My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and twenty-five, conspiracy

Wang Jianyu's face didn't look good. This reporter was just making trouble.

Why he avoids talking about the 3G Olympics is because Dahan Telecom is at odds with Fuxing Industrial Group.

There are communication standards and communication equipment suppliers on one side, and terminal suppliers on the other. It’s hard for them as an operator to be caught in the middle!

Before Zhen Caiji went south to the devil's capital, he had approached him, but he didn't say harsh words like "If I offend Mr. Xia, no fishing friends will have to do anything in the future."

He believed that Zhen Caiji was sensible and should be able to handle this matter properly.

As a result, Zhen Caiji's performance still opened his eyes.

Of course, Xia Jingxing didn't give any face to Zhen Caiji, which also made him "look at him with admiration".

The two people seemed to be incompatible with each other, and news of a full-scale feud had spread in various circles.

After thinking for two or three seconds, Wang Jianyu quickly replied to the reporter with a smile: "Fuxing FX2 currently only supports EDGE and Wi-Fi networks, and a new version has not yet been developed.

China Mobile has launched a tender for TD terminals some time ago. It is expected to purchase 200,000 mobile phone terminals. This batch of mobile phones will be launched on the market in the near future. Please pay more attention! Thanks! "

After that, Wang Jianyu didn't give this reporter a chance to ask any more questions, and quickly asked another reporter to ask questions.

Taking advantage of the gap, Wang Jianyu glanced at Xia Jingxing out of the corner of his eye. The latter had an indifferent expression on his face, as if he was not affected by this incident at all.

The reporters in the audience have a very keen sense of smell. Some people have already seen some clues from Wang Jianyu's performance. I am afraid that Fuxing Industrial Group has really had a conflict with Dahan Telecom. Now this conflict and opposition has spread to the mobile phone business and communications business, which is quite serious. There is a kind of attitude of staying away from each other until death.

Some people looked at Xia Jingxing with their eyes and felt that this person was too fierce, and he didn't even give up the dignity of a government-owned enterprise.

Some people also think that Xia Jingxing's stubbornness has offended Dahan Telecom, which may cast a shadow on the development of Fuxing Mobile in the future.

After all, Dahan Telecom is now the hope of the whole village, and 4G and 5G may even dominate China’s communications market in the future.

If Fuxing Mobile offends such an upstream hegemon in the industry chain, it may not get any good results in the future.

Maybe we don’t have to wait until the future. Doesn’t the purchase of 200,000 TD terminals that Wang Jianyu just mentioned not be part of the revival of mobile phones?

Xia Jingxing looked calm and didn't seem to care about the 3G standard at all.

In addition to the domestic TD standard, China also has the European W-CDMA standard and the American CDMA2000 standard.

If Dahan Telecom does not license the patents related to the TD standard to Fuxing Mobile, then they will just give up the TD standard and mobile operators, and choose to cooperate with the other two major 3G communication standards and operators.

This may have a certain impact on the sales of Fuxing mobile phones, but the impact is very limited. Because the TD standard is immature and the mobile booth has such a promotion task, a lot of 3G users will be lost.

Xia Jingxing silently watched Wang Jianyu answer reporters' questions.

After a while, the press conference ended.

Xia Jingxing stood up and was about to leave, but was stopped by Wang Jianyu, who said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Xia, it's getting late, why don't we have lunch together?"

Xia Jingxing and Wang Jianyu looked at each other. The other person's eyes were sincere and he was looking at him with a smile.

After thinking for a moment, Xia Jingxing smiled and replied, "Okay! I will ask Mr. Wang to provide more follow-up support for these 100,000 mobile phones. I beg you!"

Wang Jianyu did not argue with Xia Jingxing about who invited whom, and walked towards the restaurant of the State Guesthouse with Xia Jingxing with a smile on his face.

The two came to a private room, ordered a few dishes, and chatted over tea.

"Mr. Xia, what do you think of TD standards?"

Wang Jianyu's directness made Xia Jingxing a little surprised, but he quickly answered: "Mr. Wang, our Fuxing Industry is not involved in the communications industry. We are purely laymen, so I'm afraid it's inconvenient to comment."

