My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and sixteen, do less trouble and pay a little price (Norns Leader 5/10)

The smile on Zhen Caiji's face gradually disappeared and he said calmly: "What do you mean, Mr. Xia?"

"What I mean is that Dahan Telecom does not need to control Huaxin International, just leave it to us."

Xia Jingxing looked at Zhen Caiji with a smile, "Didn't you just say that your blood boiled when you heard Fuxing Semiconductor shouting the slogan of becoming one of the world's top 500 companies in ten years?

In fact, I am just like you. Chips are the disaster of national technology and a dream that 1.3 billion people care about!

To develop semiconductors, Fuxing Industrial Group, as a leader among private enterprises, has a bounden duty.

We want to take the lead and set an example. The reason why we shouted that loud slogan is because we have made long-term planning and preparations and will not fight an unprepared battle.

Don't worry, leave the TD chip to us, Fuxing Industrial, to keep it with the best quality and the lowest price.

Just like you said, we must cooperate sincerely to realize the great dream of national rejuvenation! "

Zhen Caiji's face turned blue and white. He had just put a lot of high hats on Xia Jingxing, and now the other party had put these high hats back intact.

Yang Wei was considered an old official, and his Qi-nurturing skills were top-notch, and he was almost destroyed by Xia Jingxing's words.

Then he looked at Xia Jingxing with some worry and sighed in his heart, young man, you can't bear even the slightest anger.

The anger in Zhen Caiji's heart was almost gone. He stared at Xia Jingxing with his eyes, "Mr. Serve as this major shareholder?”

Xia Jingxing knew that the old guy was getting angry, so he smiled slightly and added to his anger, "No, no, I very much believe and recognize the strength of Dahan Telecom in communication technology.

It's just that although they are all electricity, chips are microelectronics after all.

Dahan Telecom undertakes the most arduous task of tackling key problems, conquering cities and territories at the front, and competes with Qualcomm and Ericsson.

Just leave the logistics work to companies like us with less technical strength.

As the saying goes, unity is strength. I think industrial division of labor and division of tasks are a manifestation of the spirit of unity.

The country has invested so much money and has been laying out the TD standard since fourteen years ago. It has been working hard for so many years just to open a hole in the communication standard blocked by the Iron Curtain of Western countries.

This is the result of the hard work of many old academicians and experts. They ride bicycles to and from get off work every day and receive a monthly salary of several thousand yuan. They just hope to see the day when communication equipment is localized and every household can afford mobile phones. , no longer envy foreigners that everyone has a mobile phone.

Zhou Huan, Li Shihe and other old gentlemen worked hard and played a trick to get the Americans and Europeans to give in, allowing the International Telecommunications Union to accept my country's 3G standard.

At present, all countries still relatively ignore the TD standard, thinking that it is a flawed technology and does not pose any threat to them.

And this is precisely our opportunity to catch them by surprise and attack them unprepared.

3G has been rolled out abroad for several years now, and we are still only trialing it. It will not be rolled out on a large scale until next year. There are really not many opportunities left for China to catch up.

If Dahan Telecom can work hard on 3G standards, I believe it will be a blockbuster in the 4G and 5G eras! "

Zhen Caiji's face flashed with anger. He felt that Xia Jingxing was teaching him a lesson because Zhou Huan was his former chairman and Li Shihe was the chief scientist and the father of 3G.

Why is it that I started the layout more than ten years ago and co-authored the current situation of Dahan Telecom? Isn’t it my credit?

Yang Wei nodded secretly in his heart. When he first heard it, he felt that Xia Jingxing was lecturing Zhen Caiji. After thinking about these words carefully, he felt that they were deafening and enlightening.

At present, the Chinese people are caught up in the ecstasy that domestic 3G is about to be launched. No one clearly realizes that there is still a long way to go.

None of China's technological advancements can be said to be simple.

"We don't have to worry about our 3G, Mr. Xia. Let's go back to Huaxin International."

Zhen Caiji had a long face. He was trying his best to control his emotions. If it weren't for Yang Wei's presence, he would have flipped the table.

Xia Jingxing sneered in his heart, "Our 3G" is really impressive!

There is no doubt that Dahan Telecom has made great achievements, but the internal atmosphere is not good. No wonder it will fall behind later.

He was too lazy to argue with Zhen Caijixu, and directly showed off his cards: "Fuxing Semiconductor is confident that Huaxin International will reach a higher level in the future. Our goal is to impact the world's first-generation factories, significantly reduce the import of chips, and turn precious The foreign exchange should be spent on other places with more strategic value."

As if he was waiting for Xia Jingxing's words, Zhen Caiji praised him openly and secretly, "Mr. Xia is so courageous. It seems that the hopes and efforts of several generations can be realized by Mr. Xia within ten years."

