My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and twenty-four, sit firmly on the fishing platform

A few days later.

Gouyutai State Guesthouse.

Xia Jingxing was wearing a crisp suit, leaning over the desk with a solemn expression and writing furiously.

There were countless guns and cannons under the stage, and the flash lights lit up the entire conference hall.

Xia Jingxing signed his name with a flourish, handed the pen to the etiquette lady wearing a cheongsam and holding a tray, and then stood up with the document.

On another table, Wang Jianyu had also signed the document, stood up and walked towards Xia Jingxing with a smile.

"Mr. Xia, happy cooperation!"

"Mr. Wang, thank you for your support!"

Xia Jingxing and Wang Jianyu exchanged documents and then shook hands with each other. Then they both turned slightly and faced the reporters and guests in the audience.

At this time, the reporters in the audience were taking pictures of the two people on the stage. Behind them, there was an advertising wall with a message such as "Fuxing Technology Co., Ltd. sponsors the delivery ceremony of 100,000 mobile phones for the Beijing Olympics." Arrange conspicuous large characters.

Fuxing Mobile is the top sponsor of the Beijing Olympics. Fuxing Technology Co., Ltd., the operating entity of the mobile phone brand, has sponsored a total of US$80 million to the Olympic Committee.

After multiple rounds of negotiations and modifications, the sponsorship plan eventually became US$20 million in cash, US$50 million in physical mobile phones, and US$10 million in services.

As one of the few local sponsors of this Olympic Games, Fuxing Mobile's sponsorship plan has actually received considerable attention from the officials.

Because the retail price of 100,000 mobile phones is only about US$50 million, the Olympic Committee did not ask for any discounts.

Secondly, the total manufacturing cost of these 100,000 mobile phones is about 20 million US dollars. Fuxing Mobile not only saved 30 million US dollars in sponsorship fees, but also gained 100,000 users for nothing.

As for the service worth 10 million US dollars, it is even simpler. It only requires Fuxing Mobile to send a team of technicians to participate in the Olympics to provide technical support for mobile Internet and display the achievements of the Olympic Games.

Calculated in this way, Fuxing Mobile nominally spent US$80 million to sponsor the Olympic Games, but actually spent only US$40 million, saving half of the sponsorship cost.

Xia Jingxing heard from Lou Wei that the superior leaders saw that Fuxing Mobile, as a newly born mobile phone manufacturer, had just started its business, but was willing to donate generously in front of national events, and could be regarded as a model of private enterprises, so they gave a small helping hand. .

Of course, Fuxing Mobile is not the only one to receive assistance. Conscientious companies also enjoy "special subsidies." The sponsorship is divided into three parts: cash, computer in kind, and technical services.

If you calculate it, the sponsorship fee spent by the conscientious company is still more than that of Fuxing Mobile.

Because Fuxing’s mobile phones have high profit margins, but there is no profit in assembling computers.

When he thought about this, Xia Jingxing felt happy in his heart. He felt that a conscientious company deserved it. Whoever made you have no skills and gave you subsidies would be useless.

The Olympic Games will be held in less than two weeks, so Fuxing Mobile handed over 100,000 Fuxing FX2 mobile phones to China Mobile, the mobile phone receiver designated by the Olympic Committee, in advance, and held a press conference to give Fuxing Mobile and the Olympic Games , mobile and other three parties are creating momentum.

After standing for about a minute, waiting for reporters to take photos, Xia Jingxing and Wang Jianyu returned to their seats, waiting for reporters to ask questions.


The question was asked by a young and beautiful female reporter. Although she tried her best to restrain herself, everyone present including Xia Jingxing still understood. What she really wanted to ask was: Are you so confident in the revival of mobile phones?

Xia Jingxing smiled, then picked up the phone and replied, "There are many reasons!

First of all, it’s me personally. As a returned overseas student, when I was studying and starting a business abroad, I often heard foreigners’ understanding of Chinese society: Do you still use kerosene lamps? I heard that your streets are full of bicycles? The clothes are also the same blue and green? "

Listening to Xia Jingxing's vivid imitation tone, the audience burst into laughter.