Wang Jianyu smiled brightly and said, "Mr. Xia, it's just the two of us now. Let's talk privately as friends. There's no need to be so restrained."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Wang Jianyu, who smiled like a Maitreya Buddha and had no airs of the head of the world's largest communications operator.

After thinking for a while, Xia Jingxing slowly said: "Part of the patents for the TD standard come from Siemens, and some are self-developed by our country. There are many flaws, and the exploration significance is greater than the practical significance."

Xia Jingxing's words were very direct and somewhat unpleasant, but Wang Jianyu was not angry because what he said was true.

"I said that China Mobile actually doesn't want to accept the task of promoting the TD standard. Do you believe it?"

Xia Jingxing smiled, "I believe this is a thankless task."

Wang Jianyu sighed, "But there is no way. If we let the other two companies promote the TD standard, it is equivalent to letting the TD standard die.

Only mobile with the largest market share and the most users can promote the TD standard as much as possible. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said nothing. To put it bluntly, the TD standard is a political task.

He believed that China Mobile was unwilling to take on this task, but his superiors had arranged it, so he could only grit his teeth.

If the promotion fails and mobile revenue and profits are severely hit, Chairman Wang Jianyu will not be able to take advantage of it.

"Mr. Xia, although the TD standard was developed by a company called Dahan Telecom, it actually undertakes the arduous task of breaking the Western blockade.

Dahan Telecom and China Mobile alone cannot accomplish anything.

The TD Industry Alliance urgently needs the participation of terminal manufacturers, and terminal manufacturers with market appeal like Fuxing Mobile. "

Wang Jianyu stared at Xia Jingxing with burning eyes, "I know that some of Zhen Caiji's actions and practices make you dissatisfied, but he alone cannot represent Dahan Telecom, let alone the TD Industry Alliance."

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, "Mr. Wang, I am not opposed to joining the TD Industry Alliance at all, but the key thing is, are they willing to let us join?

I know that Mr. Wang is also thinking about the overall situation and hopes to see good results in the TD standard, not only for mobile, but also for the entire industry chain and the entire country.

Therefore, I understand you very well and am willing to support your work. "

Wang Jianyu didn't expect Xia Jingxing to be so ideologically aware, and most of the rhetoric he prepared in his mind was useless.

He said with a smile on his face: "Mr.

After speaking, Wang Jianyu looked at Xia Jingxing a few times, fearing that the latter would regret it.

Xia Jingxing had a faint smile on his face. Although he didn't like Zhen Caiji, he didn't have much opinion on Dahan Telecom and TD Industry Alliance.

People like Zhen Caiji can only represent themselves and are not qualified to represent the struggles and efforts of countless people for more than ten years.

Zhen Caiji is right when he says that the TD standard is a small flame and needs everyone to protect it.

From the perspective of national interests, the TD standard needs to be developed, and it is necessary to accumulate as much technical foundation and industrial chain as possible to build momentum for 4G and 5G.

From the perspective of Fuxing Industrial Group, although the TD standard is useless, it cannot support the long industrial chain. If they agree to join, they can get a share of the pie from chips to terminals.

As for his personal grudges with Zhen Caiji, he didn't care that much. Anyway, someone would take care of this old cat in the future.

However, the premise for Fuxing Industrial to join the TD Industry Alliance is that the alliance must be fair and just.

If Zhen Caiji made any conditions or deliberately set up any obstacles, then why would Fuxing Industrial join in and become a doormat?

Anyway, he doesn't believe that without Fuxing Industrial, China's communications industry will have no future at all. They don't have that much energy.

Moreover, the Chrysanthemum Factory has been working hard over the years, and its development momentum is no weaker than in its previous life.

He deliberately agreed so readily because he wanted Wang Jianyu to do some activities.

In this way, Wang Jianyu will not be offended, but he can also show his generosity to his superiors.

If it works, just add one more communication standard to Fuxing Mobile;

If it fails, the responsibility will go to Zhen Caiji. The other party may offend Wang Jianyu, and may also cause dissatisfaction among the upper management.

Anyway, he won't suffer any loss in this matter. At the same time, he can also provide Zhen Caiji with a plot to see how the grandson will take the move.

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