My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and seventeen, reincarnation of cause and effect

The next day, Cai Laixing, chairman of Modu Industrial Group, came to Jinmao Tower in person, renegotiated with Xia Jingxing and formally drafted a letter of intent for equity transfer.

With Huaxin International's largest state-owned capital shareholder taking the lead, and hearing some rumors, other state-owned capitals, such as Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, Beida Jade Bird, and Pengcheng Venture Capital, have taken advantage of the situation and begun to restart and revive. Negotiations for industrial industry funds, or signing of contracts immediately following Modu Industrial.

Seeing that the idea of ​​"sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight" has completely failed, international capital is no longer reluctant to sell shares, and has actively contacted Fuxing Industrial Industry Fund.

Huaxin International's acquisition had a small setback, but because Xia Jingxing decisively cut off the evil hands, it got back on track.

However, it will still take some time before Fuxing Semiconductor completely annexes Huaxin International.

Because after reaching an agreement with these institutional shareholders with a relatively high shareholding ratio, it is necessary to privatize Huaxin International in the name of the Renaissance Industrial Fund, so that the company can be delisted from New York and the two places, and become a listed public company. It became a private company 100% controlled by Renaissance Industrial Fund.

After completing this step, Fuxing Semiconductor and Huaxin International can reorganize their assets, completely merge into one, integrate resources, and get back on the road.

At present, the stock price of Huaxin International on both exchanges is very unstable, and it will take some time to fall to the bottom. It is not particularly cost-effective to choose to acquire it at this time.

However, Xia Jingxing doesn't particularly care about this small gain, because what he cares about most now is time.

He has made up his mind to cut through the trouble quickly and win over Huaxin International to block those coveting eyes, because no one knows whether the next Dahan Telecom will pop up next.

Dealing with Dahan Telecom is troublesome enough, because he is worried about the opponent's government-owned capital status, which makes him unable to use many of his tricks.

If another investor or acquirer with greater prominence appears, even if it can be dealt with, it will cost a lot.

The best solution is to swallow the fruit into your stomach as soon as possible and digest it.

At the same time, if it integrates its semiconductor resources early and forms scale and combat effectiveness early, it can also take advantage of the subprime mortgage crisis that is about to break out to reap a wave of dividends.

In short, there are pros and cons to acquiring early and acquiring late. Acquiring early is like spending money to buy time and buy the future.

These are actually trivial matters that can be left to subordinates to go through the process. What really worries Xia Jingxing is the lawsuit between Huaxin International and Gulf Power.

This patent infringement lawsuit will not disappear with the acquisition, and the cause and effect will be transferred to Fuxing Semiconductor.

Facing a Renaissance Semiconductor that has more capital and more aggressiveness, it is hard to say whether Gulf Power will suppress and attack it more frantically.

Before leaving the capital, Xia Jingxing made a special appointment with Zhang Rujing. In addition to talking about appeasing Huaxin International's internal affairs, he spent more time talking about the lawsuit with Gulf Power.


In this way, I led a team back to Wanwan, and I personally went to talk to Zhang Zhong. Whether he wanted to beat him or scold him, I would bear it.

In short, this matter cannot be delayed. The longer it is delayed, the worse it will be for you. "

Zhang Rujing was sitting on the sofa by the window of Jinmao Tower, holding a cup of coffee in his hand. His expression and tone were very indifferent, as if he had completely looked away.

Xia Jingxing frowned and said, "No, Zhang Zhong hates you very much. If you go talk to them, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot of looks and insults."

Zhang Rujing gave a very free and easy smile, "I am now a famous traitor in Wanwan. When A-Bian was in power, he punished me and Huaxin International for trumped-up crimes every day. I simply gave up my Wanwan household registration. .

I have been scolded enough over the years. I was angry at first, then became numb, and now I just watch the media jumping up and down all day long like a comedy.

Mr. Xia, when you have time, you can watch Wanwan's current affairs program, which is very interesting and relieves boredom. "

Xia Jingxing couldn't help laughing, recalling many interesting scenes in his mind. King Fulong gave dragon robes and incense burners to Magistrate Ke... The scene was a mess, with demons dancing around and clowns fighting.

"Having said that, I still don't want to see you bow to Zhang Zhong. You have contributed enough to China's semiconductor industry. Leave the next work to us."

Zhang Rujing shook his head and said with a very firm attitude: "There is no need to persuade me. A person who travels a hundred miles is half a mile. Now Renaissance Semiconductor should not blindly compete with Gulf Power. Accumulating strength and slowly charting the course is the right development path.

I have long disregarded my personal honor and disgrace. As long as I can gain a few years of development time for Renaissance Semiconductor, it doesn't matter what I receive.

The future still depends on you young people.

