My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and twenty-two, welcome the Olympics and build a national brand

"Mr. Xia, Mr. Li, it's time for a meeting."

Xia Jingxing and Li Ying were chatting happily when they saw Liu Xiaoduo suddenly knocking on the door and walking in, but they had to stop talking.

Li Ying raised her flawless white wrist, glanced down at the hands on her watch, and then smiled sweetly at Xia Jingxing and said, "Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, it's already half past two in the afternoon. Then Mr. Xia , let’s just talk about it for now, I’ll send the plan to your email later, and you can give me your comments.”

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. Li Ying was talking about the equity increase plan of a listed home appliance company.

This was what the two of them had been discussing just now.

Fuxing Industrial Holding Group holds equity stakes ranging from more than 20% to more than 40% in several listed home appliance companies. It has basically firmly secured its position as the largest shareholder of each listed home appliance company. .

However, if these listed home appliance companies are to be integrated into Fuxing Smart Home Group as a whole, Fuxing Industrial Group's shareholding ratio will inevitably be diluted, which will not be conducive to future control of this home appliance aircraft carrier-level company.

The best solution is to increase the shareholdings in various listed companies in advance before asset restructuring begins, and then absorb and merge them one by one in the future.

It's a precautionary measure, and you can still take advantage of the financial crisis to take advantage of the situation.

Xia Jingxing and Li Ying got up and followed Liu Xiaoduo to the conference room. All the executives from other business groups and subsidiaries were already here, except for them.

So after Xia Jingxing sat down, he immediately announced the meeting without any delay.

The main topic discussed in the afternoon meeting was "Welcoming the Olympic Games and building a national brand".

"As one of the top sponsors of the Beijing Olympic Games TOP plan, Fuxing Mobile has paid US$80 million in cash, in-kind, and service sponsorships. In the past year or so, we have also invested nearly US$100 million in marketing. Promotion and supporting brand marketing.

It is expected that after the Olympic Games and until the end of the year, we will invest another US$100 million in brand marketing to maximize the advertising effect brought about by Olympic sponsorship. "

After looking around at the senior executives, Deng Yuanyun changed the topic and said: "Of course, although the main sponsor of this Olympics is Fuxing Mobile, Fuxing Mobile carries the word Fuxing after all, and it is an important exposure for the entire group's brand. Other business groups and sub-brands can benefit accordingly.

For example, Skyworth TV, after obtaining the brand authorization from Fuxing Industrial, can display the trademarks of two companies on its products at the same time. "

Having said this, Deng Yuanyun pressed the controller in his hand and played the PPT.

Pictures immediately appeared on the projection screen behind him, all of which were new logo designs provided by the design company.

Among them, Skyworth’s trademark has a larger font, while Fuxing Industrial’s trademark has a smaller font and is less conspicuous.

Upon seeing this, someone immediately asked: "Skyworth is still the main trademark, and Fuxing Industry is the secondary trademark?"

Deng Yuanjun explained with a smile: "Yes, Skyworth has a glorious history of 20 years, which belongs to the memory of one or two generations, but Fuxing Industrial has never launched its own home appliance brand before.

He rashly made Fuxing Industrial’s logo so big that others thought it was some kind of copycat brand. "

Hearing this, all the executives burst into laughter, and even Xia Jingxing couldn't help laughing.

Unlike Midea, Haier, Hisense and other long-established home appliance companies with decades of history, Fuxing Industrial really doesn't dare to put trademarks on home appliances casually, because there is a high probability that they will be regarded as knockoffs or off-brand goods.

This is no exaggeration at all, because the current users of Fuxing Mobile Phones mainly come from white-collar users in first-tier cities. In lower-tier markets, especially rural areas and small towns, who knows what brand Fuxing Industrial is.

It’s not that the revitalization industry is not working hard enough, but that brand communication takes time and a lot of money. Otherwise, we wouldn’t go to such great lengths to sponsor the Olympic Games.

The Olympic Games, which countless Chinese people will pay attention to, is undoubtedly a good opportunity for brands to show their faces.

Xia Jingxing's requirements were not high. He only needed to let most Chinese people know that Fuxing Industrial and Fuxing Mobile had spent billions to sponsor the Beijing Olympics. They were a well-known large Chinese company, not some no-name company.

The further the market sinks, the more weak points and even blind spots will become in the brand communication of Fuxing Industrial.

Seeing Xia Jingxing wave his hand, the conference room that was still laughing quickly fell silent.

"This incident actually exposed a weakness of Fuxing Industrial, that is, we are not deeply rooted in the country yet, and we urgently need to enhance the Chinese people's awareness of our brand."

