My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and twenty-one, reviving the wise family (Norns leader 6/10)

“This chicken drumstick rice tastes good!”

Xia Jingxing raised his head, wiped the oil from his mouth, and said, "It's just that the style of the dishes seems to be a little lacking. I just took a few glances, and they were all simple meals."

All the executives looked up at Xia Jingxing, each with their own guesses in mind.

Deng Yuanjun explained: "Mr.

Xia Jingxing didn't make a fuss about this trivial matter, and smiled lightly, "Most of the employees at the headquarters are in research and development positions and often work overtime. The dishes should be richer and more nutritious, so that everyone can be strong enough to work.

Like Facebook’s cafeteria, there are Chinese restaurants, French restaurants, Brazilian restaurants and many other restaurants. Although our Fuxing Industry does not have so many foreign and multi-ethnic employees, China is still such a big country, and employees come from all over the world. Give it a try The taste of hometown and the feeling of homesickness should be satisfied.

The canteen at the Silicon Valley International Headquarters is pretty good, and people can be sent there to learn from it.

Of course, diligence and frugality are the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation. In order to prevent waste, the company can set a standard, such as automatically recharging 300 yuan meal cards for all employees every month.

Ensure that everyone eats and drinks well within this standard. If the standard is exceeded, the employees will pay for it themselves. "

"I think it will work!"

"Mr. Xia's suggestion is good and fully reflects the company's care for its employees."

"In the future, the canteen can be used as one of the benefits to attract talents to join."

All the executives nodded in agreement, each one flattering the other louder.

Employees with good hearing had already heard part of the conversation and were immediately happy. Mr. Xia was going to give everyone benefits!

It is estimated that this news will spread throughout the company before tomorrow.

Xia Jingxing looked at Li Ying, who was sitting opposite him, eating some rice, looking listless, so he asked in a low voice, "Doesn't it suit your taste?"

Li Ying suddenly came back to her senses and waved her hands quickly, "Mr. Xia, no, I'm thinking about something."

"What about home appliances being sent to the countryside?"

"No, it's a matter of several electronics companies."

Xia Jingxing nodded as if he had some understanding and did not ask any more questions.

It is about a listed company and cannot be discussed in such a public place, otherwise it will easily cause trouble.

After lunch, Xia Jingxing returned to his office.

After a while, Li Ying knocked on the door and walked in.

A navy blue women's short-sleeved suit makes her very elegant, and her whole body is full of the capable temperament of a professional woman.

However, Xia Jingxing could see that she seemed a little tired, and the tiredness on her face could not be concealed at all.

"Would you like to rest for a while before we talk?"

Li Ying forced out a professional smile and said, "No, Mr. Xia, it will be afternoon soon and we have another meeting."

"Let's talk about it tonight or tomorrow. Looking at you now, it seems like a gust of wind could knock you down. Work is important, but don't tire yourself out."

Seeing Xia Jingxing's serious expression and slightly critical tone, Li Ying's heart warmed and a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Just smile more when you have nothing to do. Don't become the next Sister Dong."

Xia Jingxing looked up at the ceiling, shaking the chair under his butt, looking lazy.

"What's wrong with Sister Dong? She is a strong lady that everyone in the industry admires."

"It's okay to live a life full of vicissitudes. Women should still cherish their bodies."

Li Ying couldn't help it anymore and burst into laughter.

Xia Jingxing sat upright and asked: "What? What I said is wrong? Sister Dong was forced to be like this step by step by life. When she was thirty years old, her husband died of illness and left her a family. Piles of debt and a two-year-old son.

In order to pay off her debts and raise her son, she gradually became the outstanding professional woman she is today.

If her husband was still alive, she might be able to stay at home and take care of her husband and children for the rest of her life. Gree was also sold to foreign investors, so it wouldn't be as prosperous as it is today. "

Li Ying smiled and said: "Mr. Xia, you are right. The environment can change a person."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "You are not as stressed as she is, so you don't need to be so anxious. I heard that you have been to the factory frequently in the past six months, and you also went to the countryside to inspect dealers?"

Li Ying pursed her lips and smiled, and replied: "Since this year, the group has been working hard on all fronts, and we can't hold everyone back!

Compared with high-end manufacturing of semiconductors, consumer electronics, and aerospace, our smart home appliances have the least technical content.

Many of the group's products have been exported to European and American markets, but we are still stuck in the country. We have not even reached the top position in the country and have always been a second-rate brand.

If we don’t work hard, the cloud and smart industry business group finally established will surpass us. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and joked: "It's okay, the Energy Business Group helped you place at the bottom, so you won't end up in the last place."


Fuxing Motor is also developing new electric vehicles.

If we tap into the market potential of new energy, I think the valuation and market value of one CATL will surpass that of our entire home appliance business group. "

Xia Jingxing smiled strangely. Was his prediction so accurate?

“Compared with other business groups, our home appliance business group has the lowest technical content and the smallest potential market.

In the international market, the home appliance business of large companies such as Samsung, Siemens, and General Motors has gradually become a second-rate business. "

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "That's because they have no vision and think they have completed industrial upgrading. In fact, this is not the case. The gradual maturity of Internet of Things and artificial intelligence technology will equip outdated and backward home appliances with senses and brains and give them a new lease of life.

Just like smartphones eliminated feature phones, smart home appliances will eliminate outdated appliances.

As the first company to deploy smart home appliances, we will definitely be able to enjoy this dividend.

Not to mention becoming a first-line brand in China, we also have to make a breakthrough in the international market.

Why did foreign home appliances sell well in China in the past? Don’t you think they have good quality, more functions, and a more technological feel?

In a few years, we will let European and American people also pursue "foreign goods" from China. "

Li Ying laughed and said, "Mr.

This is probably the so-called charisma, which can reassure people and boost morale. "

Xia Jingxing waved his hands quickly, "Don't praise me, don't praise me. I'm not even close to that art student who failed. That's the so-called charisma in him."

Li Ying couldn't help it anymore and finally burst out laughing.

"That's right, why bother holding it like that? Just be more casual with me."

Li Ying looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile on her face and said, "Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say."

"Although most of our home appliance brands have a glorious history, this is already in the past. Which brand did not encounter difficulties in the past two years, otherwise it would be able to sell to us?"

Xia Jingxing said calmly: "We have spent the past two years integrating resources and resurrecting brands. How can we have the time and energy to challenge first-tier brands?

Fortunately, hard work has paid off, and now all business units have basically recovered and are back on track.

I have seen your performance in the past two years. Although it is not as dazzling as the revival of mobile phones and DJI drones that have taken the European and American markets by storm, you have worked hard to rejuvenate a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy. A manifestation of superior ability.

Don't have any psychological baggage, your contribution is no less than anyone else's.

The Android China Research Institute will be opening next month, and you are also shouldering the important task of cooperating with them to develop an IoT operating system.

After the development is completed, the Internet of Things operating system on the left and the smart home integrated industrial platform on the right, who dares to say that you are still selling pots and pans without technical content?

They know how to use a hammer. We are playing a big game of chess, with golden horns and silver edges and a belly of grass. How can we bloom in the center of the encirclement? We can only enter the village quietly without shooting.

Promote the equity increase and comprehensive acquisition of various electronic brands as soon as possible. When the layout is completed, the next sub-group will be your business group. I have even thought of a name, it will be called Fuxing Smart Home Group. "

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