"We'll see."

Zhen Caiji wanted to take the opportunity to get angry, but Yang Wei beat him to it and said, "Don't be anxious, both of you. Everything has to be discussed. Let's talk slowly. It's still early today anyway."

Zhen Caiji sighed, "Mr.

Xia Jingxing said calmly: "These two goals are not contradictory. Could it be that since I am not Chinese, Fuxing Industrial Group will get stuck in Dahan Telecom's neck?"

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing smiled brightly and said, "Mr. Zhen is really worrying too much. I have passed the political examination. My three generations of ancestors are clean and pure, and all of them are party members. If I hadn't gone to study abroad, I might have joined the army. And it's the Air Force.

My grandfather said that if I didn’t become a person like Qian Xuesen, he would break my legs.

In today's fashionable terms, I can be considered a third-generation red, both red and professional. "

Xia Jingxing's unsparing look made Zhen Cai so angry that he was completely speechless.

Yang Wei looked on and found it funny, but when he thought about Xia Jingxing's family background, he felt that there was some truth in what he said, and he couldn't help but feel a little more close to him.

The public may not know it, but they, the senior executives, know very well that in order to return to China, Xia Jingxing gave up a lot of his American foundations. The founder of Facebook has almost become a co-founder, and his traces in this company are being erased bit by bit.

If this kind of person is not reliable yet, what kind of person is needed? Many children of yamen errands have become "naked eunuchs".

Looking at Zhen Caiji's disgusting face, Xia Jingxing stabbed him in the chest again, "After Fuxing Semiconductor acquires Huaxin International, I plan to invest US$10 billion to catch up with foreign advanced manufacturing processes.

This will definitely not delay Dahan Telecom! I have kept my word on this matter and can sign a memorandum with Governor Yang now. "

Yang Wei was surprised: "Isn't it five billion US dollars?"

"Twice that! If you don't show some determination, I believe Mr. Zhen will be worried."

Zhen Caiji said angrily: "10 billion U.S. dollars, Mr. Xia, this is almost your entire net worth. Even if all Facebook shares are sold, you may not be able to sell them for that much, right? A large-scale fire sale of shares will require a discount."

"We should be able to raise enough money by selling off all the U.S. properties. If it's not enough, Vision Capital can raise more money. It's not a big problem."

While talking, Xia Jingxing glanced at Yang Wei. The latter was surprised and happy, and almost believed Xia Jingxing's words.

However, this is not a credit given to him by Xia Jingxing. Governor Xu is still in office and cannot leave a bad impression of disunity on his old man.

An investment of 10 billion US dollars should reach the sky, right?

If Dahan Telecom is offended, it will be offended. At most, it will not allow companies from the Vision Capital and Fuxing Department to not participate in the TD standard. What else can it do to itself?

Zhen Caiji said calmly: "Okay, since Mr. Xia is so courageous, I will also learn a lot today.

I haven't seen a ten-billion-dollar investment term sheet before, so I can brag about it to my colleagues in various units when I get back. "

Xia Jingxing smiled. Bragging is false, but bragging is the truth, right?

But he didn't dare to play tricks on Governor Xu. The last person who did this was Li Huangtai, who had a good life in a few years.

Yang Wei weighed it in his mind. If tens of billions of dollars were really invested in semiconductors, this could be done. If Dahan Telecom dared to bombard or create obstructions, the power of the Magic City would not be easy to offend.

What was originally a negotiation meeting between Fuxing Semiconductor and Dahan Telecom was abruptly turned into an investment agreement between Fuxing Semiconductor and the Shanghai Municipal Government.

After sorting things out, Xia Jingxing and Yang Wei initialed an agreement as representatives.

Seeing Yang Wei's overjoyed look, Yang Wei knew that Dahan Telecom's plan had probably failed.

Because at this time, Modu Industrial Group is the largest shareholder of Huaxin International, holding a little more than 10% of the shares, and all other shareholders hold less than 5% of the shares.

If it cannot get support from the Magic City, then Dahan Telecom will not be able to get on the poker table.

After giving false congratulations, Zhen Caiji left with a dark face.

Before leaving, he glanced at Xia Jingxing, as if he wanted to remember the other person's proud look clearly in his heart.

Xia Jingxing naturally knew that he was completely hated by the other party. Considering the memories of his previous life, he would never dare to let Dahan Telecom enter the scene.

Because once the other party enters Huaxin International or Fuxing Semiconductor, it will be like Sun Wukong entering the belly of Princess Iron Fan. This group of people will not give up until the world is turned upside down.

As long as you can make less trouble and pay a little price, it doesn't matter.

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