My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and twenty-seven, family tradition

August 7th.

In the morning, Xia Jingxing took a bus to the Capital Airport.

He stood outside the VIP channel, pacing, looking down at the time on his watch from time to time, as if he was waiting for someone.

After almost half an hour, a group of people finally walked out of the VIP channel.

Xia Yuan and Zhang Yuqiong each supported Xia Jingxing's grandfather and grandmother and walked in the front. Behind them were uncle Xia Jingxing's family, including uncle, aunt, cousin, cousin-in-law, and the cousin's daughter, an eight or nine-year-old child. girl.

After seeing his relatives appear, Xia Jingxing immediately ran up to meet them. He first greeted his grandparents, parents, uncle, aunt, cousin, and cousin-in-law with a smile, and then went to rub his niece's little head. melon.

"Xinxin, you've grown taller again, and your uncle can hardly recognize you."

The little girl wore two braids and looked very well-behaved. However, she rarely saw Xia Jingxing in the past few years. She seemed to be a little shy and called out "uncle" in a weak voice.

"Who said on the plane that when I saw my uncle later, I wanted him to take me to climb the Great Wall? Now I have become a coward."

Xia Jingxing's cousin Xia Wenyun is in her early thirties, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, with a delicate face and a gentle smile. At this moment, she is holding her daughter's hand and teasing the little girl.

The little girl glanced at Xia Jingxing timidly, but still didn't dare to speak.

Seeing Xia Jingxing staring at his daughter, Xia Wenyun's husband Ye Cheng was afraid that his brother-in-law would be unhappy because of his daughter's birth status, so he quickly smiled and said: "Jing Xing, Xinxin is a bit introverted, don't be surprised."

Xia Jingxing turned his attention to his cousin-in-law Ye Cheng. Like his cousin, he also wore a pair of glasses. His whole temperament revealed a bit of elegance and easy-going, but the tone of his voice when he spoke to him revealed a bit of rawness. Points and courtesy.

Xia Jingxing thought for a moment and then he understood.

His cousin and cousin-in-law were relatively well-behaved people. Just like his uncle had never asked his father, the couple had never asked for any favors from their younger brother.

Thanks to his grandfather, the family tradition of the entire big family is relatively upright, and there are not so many troublesome things.

However, they could not resist the enthusiasm of the leaders in Chengdu.

Last year, Xia Jingxing heard from his father that the workplaces of his cousin and cousin-in-law had all been transferred from the county to the city.

My cousin was transformed from an ordinary primary school teacher to a primary school director, and her cousin-in-law was promoted from an ordinary doctor to the director of a department in a hospital. At the same time, the two of them also received many opportunities for further education.

After the superior leader talked to the couple, they did not dare to agree easily, and ran to the city to ask their second uncle Xia Yuan for advice.

How could Xia Yuan not know that this was a deliberate show of goodwill from the local government to their family? Because of this BOE project, my son has introduced tens of billions of investments to the Chengdu government.

It is no exaggeration to say that when the leaders of their hometown see the father and son, it is like seeing their relatives.

In order to avoid suspicion, the son and himself declined all kinds of good intentions from the Rongcheng government, so they targeted their own relatives.

Xia Jingxing's grandfather, an ordinary retired veteran, has also begun to enjoy the medical treatment of senior retired cadres. The city regularly sends a car to the countryside to take the old man and Xia Jingxing's grandmother to a large urban hospital for a physical check-up. The whole process is VIP Serve;

As for Xia Jingxing's uncle, not only did he become a regular teacher from a private school, he also became the vice principal of a primary school, and he might even become the principal in two years.

Xia Yuan knew where the bottom line should not be touched. He did not stop his niece and nephew-in-law from making progress. He comforted them for a while and allowed them to go to work in the new unit with confidence. At the same time, he also told them to pay attention to improving. Don't let others laugh at your business skills.

Xia Yuan also told his son his solution plan and asked for his opinion.

Xia Jingxing felt that his father handled it appropriately.

In fact, with his worth and wealth, there is no problem at all in raising a large family and living a superior life, but this has lost the original meaning of life.

Take his grandfather, for example. He has been farming all his life and moved to the capital to live. He is afraid that he will not even be able to chat with the well-informed uncles in the capital.

If he was willing to live in the city, his father would have taken his grandparents to live in the city long ago, so how could it be his turn.

The living environment, living habits and other things are relatively fixed, so there is no need to torment the elderly.

The most important issue for the elderly is their health, and the Chengdu government has made considerate arrangements for this, eliminating a lot of worries for him.

