My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and eight, two places and one family, we are all descendants of Yan and Hua

There was a faint smile on Xia Jingxing's lips. Although he was already tempted, he just didn't want to express his stance easily.

Are the internal relationships within Huaxin International complicated? That's quite intricate.

Can the internal relationship be improved and smoothed?

This is not to boast, Xia Jingxing believes that he has this ability...well, capital strength.

But he also has conditions, so there is no reason to help in vain!

"The equity within Huaxin International is too dispersed. If it is merged rashly, Fuxing Industrial Holding Group will lose its controlling interest in Fuxing Semiconductor."

Xia Jingxing said in a tone that could not be criticized: "Fuxing Semiconductor must be in the hands of Fuxing Industrial Group, otherwise I would rather quit the semiconductor industry."

Lin Xinhe smiled and said, "These can all be discussed. There are problems everywhere in Huaxin International now. There should be shareholders willing to get out of the car."

Xia Jingxing shook his head slightly, not satisfied with this answer.

Lin Xinhe's expression changed and he said in surprise: "You want to privatize Huaxin International?"

This time he got a positive nod in response. Lin Xinhe didn't say anything, but he was complaining in his heart. This appetite is too good, right?

He did not doubt that Xia Jingxing had the ability to privatize Huaxin International, but Huaxin International's current stock price was very sluggish, and it was not cost-effective to sell the company at this time.

Even if their DCM is willing, other institutional shareholders are not willing.

Choosing to exchange shares between the two companies is the best solution. Huaxin International's shareholders can continue to share the company's growth dividends, but Xia Jingxing has other opinions on this.

Lin Xinhe felt that the matter was a bit tricky, and his face could not help but become more solemn, "Mr. Xia, the privatization matter is too important and involves the interests of all parties.

International capital is easy to talk to, as long as the money is enough.

But when it comes to government-run capital, they sometimes not only settle economic accounts, but also political accounts. "

"As long as the international capital has no objections, the government-owned capital will leave it to us to do the work."

Seeing Xia Jingxing being so confident, Lin Xinhe stopped talking.

However, he expressed his attitude again: "No matter which plan you choose, Mr. Xia, DCM has no objection. We will stand unswervingly on your side."

Xia Jingxing smiled. Lin Xinhe was also a clever little kid. These young people like DCM followed Vision Capital honestly and often captured high-quality start-ups.

Even though it only eats the leftovers from Vision Capital, and mainly follows investors, it is still better than Sequoia Capital and IDG.

Scams like Sequoia and IDG's investment in Thousand Oaks suffered a huge loss of US$200 million; while the valuation of the overseas holding group invested by DCM has increased several times, with a book profit of hundreds of millions of US dollars. This is a sharp contrast.

If you add in the profits from other projects, DCM has made a lot of money in the past year or two. Naturally, Mr. Xia is following the lead and has a firm grasp on its golden thigh.

If they don't hug me, some people do.

Why Xia Jingxing is willing to take them to play together is because he has taken a fancy to the various resources in the hands of these venture capital funds that have deployed in China in advance.

"When will Zhang Rujing meet?"

Lin Xinhe looked happy, "Mr. Xia, have you agreed to meet?"

"You're right, we are all descendants of the Yan and Huang people, and it would be great if we can help."

Xia Jingxing's reason made Lin Xinhe's mouth twitch, like a descendant of Yan and Huang.



After receiving the notice from Lin Xinhe, Zhang Rujing went to the Grand Hyatt Hotel to visit Xia Jingxing that night.

In the suite on the 87th floor of Jin Mao Tower, after Lin Xinhe's introduction, Xia Jingxing shook hands and greeted Zhang Rujing enthusiastically.

"Mr. Zhang, the environment here is a bit shabby. If the hospitality is not good enough, why don't you ask Haihan?"

Zhang Rujing waved his hand quickly, "Mr.

Xia Jingxing smiled. The sixty-year-old man in front of him looked nothing like the founder of the world's fourth largest wafer foundry (the ranking fell one place). His tone and attitude when talking to him were very humble and polite. .

In addition, Xia Jingxing also noticed that although the old man's hair was dark and thick, his face was full of exhaustion, as if he had not slept well.

He guessed that the other party should have been running around recently, trying to rescue Huaxin International.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing sighed slightly in his heart. To be honest, it is quite difficult for the old man. He wants to work seriously, but the enemy uses all kinds of methods to prevent him. In addition, the internal situation is not monolithic, so the mental pressure he faces should be far beyond ordinary people's imagination. .

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Xia Jingxing asked Zhang Rujing to sit down and asked Liu Xiaoduo, who was waiting next to him, to bring him a cup of coffee.

"Mr. Zhang, I see that you are not in a very good state of mind. Drink a cup of coffee to refresh yourself. This coffee is a brand I often drink. It tastes pretty good."

Zhang Rujing quickly thanked him, took the coffee and took a sip, and immediately praised it.

Xia Jingxing and Lin Xinhe both laughed, and the three of them chatted around the coffee for a while.

