My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and eighteen,00,000 sales target

After returning to the capital, Xia Jingxing didn't even return home and held another meeting non-stop.

At the headquarters of Fuxing Industrial Group in Zhongguancun, thirty or forty senior executives from the six major business groups, Fuxing China Research Institute, and the group's three major directly managed companies gathered together.

At the meeting, Liu Wenjuan, the group’s chief human resources officer, held a folder and took the lead in announcing: “As decided by the board of directors, the following adjustments will be made to the semiconductor business group.

Newly established secondary subsidiaries Fuxing Integrated Circuit Design Co., Ltd. and Fuxing Packaging and Testing Co., Ltd....

Fuxing Semiconductor was upgraded from a business group to a sub-group - Fuxing Semiconductor Group. "

Hearing this, almost everyone present opened their mouths and looked incredulous that the semiconductor business group had been upgraded to a sub-group!

As the scale of Fuxing Industrial becomes larger and larger, executives have actually speculated that the company may make some structural adjustments next.

But no one expected that the first company to make adjustments would be Fuxing Semiconductor, which was founded late and developed slowly. Fuxing Semiconductor, which was the most optimistic and supported half of the company's valuation, would be lagging behind.

Even if the group upgrades its business group to a sub-group in the future, Fuxing Mobile will have to lag behind semiconductors.

This is really inconsistent with development achievements.

Thinking of this, someone went to peek at Lin Bing's face. This guy just came back from the United States yesterday. He heard the bad news today. He must be in a bad mood, right?

Once again, to everyone's surprise, Lin Bing looked calm and indifferent, and did not seem to be dissatisfied or disappointed with the group's decision.

Because Lin Bing understands most of the group's strategies and has a clear understanding of the group's next development plan that will deeply integrate consumer electronics and semiconductors, he will naturally not be upset because of a little false reputation.

Self-developed chips are related to the core competitiveness of whether Fuxing Mobile can compete with Smartphone or even continue to lead the smartphone market.

He wished that Fuxing Semiconductor would develop better and faster. It would be best if the next mobile phone would be equipped with a processor chip developed and produced by himself. This was so frustrating that Jobs was so angry that he became ill and finally saw God. …

Oh, I made a mistake. He is a Buddhist and should have arrived in the Western Paradise early.

Liu Wenjuan continued: “After Fuxing Semiconductor is upgraded to a sub-group, it will be an independent legal person with more independent management and decision-making rights to adapt to the highly competitive semiconductor market.

In addition, the parent group Fuxing Industrial also promised to inject tens of billions of dollars into Fuxing Semiconductor within the next five years to create a high-tech industrial group with a complete semiconductor industry chain and international competitiveness..."

Xia Jingxing listened quietly and also silently observed the reactions of the senior executives.

Fuxing Semiconductor Group is registered in Shanghai, and most of its tax revenue and employment are also located in Shanghai.

Injecting tens of billions of dollars into this group is what he promised to the Shanghai Municipal Government, and they also signed an investment memorandum together.

The Magic City government is not greedy and does not force a one-time investment of so much money. It has given him five years. After completing the investment of tens of billions of dollars within five years, the Magic City government will also provide some subsidies, tax rebates and other industries. Investment Offers.

After everyone listened quietly to the report, their understanding of Fuxing Semiconductor changed greatly.

The group attaches so much importance to the semiconductor industry that it is afraid that it will become one of the company's top businesses in the future.

After Liu Wenjuan finished reading the document and sat down, Lin Bing stood up for the second time and reported: "Fuxing FX2 officially launched for sale this month.

In the first three days of its launch, it achieved sales of 1 million units worldwide.

As of today, July 20, FX2 has achieved cumulative sales of 2.2 million units, and sales this month are expected to reach 3 million units.

After analysis and investigation, we believe that there are three major factors that promote the sales growth of FX2.

First, compared with the Fuxing FX1, the price of the FX2 contract model launched in the international market has reached 50%, and the minimum mobile phone price of US$199 has expanded the potential consumer market;

Second, FX2 has made many innovations in functions and designs, especially the app store function, which has been sought after by countless users. Everyone wants to send and receive Facebook messages and updates through their mobile phones like you, Mr. Xia;

Third, the expansion of geographical scope has also added a big boost to the growth of mobile phone sales. Currently, we are selling Renaissance FX2 simultaneously in more than 20 countries and regions. By next month, this number will expand to 50, and by the end of the year, it will expand to 50. 70.

The popularity of FX2 among users and the demand in the smartphone market have exceeded our imagination.

Currently, the two major OEMs, Futukang and BYD, are producing FX2 at a rate of 600,000 units per week and 400,000 units per week respectively.

Even if these two companies are already producing mobile phones at full capacity, they may still be out of stock.

Although supply chain management has improved, there are still many problems, and supply chain manufacturers need to grow together with us. "

After listening to Lin Bing's series of sales performance reports, the entire conference room was silent.

Although everyone knew that FX2 would be more popular than FX1, they did not expect it to be so popular. It is estimated that FX2's sales in one month have equaled the total sales of FX1 in the second half of last year.

Even considering that market demand may weaken in the future, it is certain that the revival of FX1 and FX2 together will sell tens of millions of units this year.

In other words, what Xia Jingxing boasted at the revival FX1 conference the year before last is about to come true - to achieve sales of 10 million units in 2008 and occupy 1% of the global mobile phone market share.

Thinking of this, everyone glanced at Xia Jingxing. The boss still had a calm look on his face, as if he was not surprised at all by this result.