However, Xia Jingxing did not intend to take advantage of this for a long time. He would just donate a sum of money to the nursing home in the future.

As for his cousin and cousin-in-law, they are only seven or eight years older than him, and they still have many possibilities in life.

Xia Jingxing had no intention of letting them start a business or start a business with him. It would be good to support their progress and development in this major.

Of course, if they encounter any changes or problems in their lives in the future, Xia Jingxing will still try his best to help. After all, he only has such a sister.

Xia Jingxing still clearly remembers that when he was a child, his cousin took him everywhere, catching fish and shrimps, having picnics and barbecues, making handmade kites... The rural life every summer was the happiest time in his childhood.

Later, my cousin grew up, went to high school, went to college, got married, and I was also busy with my career, so gradually the contact became less and less. However, the true family love that is thicker than water will not fade over time.

This time when the Olympic Games were held in Beijing, he specially sent his private plane back to his hometown in Chengdu, just to bring his whole family to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games.

He doesn't intend for a large family to live a life where they have enough food to eat and clothes to wear, which can easily lead to a waste. However, these conditions can still be met by flying on a private jet, watching the Olympics on site, and traveling around the capital. .

My cousin-in-law was a little awkward and polite with him, and he probably felt timid because he felt that he had been favored too much.

All his thoughts turned away, Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, walked over and put his arms around his cousin-in-law Ye Cheng's shoulders, "Brother Cheng, I had something to do last year and didn't go home for the Spring Festival. I haven't seen you for more than a year. I see your white hair has grown." We’re out, the hospital work is hard, so you need to pay more attention to your health.”

Noticing this scene, Xia Shihe's stern face finally revealed a smile of relief.

"Jing Xing, what are you having for lunch? Let me make it clear first, I am not used to eating roast duck. Is there any Sichuan restaurant in the capital? I want to eat Sichuan food."

Xia Yuan looked at his father with a smile, "Dad, the capital is a big city, how can it be that there are no Sichuan restaurants?"

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Grandpa, don't worry about not getting used to it. I have already arranged everything. Let's go to the Sichuan Restaurant in the capital at noon. It is a Sichuan restaurant that the chief designer loves to eat. The taste is absolutely authentic."

Hearing the name of the chief designer, Xia Shihe's expression changed, and then he smiled, "You are promising now, and I would like to have some fun with you."

The whole family walked out of the airport chatting and laughing, then got into several cars waiting outside, and drove towards their destination, the Chuanshu Hotel.

At the wine table, after Xia Shihe drank a few glasses of Wuliangye, he began to ask Xia Jingxing about the development progress of his secret weapon.

Xia Jingxing was fully mentally prepared this time and said with a smile: "Research on neutron bombs is complicated and may take more than ten or twenty years to produce results. However, we have already developed small drones."

As he spoke, Xia Jingxing quickly took out his mobile phone, handed it to his grandfather like a treasure, and played the promotional video of DJI drones.

After watching the video for a while, Xia Shihe's cloudy eyes immediately became bright and clear, staring at the drone crossing the mountains and rivers in the video.

"It doesn't require a pilot to fly it? It's only a plane as big as a dustpan? Can explosives be tied to it?"

Xia Jingxing chuckled and nodded, "Yes, no one is required to fly the plane, it is smaller than a dustpan. As for strapping explosives... there is no need, that is a backward tactic of the Middle Eastern guerrillas.

Today's military technology is advancing rapidly. In the future, we will strive to make drones that are only as big as flies and mosquitoes. Enemy troops can be detected by reconnaissance eight hundred miles away, and then a signal is sent to guide large bombers to blow them up. "

Xia Shihe had a look of disbelief on his face. It took him a long time to digest this explosive news for him. Then the wrinkles on his face opened a little, and he said three words "good" three times in a row with a beaming face.

“Finally, studying in the United States was not in vain!”

After a rare compliment to his grandson, Xia Shihe picked up the wine glass, raised his head and drank all the wine. His face turned red and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Then he patted Xia Jingxing on the shoulder and said, "Don't be complacent just because you have achieved results. You must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and continue to work hard to build the mosquito plane as soon as possible."

Xia Jingxing pursed his lips and smiled and replied: "Okay, thank you grandpa for your teaching. I will continue to work hard!"

Xia Yuan and Zhang Yuqiong looked at each other and smiled. After all these years, they finally got the lie they told back then and their son was indeed capable.

Xia Jingxing actually knew very well that what his grandfather really cared about was not whether he could successfully develop a neutron bomb, but whether his highly educated grandson could serve the country.

People who came from their era had simple and simple patriotism.

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