After feeling that the atmosphere was well established, Zhang Rujing suddenly said: "Mr.

By the way, there is also your shout of "Being among the top 500 companies in the world in ten years", which is very inspiring. If it weren't for my age, I would like to join your team and follow you to do something that benefits the country and the people. Big business.

If a mainland foundry really makes its way into the Fortune Global 500 list, then the mainland’s semiconductor industry won’t have to worry so much..."

Xia Jingxing listened quietly, smiling or nodding to Zhang Rujing from time to time.

Suddenly, Zhang Rujing changed the subject and said, “But if we want to achieve this great goal, Renaissance Semiconductor must be careful and try to avoid becoming a thorn in the flesh of some people and foundry manufacturers.

In order to defeat their competitors, those villains have always used non-vegetarian methods. "

Xia Jingxing naturally knew that the other party was talking about Gulf Electric, so he smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Zhang, for your friendly reminder. We will pay more attention to it."

Seeing that Xia Jingxing didn't seem to take Wan Dian too seriously, Zhang Rujing sighed slightly. Zhang Zhong was definitely not a good person. Either he didn't take action, or if he did, he wouldn't leave any room for resistance for his opponent.

He is like an assassin, pursuing the goal of sealing the throat with blood and killing with one blow!

Seeing that Xia Jingxing was young, he probably didn't like hearing these offensive words, so he simply stopped mentioning it and finally started talking about his own family affairs.

"I believe that Mr. Xia knows more or less about the problems faced by Huaxin International, or Mr. Lin has introduced them to you, so I won't go into details.

Today I am begging you, Mr. Xia, and I hope that Mr. Xia will help Huaxin International for the sake of considering that we are all Chinese and want to contribute to the country. "

Zhang Rujing's posture was very low, and he even used the word "begging". It seemed that he was really pushed to the edge of the cliff.

Xia Jingxing was speculating and calculating in his mind when he suddenly heard Zhang Rujing say: "Of course, Mr. You suffer a loss."

Xia Jingxing smiled and waved his hand, "Mr. Zhang, I don't care about whether you suffer a loss or not. After all, the chip investment cycle is very long. If you suffer a loss now, it's fine if you don't suffer a loss in the future."

Zhang Rujing nodded hurriedly. He felt that Xia Jingxing was quite easy to talk to, and he felt more confident that the trip would achieve its goal.

"Mr. Zhang, you just talked about buying shares. How many shares does Huaxin International intend to dilute and introduce investors?"

Xia Jingxing looked at Zhang Rujing with a smile. Just buying a share could not satisfy his appetite.

Lin Xinhe had told him before that Zhang Rujing still had a glimmer of hope in bringing in strategic investors. The other party was not willing to give up control of the company, even if it was nominal control, unless it was absolutely necessary.

"About 10% of the shares."

Zhang Rujing gestured with his fingers, "What Huaxin lacks most now is operating capital. As long as we have US$300 million, we are confident to withstand all risks."

"Including litigation with Gulf Power?"

Xia Jingxing's words tore a huge wound in Zhang Rujing's heart, making his expression look a little unnatural.

Xia Jingxing, however, seemed not to notice the old man's ugly expression and continued to rub salt into the wound.

"The first time Gulf Power took action against you was in 2003. The purpose was to snipe your listing, and it launched a lawsuit in California, claiming US$1 billion.

The lawsuit dragged on for two years, leaving you exhausted. In the end, you were forced to settle with Gulf Electric, which was equivalent to a disguised admission of "improper use of Gulf Electric's trade secrets" and a compensation of US$175 million.

The year before last, in 2006, on the eve of your preparations for financing, Gulf Power took action again, accusing your latest 130-nanometer process of using Gulf Power technology and violating the Settlement Agreement.

Two years have passed and the lawsuit is still at a stalemate.

To put it bluntly, Huaxin's hope of winning the lawsuit is slim. "

Hearing this, Zhang Rujing's face was as dark as water.

But he still managed to squeeze out a smile, "Mr. Xia, we have already submitted the complaint at the Beijing Yamen, and the trial time here is earlier than the California court.

If Gulf Power chooses to actively respond to the lawsuit, then they must disclose the evidence they have. This will give us time and preparation to respond and refute the evidence in the California court. "

Looking at Zhang Rujing, who thought he was "fighting at home" and was very confident of winning, Xia Jingxing couldn't bear to attack him.

After thinking about it, he shook his head slightly and said, "I told you, you will definitely not win this lawsuit."

Seeing that Xia Jingxing was so sure that Huaxin would lose the lawsuit, Zhang Rujing's face became serious and he asked calmly: "Then what is your reason, Mr. Xia?"

"The people in the two places are of the same family. We are all descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, and peace is the most precious thing."

Xia Jingxing's words hit Zhang Rujing's chest like a heavy hammer, making his vision darken, his whole body swaying, and he almost fell down.

Fortunately, Lin Xinhe next to him had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he helped his fellow countryman.

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