Xia Jingxing sighed, "Well, it's been two or three years since we acquired several home appliance brands, but we haven't dared to put our own trademarks on them. I have to say, this is quite embarrassing.

Now that the Beijing Olympics is being held, we can test the waters to see if we can open up the situation and let more and more people know Fuxing Industry, and then slowly understand Fuxing Industry, and then start to pursue Fuxing Industry.

The group's ToC does not have many businesses for individual consumers. Cars are still under development, drones are just getting started, and the truly more mature businesses are mobile phones and household appliances.

Other semiconductors, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, energy and batteries are basically ToB businesses. There is no need to rely on the Olympics for marketing for the time being. The key is to seize the time to develop and improve technology. "

Having said this, Xia Jingxing turned his head and looked at Li Ying and said, "So, the main task of marketing for the Olympics is to revive the mobile phone and home appliance business groups."

Li Ying nodded slightly to express her understanding.

Xia Jingxing continued: “At the same time, home appliance brands are too fragmented, which is also a major marketing difficulty.

I don’t expect home appliance brands to become instantly famous with the help of the Olympics and become first-tier brands immediately.

But my minimum requirement is "to prevent users from treating Fuxing Industrial as a motley crew." "

Li Ying smiled and said: "Mr. New products from the six major sub-brands, including washing machines and Skyworth TVs, are all labeled with the Fuxing Industrial trademark."

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, "Taking this first step may be difficult and may even cause some confusion, but to become a big brand or company, you must endure these pains and troubles."

Looking at Xia Jingxing, Li Ying nodded gently. She understood what Xia Jingxing meant. To build a rejuvenated Smart Home Group, each home appliance brand could not continue to fight independently and must accelerate integration.

At this time, Deng Yuanjun suddenly reminded: "The home appliance business group should pay attention to the scale when marketing, try to rely on the Olympic sponsors Fuxing Mobile or Fuxing Industry, and don't make anything like Skyworth TV sponsoring the Beijing Olympics, Supor sponsoring Regarding the Beijing Olympics.

The electrical appliance sponsor of the Beijing Olympics is Japan's Panasonic. If we over-market, Panasonic may cause trouble. "

Xia Jingxing kept a faint smile on his face. The top sponsors of the Beijing Olympics were chosen from one industry. For example, Conscience Group sponsored as its subsidiary Conscience Computer, and General Motors sponsored as its subsidiary General Motors.

Fuxing Industrial chose mobile phones, so naturally it couldn't touch electrical appliances.

But it’s not too much to add some heat, right?

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "Copywriting and publicity should be precise and carefully considered, just don't let others catch you.

If Panasonic really wants to file a lawsuit with us, just fight them.

Warm congratulations to Fuxing Industrial’s mobile phone brand for sponsoring the Beijing Olympics and welcoming the centenary event of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Skyworth, a TV brand of Fuxing Industrial, has a sales discount of RMB 1,000...

Is there anything wrong with this marketing slogan?

It is true that Skyworth did not sponsor the Beijing Olympics, but my brother did, and he was not allowed to brag about it? I'm not allowed to engage in activities.

There is always a reason for everything, even if there is a lawsuit, we will be reasonable. "

Hearing this, Deng Yuanjun began to pretend to look down at his feet. Li Ying suppressed the pain in her cheeks. The other executives also used their own actions to hold back their laughter. Panasonic met its own boss and was unlucky for eight lifetimes.

But strictly speaking, this kind of bundled brand marketing is not out of the ordinary. If you pay a little attention, Panasonic can only suffer this dumb loss.

Xia Jingxing had no sense of psychological guilt for cheating on him.

Xia Jingxing suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Bing and ordered: "In order to make the event more effective, Fuxing Mobile will sell a batch of mobile phones at a low price to the home appliance business group.

Li Ying, you will give part of it to dealers with outstanding performance across the country, and then use part of it to engage in activities, such as lottery draws for buyers of electrical appliances to give away mobile phones.

In this way, it seems that Fuxing Mobile and Home Appliances Company is more like a family.

The common people were using the high-end mobile phones that appeared in the Olympic Games, and they must be feeling very happy. This spread spread to ten, and the whole village knew that Wang Ergou had won a lottery to buy a home appliance from Fuxing Industry for 4 or 5 yuan. A thousand-yuan Fuxing mobile phone can be regarded as brand promotion.

Maybe people in rural areas and small towns can't afford Fuxing mobile phones for the time being, but at least they know that "Fuxing" is a high-end brand, and their home appliances should be good too. "

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