of me. I am still in awe of semiconductors, and I take every step with fear."

Lin Xinhe smiled and said nothing. He spent billions of dollars in investments and hundreds of billions of yuan in funds without blinking an eye. Do you call this timidity?

"I paid attention to your answer to reporters' questions this morning. You answered that you are not against mergers and acquisitions, right?"

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "This is the development pattern of this industry. Big fish eat small fish. If you want to develop fast and well, how can you resist mergers and acquisitions?"

Lin Xinhe smiled slightly, "Yes, around 2000, a major industry consolidation broke out in the Bayan semiconductor industry.

United Microelectronics merged five semiconductor companies. In order to compete with them, Gulf Microelectronics first acquired Decer, a semiconductor manufacturer owned by Acer, and then acquired World Microelectronics, the third company of Gulf Microelectronics. This established the Gulf Microelectronics Couple. leadership in electricity. "

"This is the story of the first place and the second place fighting, and the third, fourth, fifth place... were defeated."

Lin Xinhe smiled and nodded, "That's the truth. Mergers and acquisitions not only eliminate potential rivals that have not yet grown up, but also strengthen their own strength. Why not?

Shida Semiconductor is actually quite powerful. This company founded by Zhang Rujing when he returned to the island in 1997, is mainly engaged in the foundry of memory chips. It became profitable only three years after its establishment.

It is a pity that the company was sold by shareholders for US$5 billion just after making a profit. If it had not been sold, Gulf Power would not be as comfortable as it is today. "

Xia Jingxing said calmly: "Wafer foundry is an asset-heavy industry, and Zhang Rujing doesn't have that much money to invest. This leads to the equity falling into the hands of others, and the founder is powerless to stop it."

Lin Xinhe said with a smile: "But Mr. Zhang is a decisive person. In the second month after World University was acquired, he immediately raised US$1.48 billion to register and establish Huaxin International Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in the Cayman Islands."

Xia Jingxing said: "The US$1.48 billion is basically contributed by others, and Zhang Rujing's personal shareholding is almost zero."

Lin Xinhe smiled and said: "DCM also invested tens of millions of dollars and is considered a small shareholder of Huaxin.

Now Huaxin International is likely to repeat the mistakes of the World University of Science and Technology, and is in internal and external troubles. "

Xia Jingxing still pretended not to understand and deliberately refused to answer the question, "The ownership structure of Huaxin International is too dispersed, and Zhang Rujing, the founder, does not have much say.

When we are making great strides in making money and developing, we can all work together to form a rope.

But when development stagnates and even faces external threats and pressure, many contradictions will be triggered.

Huaxin International’s initial financing of US$1.48 billion included the land investment from the Modu government and real money investment from the Modu Industrial Group.

Therefore, three forces have formed within Huaxin International.

Mainland forces refer to the shareholders and technical personnel of government-owned enterprises. They want to develop the mainland’s own semiconductor industry;

The Bay Power refers to the technical staff who followed Zhang Rujing to the mainland. They want to build a company that is more powerful than Bay Power;

International capital forces, such as Goldman Sachs in the United States, Deutsche Bank, Vertex in Singapore, Walden International in the United States, NEA in the United States, etc., they do not care whether China has its own semiconductor industry chain. What they want is to make money.

Three forces and three different needs are intertwined. At the same time, Gulf Power is also wielding the patent stick. I think Mr. Zhang Rujing must be having a headache at the moment. "

"He wants to see you."

Lin Xinhe looked at Xia Jingxing with a serious expression. His eyes were extremely serious. He no longer concealed his purpose. He was just here to be a lobbyist.

A glint flashed in Xia Jingxing's eyes, and then he asked in a calm tone: "Why are you seeing me? I can't help Huaxin International."

"You can!" Lin Xinhe said solemnly.

Xia Jingxing chuckled and said: "The shell of Fuxing Semiconductor is very clean. I can lead the future development of the company. If the company has not made a profit for ten years, no one will say "no". But can Huaxin International do this?"

Lin Xinhe smiled and said: "You underestimate your own network resources and influence. Only you can do this!

Didn’t Walden International’s Chen Liwu reconcile with you?

Zhu Min's Cybernaut is a joint venture with NEA of the United States. When NEA invested in Huaxin International, he was the one who led it.

I won’t talk about Goldman Sachs, it has a lot to do with you.

Temasek is behind Singapore Xiangfeng. I heard that Fu Jixun has recently returned to Singapore. He is fighting fiercely with the local government and seems to be planning to do something big.

And we, DCM, will unswervingly support you.

In this way, the problem of international capital can be easily solved.

I believe that Renaissance Semiconductor’s slogan of “entering the Fortune Global 500 in ten years” will appeal to Bayan’s technical staff.

Moreover, Liang Mengsong and even Fuxing Semiconductor are many people who came from Gulf Electric. The merger of the two companies will hardly encounter much resistance.

If Mr. Zhang Rujing is persuaded to help, the demands of the Bayan forces should be able to be resolved very well. "

Xia Jingxing kept a faint smile on his face, "What about Modu Industrial Group and Pengcheng Venture Capital?"

Lin Xinhe is no longer a young man. As one of the founders of Zhalang, he has dealt with many top people in the country and knows some unspoken rules.

"The official level still hopes that there will be a capable wafer foundry in China. With Fuxing Industrial Group and you, you are quite powerful and should be able to convince them.

Of course, this process may be a little more complicated, but it shouldn't be a problem for you.

Fuxing Industrial and the Beijing government, and BOE and the Chengdu government, aren't they all very cooperative? "

Xia Jingxing chuckled, "You have arranged everything for me clearly."

Lin Xinhe smiled, "To be honest, as a shareholder of Huaxin International, I am very reluctant to see it fall. At the same time, as a descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, I am even more reluctant to see the hope of the rise of Chinese semiconductors stifled.

Huaxin International is in danger now, and only you can save it! "

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