Many of them have been abroad and know that foreigners always have some prejudices against China.

The few issues Xia Jingxing mentioned are actually quite good. They reflect that foreigners’ understanding of Chinese people is stuck in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.

The more exaggerated foreigners they met asked them why there were no pig tail braids on the back of their heads?

Xia Jingxing continued: "This outdated understanding stems from the overall unfamiliarity and understanding of China. Foreigners feel that our society is very closed.

The world is diverse and society is always moving forward.

This Olympic Games is a good opportunity to showcase our country's traditional culture, the results of thirty years of economic reform, and the people's livelihood and contentment.

As a Chinese and an entrepreneur, I personally feel extremely proud and honored to be able to participate in such a century-old event for the country and nation.

By the way, I invited many of my foreign friends to watch the Beijing Olympics, hoping to open their eyes and gain insights. "

The reporters were deeply affected by the sense of pride and glory that emerged from Xia Jingxing, and their expressions became solemn and solemn one by one.

Suddenly, when he heard Xia Jingxing's last words, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

This is the famous Xia's interview style, which is serious yet humorous. It is different from the solemn and programmed speaking style of domestic entrepreneurs throughout the article, which has impressed countless reporters.

"After talking about myself, let's talk about companies. Why should Fuxing Mobile sponsor this Olympics?"

Xia Jingxing's face returned to solemnity, and he asked and answered himself: "This is because the Olympic Games are a world-class event and event, which can provide huge brand exposure.

As we all know, Fuxing Mobile is a new brand, and many people may not have heard of it. We hope that by sponsoring the Olympic Games, more people will know about Fuxing, a mobile phone brand.

Of course, I have also done some math, because this Olympics was held in our country and attracted 1.3 billion more people's attention than other Olympics.

In terms of the number of followers, it is difficult for previous or future Olympic Games to surpass this one. Sponsoring this Olympics is very cost-effective! "

The reporters looked at Xia Jingxing's serious expression and wanted to laugh.

But when I think about it carefully, what Mr. Xia said is completely correct.

No matter how well other Olympic Games go, only a small number of Chinese people pay attention to them.

The Beijing Olympics are right at their doorstep, and many Chinese people may watch them all without missing a beat.

In terms of attention, this Olympic Games is truly unprecedented.

After Xia Jingxing finished his answer, the reporters applauded one after another. Most people did not regard it as a formality, but praised and admired them from the bottom of their hearts, because they saw in Xia Jingxing a kind of sincerity, easy-going, and upward power. .

After Xia Jingxing answered several reporters' questions one after another, the reporters began to ask Wang Jianyu questions.

"Mr. Wang, aren't the 100,000 Fuxing FX2 mobile phones sponsored by Fuxing Mobile sponsored for the Olympic Games? How can China Mobile receive them?"

Wang Jianyu replied with a bright smile: "Let me make it clear first that these 100,000 mobile phones are 100% sponsored by Fuxing Mobile for the Olympic Games, not for China Mobile.

But once you get a mobile phone, you have to have a phone card to make calls and surf the Internet, right?

Among the three major operators, because the Olympic Games selected us, we will receive these 100,000 mobile phones and provide communication services.

There are still two weeks until the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. During this period, we will give away 100,000 mobile phones and 100,000 phone cards containing 180 yuan of phone charges to Olympic volunteers and the Chinese sports delegation.

At that time, Olympic volunteers and the Chinese sports delegation will experience many special services such as Olympic mobile TV, Olympic video on demand, Olympic news, Olympic multimedia ring tones, etc. through Fuxing FX2, an officially designated Olympic mobile phone. "

Then, a reporter immediately asked: "This Olympics is a technology Olympics and a 3G Olympics. Can Fuxing FX2 use TD-SCDMA, a domestic standard 3G communication network?"

As soon as this question came out, you could hear the needle drop on the spot.

A well-informed reporter has already set his sights on Xia Jingxing, and the person involved looked as usual, as if he was sitting firmly on the fishing platform.

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