But now, you should listen to our old man’s advice. "

Xia Jingxing was respectful, and looked at Zhang Rujing for a moment, and found that the latter's eyes were very firm and expectant, so he said nothing more, and he basically acquiesced in the other party's decision.

Although he clamors every day to overthrow GC, considering the actual situation, it is really not appropriate to break out into conflict with GC too early.

It will take a few years to grow slowly, and when it has accumulated enough strength, it will be the best time to declare war on Gulf Power.

Is Zhang Rujing really willing to bow to his old rival?

What the old man wants is just to gain a few years of development time for Fuxing Semiconductor and Huaxin International, and does not want all the hard work to be wasted.

Zhang Rujing looked at Xia Jingxing, whose face was not very calm, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. If you really feel sorry for me, I will ask Mr. Xia to help me earn back the lost face in the future. Then I will have no regrets at all."

Xia Jingxing stopped acting like a child and laughed boldly: "Okay, there will definitely be such a day."


Zhang Rujing smiled and said: "I have already reassured the Bayan engineers within Huaxin International. They still have great expectations for you, the most famous and top technology entrepreneur among the Chinese in the world.

They also hope that after Huaxin International is handed over to you, it can defeat Gulf Power and let everyone follow it to a higher technology platform. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "Thank you for your hard work. I have always had great respect for these Bayan engineers who are willing to develop in the mainland. After we take over Huaxin International, we will try our best to provide them and other engineers with better services." Salaries and living conditions.”

Zhang Rujing smiled slightly. With Xia Jingxing's promise, he felt relieved.

At that time, more than 300 Wanwan engineers followed him to start a business in Zhangjiang High-tech Park, which was still a piece of farmland. Although the conditions were difficult, most of them persisted.

Even if he wants to leave Huaxin International, he must arrange these people well and not betray the trust of others.

Xia Jingxing felt a little emotional. This scene reminded him of the deeds of Zhang Rujing's father, Zhang Xilun. Zhang Rujing had a paternal demeanor.

When Zhang Xilun led a large family on board the ship to Wanwan, he was accompanied by more than 200 metallurgical apprentices from the arsenal.

Before setting off, the parents of these half-grown children came to Zhang Xilun and begged the factory leader to take care of their children, as if they were entrusting them to an orphan.

In the following decades, Zhang Xilun has been a senior executive in the arsenal. At the same time, he has also taken care of more than 200 half-year-old children like a parent, helping them go to school, start a family, and start a career. When these children grow up and get married, Zhang Xilun will always be the witness. , which can be said to have successfully fulfilled its promise to the parents of these children.

History between the two generations of the Zhang family is like completing a cycle of reincarnation.

Zhang Rujing found himself today because he wanted to give himself a good future to the more than 300 Wanwan engineers who came to the mainland with him to start their own businesses.

Because Zhang Rujing himself knew very well that after he went to Wanwan, he would definitely need to give an explanation to Wanwan Electric. Resignation and a non-compete agreement were the most basic conditions.

Xia Jingxing sighed and made up his mind. After Zhang Rujing came back from Wanwan, even if the other party could not make chips within a few years, he would arrange a good place for him to go, so that his "life would not be so bleak".

Thinking of this, he decided to tell the other party another good news, "After the merger of Huaxin International and Fuxing Semiconductor, there will be no name change, and the Huaxin International brand will continue to be retained."

Zhang Rujing was indeed overjoyed, "Is it true?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and nodded, "Of course it is true, Huaxin International has a much better name than Fuxing Semiconductor in the foundry field, and as China's first pure wafer foundry manufacturer, it is very memorable.

All of Fuxing Semiconductor's chip foundry assets will be injected into Huaxin International. From now on, Huaxin International will be Fuxing Semiconductor's only foundry brand.

However, Fuxing Semiconductor, as a large business group under Fuxing Industrial Group, has more than just chip manufacturing. "

Zhang Rujing was quite surprised and reacted immediately, asking quickly: "Fuxing Semiconductor will adopt the IDM model?"

"Yes, our goal is to be China's Samsung, China's Intel, and China's TI."

Zhang Rujing is quite excited. The IDM model has been adopted in China before, but it was found that it didn't work at all. The biggest problems were the lack of money and the lack of ecological chain, which kept it from developing.

Therefore, after entering the new century, many Chinese chip companies can only be divided into design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, each doing one sector.

There is currently no IDM company in China, let alone an IDM giant.

Seeing the ambitious and ambitious Xia Jingxing, Zhang Rujing somewhat wanted to stay and follow him in his career.

But when he thought about the lawsuit with Gulf Power, his eyes dimmed a bit.

After all, someone has to pay the price for this, and you can only bear the cause and effect yourself.

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