Under the gaze of many eyes, Xia Jingxing finally said slowly, "Not bad!"

Not only is it pretty good, it’s simply a miracle! Many people shouted in their hearts, and at the same time they were proud and excited about the company's achievements.

Looking around the world and looking through the history of mobile phone development, there has never been a mobile phone brand that has risen so quickly.

From the boss's tone, they seemed a little dissatisfied with the results.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "Fuxing Mobile has the first-mover advantage, and it also relies on Smart Fruit for marketing. Isn't it normal to achieve such little results?

Is this enough? Let’s wait until the annual sales volume of mobile phones reaches 50 million or 100 million units! "

Everyone laughed, it’s the boss who dares to think and do it!

If the sales volume really reaches such a terrifying level, mobile phone giants such as Nokia and Motorola will be pressed to the ground and rubbed as much as they want.

As the president of Fuxing Mobile, Lin Bing has seen a lot of the big world. His spirit is much higher than that of his colleagues in other business groups, and his tone of voice is as calm as Xia Jingxing's.


According to feedback from Friesen Telecom, their business outlets in many places in the United States have seen a rush to buy the Fuxing FX2, and the best-selling model turned out to be the 16GB model for US$299, but the 8GB model sold for US$100 cheaper. The model is not that popular.

Now it seems that our pricing is really cheap, which has completely stimulated the public's enthusiasm for purchasing.

Now a large number of users are beginning to give up feature phones and try to choose smartphones, and the industry dividends are huge.

I'm thinking that if a smartphone with similar or even slightly inferior performance to the Fuxing FX2 and iPhone 3G is launched on the market now, as long as the price is reasonable, the sales volume should not be too bad.

This is an era where you can pick up money even while lying down. We and Zhizhiguo are busy racing and staking claim, and the friction between us has been reduced a lot recently. "

At this point, Lin Bing shook his head and laughed, feeling it was very funny.

They and Zhiguo, who enjoy huge industry dividends, have begun to live in harmony. Now everyone's goal is to grab the market share of feature phones and they have no time to fight with each other.

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly and then asked, "How is the sales volume in the domestic market?"

Hearing this, the smile on Lin Bing's face decreased a bit, and he shook his head slightly and said: "The performance is a bit poor. The domestic market still accounted for half of Fuxing FX1's sales last year.

Since this year, it has begun to decline, from nearly 50% to 40% or 30%.

When FX2 was released, the domestic market sales accounted for less than 20%.

On the contrary, the Japanese market has completely risen, giving us a big surprise.

SoftBank has also taken great pains to tear off a piece of meat from other operators. "

Xia Jingxing silently thought in his heart that at this time, the country's consumption power should be even worse, and it would not be able to sustain half of Fuxing's mobile phone sales for a long time.

In addition, 3G commercialization has not yet been launched on a large scale, and the user experience of Fuxing FX2 cannot be fully utilized.

The superposition of multiple factors has resulted in sluggish sales in the domestic market.

You have to think of a way to stimulate demand.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing replied: "The domestic market is a bit special. There is definite news that 3G network will be rolled out on a large scale at the beginning of the year. Fuxing FX1 does not support the upgrade of 3G network and still uses 2.75G network.

By next year, FX1 will be completely withdrawn from the market, leaving us little time for sales.

Let's sell the FX1 at a reduced price. While stimulating sales, it also allows everyone to experience a touch-screen phone without physical buttons and cultivate the market for the future. "

Lin Bing did not blindly agree, but frowned and said: "Mr.

Because except for a few 3G pilot cities, FX2 can only use 2.75G networks elsewhere.

WiFi networks are currently only available in first-tier cities, and they are not very popular yet. Officials are afraid of cracking down on the promotion of 3G networks.

The release of FX2 didn't come at a good time, so I felt a little tied up and couldn't use my strength. "

Xia Jingxing was silent. The current network infrastructure was indeed a bit bad. It was like smoke but no fire, fire but no smoke. No matter how well-made or multi-functional a mobile phone was, it was useless and could only be used to make calls.

"Okay, I understand, let me think about it before making a decision. You just mentioned the Japanese market, what's the situation there?"

Speaking of this, Lin Bing got excited and said with excitement: "Masayoshi Son spent a lot of money this time to make the FX2 contract machine at a bargain price. The only condition is that users are required to switch to SoftBank.

Relying on this hand, SoftBank has grabbed a lot of market share from other operators.

Of course, our mobile phones naturally benefited from it and sold well, completely opening the door to the Japanese market.

I suggest that we should not just expect Masayoshi Son to work hard, but we should also take the initiative ourselves, set up a branch in Japan, invest heavily in marketing, and consolidate market share.

As you said before, Japan is a developed country with the largest population after the United States. It deserves to be included in the list of key markets and must be won. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, "Okay, you don't have to rush to make money. The Japanese market is developed and closed. It took a lot of effort to open a hole. We can't let it close. We have to pursue the victory."

Lin Bing smiled and said, "Yes, we should work harder to make a name for ourselves in the Japanese market."

Then, Lin Bing reported on the sales of Fuxing mobile phones in more than a dozen countries and regions.

When he heard that Wisdom Fruit had cooperated with Lai Kee Telecom and had begun selling iPhone 3G in the Hong Kong and Macau markets, Xia Jingxing sneered.

Inadvertently, Canada's richest man helped Wisdom Fruit come to Greater China, and the next step may be to enter the mainland market.

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