My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and nine, big steps pulling at the crotch (Norns leader 2/10)

Even if he reaches Xia Jingxing's position, there are certain things that he cannot say nonsense and must bear responsibility.

So he just tasted it briefly and didn't say any more.

But Zhang Rujing had already understood. He shook his slightly groggy head and became more awake.

The old man's ability to withstand pressure is still very strong, and he will not be overwhelmed by Xia Jingxing's words. Some gaffes are already the limit.

Zhang Rujing thought about it calmly and found that what Xia Jingxing said was true. Looking at the problem from a higher perspective, Huaxin might have to suffer a little for the overall situation.

Xia Jingxing and Lin Xinhe didn't say anything, waiting quietly at the side.

It took several minutes before Zhang Rujing said, "Mr. Xia, your words are so shocking that I almost made a big mistake."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "I heard that the lawyer advised you not to settle with Bay Electric and to continue fighting the lawsuit?"

Zhang Rujing nodded lightly. This lawsuit had been going on for five or six years and was very noisy. He didn't wonder why Xia Jing acted so well, he just assumed that the other party had heard something.

"If the lawyer wins the case, it is a good opportunity to become famous internationally. Losing is normal, and they don't have to take the blame."

Xia Jingxing's face became extremely serious and he stared directly at Zhang Rujing, "But you, Mr. Zhang, are undoubtedly a good scapegoat.

I'll use you to quell Gulf Electric's anger. If Mr. Zhang over there is happy, he might raise his hand and let Huaxin International go. "

Lin Xinhe noticed that Zhang Rujing's hands were clenched into fists at some point, with blue veins popping out.

Lin Xinhe was secretly speechless, and secretly glanced at Xia Jingxing. He had a smile on his face, but still looked calm and calm.

Zhang Rujing, who was three rounds older and thirty-six years old, had already been provoked by Xia Jingxing's words and lost his temper several times.

Zhang Rujing didn't know why the young man opposite him was so powerful, and every word he said hurt his heart.

However, what they said was not just nonsense. Every sentence was well-targeted and powerless to refute.

If he really handed over his "traitor", Zhang Laothief would be very happy, and maybe he would really stop tossing Huaxin.

The media often hypes up his relationship with Zhang Zhongmou as a colleague. In fact, when he was working at Texas Instruments, Zhang Zhongmou was already the third person in charge of the global chip overlord. His superiors’ superiors’ superiors... were not qualified to give Zhang Zhongmou reports directly.

In Zhang Zhongmou's eyes, he is an ant-like figure.

But it was him, a small person, who made Zhang Zhong feel threatened just three years after returning to the island. Then the other party colluded with Shida Semiconductor's major shareholder, the China Development Bank of Wanwan, to deal with him without notifying him of the CEO's situation. Then he secretly sold the company.

He originally wanted to stay in Xicheng to help the mainland build factories and develop semiconductors, but Masao Iwasato was in power at that time, and the other party put pressure on the China Development Bank and could not help the enemy, so he was forced to go back to run World Semiconductor.

After finally getting it started, it was sold again.

Because he was really angry, he brought more than 300 engineers from Shida Semiconductor to the mainland to start a new business.

This incident undoubtedly offended Zhang Zhong, so the other party always held a grudge.

Coupled with the later rise of Huaxin, its low-price strategy affected Gulf Power's market share.

Therefore, from a business perspective and a personal emotional perspective, Zhang Zhongmou will not let him and Huaxin go.

Zhang Rujing sighed, "Mr. Xia, you are right. As long as I step down and take all the responsibilities, Huaxin should be able to breathe a sigh of relief."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "You are a well-known factory construction expert. With a mere two to three billion US dollars in equity financing and debt financing, you have established four 8-inch production lines and one 12-inch production line in three years. This speed is unprecedented in the world, and it only cost so little money."

After being praised by Xia Jingxing, Zhang Rujing smiled. Although this was the proudest thing in his life, he still behaved modestly and explained: "The founding of Huaxin coincided with the semiconductor downturn after the Internet bubble burst. , so we had the opportunity to purchase a large amount of low-priced second-hand chip manufacturing equipment, just to catch up with the trough of the industry cycle."

Xia Jingxing smiled. Semiconductors, like panels, also have a saying of "counter-cyclical investment." The worse the industry is, the more opportunities there are to increase investment and low-cost construction. When the industry recovers, the gap with its opponents has already been Pull away completely.

“I also noticed that Huaxin has successively set up production lines in Magic City, Beijing, Jinmen, Jiangcheng, Rongcheng, and Pengcheng over the years through acquisitions, joint ventures with local governments, financial leasing, and escrow, covering not only Chip foundry is also involved in downstream packaging and testing, chip-mounted color filter lenses and other fields. The scale is very large. I heard that you call it a "diamond layout" internally."

Zhang Rujing smiled bitterly, "Shareholders now have very strong opinions on this layout, thinking that it is disorderly expansion and affects the company's profits.

But to be honest, semiconductor manufacturing is about economies of scale. The unit costs brought by one production line and ten production lines are definitely different.

Moreover, local governments welcome us to invest in semiconductors locally, and we will be given whatever we want in terms of land, people, and money.

For example, in the Jiangcheng factory, all the initial investment was paid by the government, and Huaxin was entrusted with the operation and management. When the time was right, Huaxin would acquire it.

In this way, debt pressure is reduced while production capacity is gained. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. This is actually the same as BOE's several production lines settling in Chengdu. The government will advance the money first, and then the company will develop. It can be debt-to-equity swap, or you can choose to pay back the money directly. In order to attract investment these days, the local government It can also be said that it is a long-sleeved dance that is full of flowers and flowers.

"It's just that there's something wrong with the latter production line construction method."

As the conversation with Xia Jingxing became more and more immersive, Zhang Rujing gradually opened up and began to introduce: "For example, let's build a 12-inch production line in the capital city, the base of the Magic City, so we have to build it, right? If we don't build it, some people will be unhappy. ”

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "That's how Shi Dazhu ended up back then. You have to learn to say no."

Zhang Rujing shook his head, "It's hard to refuse, after all, there are many places to deal with.

Now Huaxin has so many factories, only the Modu and Jinmen factories are profitable, and the others are all losing money.

The worst thing is the Chengdu factory. Just after the 8-inch production line was put into operation last year, the price of memory chips has plummeted, and the selling price is still lower than the cost price. Every one produced is a loss.

We have now quickly switched to the production of logic chips, but the export of technology needs to wait for approval from the United States. Now we are still stuck in the review process, and we don’t know when it will be released. "

Xia Jingxing frowned slightly. Huaxin International's legs were not long enough, and the pace in the past two years was a bit too big, and then he accidentally pulled his crotch. Renaissance Semiconductor must learn a lesson, otherwise it will not be able to withstand a loss of 100 billion. ah.

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